
Friday, May 3, 2013

Bratty Ratty

I've been in a bit of a snit for the past few days. Because of that, I took a day off from everything, even blogging. What got me pouting like a bratty little child? It's that mean old winter! It just won't go away.

It was looking like spring was here all the way, but winter came back to dump a few more inches of snow on us once again. I was told that it hasn't done anything like this around here in the month of May since 1947.

So we get another week of cold weather before it's going to warm up again. And I have to look out my window at the wet, slushy snow all around my yard. One of these days spring is going to get here to stay. I just know it.

Even with the cold weather, I'm seeing birds coming around from all over. The big bird in my dark pictures is one of three turkey vultures that were flying around above my house. They come around here pretty often. There have even been big predator birds hunting right on my property.

The thing I like about living here is that even if I don't feel like going out to a nature park I can wander my own property to find plenty of nature. It's a big place. My dad really did choose a good place to live. He had been trying to get me to move here for a long time. I'm glad I finally did.

Okay, I think that's enough for today. I think I'll go back to grumbling about the cold weather. I'm glad it'll be better in a few short days.


  1. I don't blame you for grumbling! I can't believe some parts of the country are still getting snow!

  2. It is all coming, in a few months it may be too hot.Gives us something to talk about.i have been out fishing a few times, I have a license in both IA and NE.

    1. It's already starting to warm up. One of these times it will stick.

  3. Those vultures should clean up any nasty winter artifacts!

    1. I sure hope they do. And I hope I keep getting plenty of pictures of them.
