
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mysterious Plant

I don't know what this stuff is, but I've seen it many times before. It's an interesting plant because it's so unique. I've never really seen anything else quite like this mysterious little plant.  It seems to grow all over around here. You can see that it's growing in the middle of a lot of gravel.

It's a nice little mystery. This is just one type of weed that grows around here among many. I took many pictures of this stuff, but only these came out okay. I tried to get some macro shots, but they all came out blurry. The top picture is actually a crop of a shot I took while standing over it.

I'm hoping to find out about a few things pretty soon so I can finally get my new camera. I'm not sure if my pictures will improve, but it'll make things a bit easier. All of my other plans are waiting on this news as well. Things seem to be taking a long time. I'm getting antsy.

Until then I'm going to keep taking pictures of things I find interesting around here. Who knows? I might end up finding a few hidden gems. Or maybe I'll end up getting better with my macros somehow. I kind of doubt that's going to happen.

I'll keep trying though. It never hurts to try. I've got so many things swirling in my mind right now. I hope I can do something about that soon. One day soon I'll have some big news and then the excitement will begin. Talk to you next time.


  1. Waiting to see your macro shots again.

    And you will then get the most happiness.

    1. I just wish my macro shots were better. Maybe one day they will be.

  2. Hello! May be it is a moss...Beautiful informative photo!

  3. it looks like very similar to one of our wildflowers here, like one specie of a coreopsis (sun flower) that has not yet bloomed.

    1. That could be. It's a very small plant though.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of camera you wind up with. I just hope my human doesn't get any smart ideas - we have MORE than enough cameras here to pester us kitties.

    1. I've just about decided on my new camera. I don't want to reveal which one before I'm ready to get it though, just in case I change my mind.

  5. I'll bet if you crush the leaves of that plant it will smell of pineapple. It looks like pineapple weed to me, a type of wild chamomile aka, Matricaria discoidea.

    Happy picture taking!

    1. I'm going to try crushing the leaves and smelling them. I'll bet you're right about it, you were right about my last mystery plant.

  6. We have this exact same weed in England!!

    I'm enjoying all these wonderful photos you are taking!!

    1. It's actually kind of fun knowing that you have the same weed in England too.

  7. Beautiful photograph, this plant looks beautiful, fantastic colours:) Greetings

    1. I'm glad you like this plant. It looks beautiful to me too.

  8. Ratty, wish I could tell you what that plant is but I don't know. It is very interesting though.

    1. Don't worry about it. Many people here appear to know what it is. I'm glad they do because I know just about nothing about plants.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks for confirming it. I looked for the stuff again and couldn't find it. I was hoping to smell it.
