
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Like This Stuff

I was wandering around when I found this moss on the ground. I'm fascinated by the stuff, but I rarely share the pictures here because I don't know what to write about it. I tried to get a good macro shot, but as you can see it didn't work out very well.

A combination of camera troubles and bad eyesight are preventing me from doing any better than this. I keep telling myself to go get my glasses, but I never actually go. I figure I'll take care of it around the time I get my new camera. It's just a pretty long drive to take care of all this stuff.

Until then, I have these pictures of this moss. I'm not sure what it is that I like about it. Maybe it's because it just looks so smooth. All of those tiny bits in there. I want to get the camera as close as I can, but it never seems to quite work out.

You can see in the second picture that it isn't a very big patch of moss. The gravel around it can be just as interesting if I'm in the right mood. A good picture of gravel is always fun too. But today it was the moss.

Have you ever walked on moss barefoot? I like that feeling. This patch isn't big enough to do that, but I could put my hand on it to feel the texture. Like I said, I like the stuff. You expect the feeling of grass, but it's not the same at all.

Maybe next time I'll try to do my macro shot with the viewfinder instead of the view screen. I can see a lot better through that. Maybe it'll help. Still, even without the best pictures, it's interesting stuff. Okay, that's enough for now. Talk to you later.


  1. I love the shots you have taken Ratty. Although you are saying they aren't very good I think they show moss in two very different perspectives which got me thinking a lot more about the stuff and it's genetic make-up than I ever have before. I don't think I have ever seen moss such a vibrant green either!

    1. The shots are okay, but they could be a little sharper. Moss is an interesting subject to think about. I know I need to learn more about it.

  2. My human likes moss too - it's the texture that she finds really appealing.

    1. The texture is exactly what I like about it, and that vibrant green color.

  3. I love moss too, and somehow, we both share the same challenge in shooting for macro, I have poor vision too, and sometimes, the more I struggle in seeing, the more I get headache, so I stop.

    1. Yeah, bad vision is not fun at all. I'm hoping I'll be lucky enough to take care of mine pretty soon though.

  4. I love moss too.

    They are beautiful, especially in a close up look.

  5. I like the feeling of moss on bare feet too! It's so luxurious yet cool. And I relate to your struggle with macro photos. Sometimes I get it and sometimes I really don't.

    1. Yeah, I tried a few macro photos again today and completely failed. I really hope I can improve that soon.

  6. That moss is very interesting- like a bunch of little balls. I don't think we have that here- not common anyway. I'm no moss expert.

    1. I think I've seen this same stuff in Michigan, but I know little about it as well.
