
Monday, June 10, 2013

The Birds Are Back

I have a few reasons for my photos today. The first is to show again that those mourning doves really liked whatever ity was that they were eating. I only showed two in my other post but others kept going over there as well.

I actually lost a bit of interest because there are so many mourning doves around here. I like mourning doves, but I hear and see them all the time. It really did catch my eye though when I saw them over there concentrating so hard on their meal.

The next reason I'm revisiting this is because even the robins were interested in what the mourning doves had. This robin in the foreground of my picture really wanted to get its share of the food, but I don't think the mourning doves would have put up with the interloper.

You can see in my pictures that this poor robin kept walking back and forth, hoping that it could get its share of the food. It kept its distance though, not wanting to suffer the wrath of the mourning doves. There were other robins, but none quite so bold as this one.

And my last reason for these photos is because I haven't taken many pictures since then. I'm having a bit of mechanical trouble with my camera, so I'm planning on getting a new one. My viewfinder keeps shutting off, so it has become pretty useless. I can still look through the eye piece, but I don't want to have to do that every time.

So that has lead me to begin doing some research on which new camera I want to get. I've looked through many of them and eliminated most. I want one that can do at least as much as my current camera, but I also want some improvements.

I want faster continuous shooting for moving wildlife. My camera is terrible at this. It was the one flaw I found when I first bought it. I won't accept another one like it. I also don't want a full DSLR. I don't believe they're as versatile as the kind I like. Too many lenses to carry around.

The good thing is that I've narrowed my search down to one I think I might want. Some cameras have certain better features than this one, but are lacking in others. I think I've found one that balances out the best features that I require. But I still have some research to do. I like to be very thorough.

When I finally decide and get my new camera I'll reveal which one I've chosen. Then maybe I'll be taking pictures a little more quickly again. Until then I'm struggling along, but I'll try to keep up. Okay, that's enough for today. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Hi Ratty. Nice to see the hungry doves again and I love your robins- so different to ours. I'm interested to see which camera you get. I agree about the DSLR. I've (sort of) regretted getting mine, even though it's great, it's just too much for me I think. I have my eye on those Panasonic Lumix 'bridge' cameras. I can't remember the model names but I like the idea of interchangeable lenses but still having a semi compact camera. Trouble is, all the tech is in the lense so the cameras are affordable but the lenses seem to be expensive and if I sold my Canon and all the lenses, I wouldn't be able to match what I have. It's so annoying! I look forward to seeing what you get :) and the new pictures you take!

    1. I might change my mind about DSLRs if I had one. I just know a little more about the good point and shoot cameras. I mostly want something I can take quick pictures of wildlife and nature with. I really want to reveal which one I'm getting ahead of time, but I'm afraid I might change my mind, and then I'd be wrong. :)

  2. I didn't know mourning doves had tempers!

    My human is looking forward to finding out what camera you decide on - she prefers high-end point-and-shoots just because most DSLRs tend to be a little heavy - especially if you've invested in a really good zoom lens - and she can't be as spontaneous about photographing us cats.

    1. I'll reveal which one I like probably around the time I get it. Right now the one I'm looking at is especially good for getting action shots.

  3. The picture tells a story, feel sorry about the robins. Hope you find the camera that would meet your needs best.

    1. I'll bet the robin ended up getting what it wanted. I think I've already found the right camera, but I want to be thorough about it.

  4. I'm enjoying your discussion about cameras and DSLR! I went from an SLR with 4 lenses to digital point and shoot, and then landed on my Cannon G5, which is old now, but which I just love....every time I think I need something bigger and better, I chicken I'll watch to see what you come up with first, Ratty, as I continue to stall for time....

    1. I've always had Canons myself. I almost decided on another one, but right now I'm looking at different brand. That change is why I'm going to take a good amount of time deciding on what I want to do.

  5. Hello! There are beautiful colors in these photos...

  6. Hi ratty, it's lovely to see all the birds and wildlife coming back again and all the activity going on within the different groups. I have been reading through your older post and have especially loved the colour themed ones. Promise not to be gone for so long next time!!

    1. The birds are good to get when I can see them. Now that the leaves are on the trees only the birds on the ground are easy to see.

  7. I bought a new..not very expensive ( $400 ) Canon before my first India trip. I'd like a more versatile one but this suits my needs and isn't too heavy to lug around. I'm back now for my third visit, will stay, hopefully, six months. Busy fighting the monsoon rains.

    1. The important thing is to have a camera that suits your needs. You won't need anything more fancy. I'm looking for the same thing this time.

  8. Keep us posted on the camera quest. I'm not too happy with the newer version of the Canon I got.

    1. I'm not satisfied with the newer Canon either. That's why I'm most likely going to change brands. I'm still waiting for a few things and a final decision, but I'll do a whole post on the new camera I get.
