
Monday, May 6, 2013

A Predictable Robin

An American robin is always easy to spot. Any time you see a bird wandering around on the ground around here, you know it's got to be a robin. I almost never see any other birds on the ground. They're usually perched in a tree or some other high up place. Not with robins.

In most years I would have already given you several posts featuring robins, but this is actually my first robin post of the year. I've seen plenty of them, but I haven't even taken their pictures up until now. It has been all because of the medicine I take for my head. It takes the pain away, but also stifles almost all of my creativity.

So, why am I writing a lot now all of a sudden? I'm embarrassed to say it, but it's because of pure laziness. I needed to refill my prescription when I went into town to go to the grocery store, but I forgot. When I realized what had happened I just didn't feel like going back.

After a few days my head began to clear up. The good thing is that the pain isn't as bad as before, so I'm going to limit how much of the medicine I take to see if that works better. Neither extreme situation is tolerable for me. I don't want the pain, but I also don't want the frustration I had while fully on this medicine. So I'm going to try to be somewhere in the middle.

Right now instead of wanting to write, but feeling myself being held back, I feel the need to write pulling me along in a tidal wave. I have been writing obsessively for the past week. It will eventually slow down at least a little bit, but I'm happy with it all right now.

At least now I can write about this robin and the words just flow right out. I can't even describe how much I missed being able to do that. My usual writing style is that I just think and type at the same time. Everything that goes onto the page is the instant thought that I just had. I try not to take much time to think about things. I just type my first thoughts. It works well that way.

That's how I can have my first pictures of a beautiful American robin, and then not actually say much about him. I'm really still thinking about him, but there are so many more thoughts coming through that I have to write them first. I hope it's just as good this way. Talk to you later.


  1. I hope things work out better for you with your meds - it must be really frustrating to have your creativity numbed out like that.

    1. Yeah, I hope that one of these days I find a happy medium with them so that I can get rid of the head pain and still have the writing.

  2. Ratty- I am so glad you are feeling creative. Hopefully you can come to some kind of compromise with those meds. That little car crash sure has changed your life.

    1. The funny thing is that I really didn't realize how injured I was at the time of the accident. That probably made things worse.

  3. Beautiful photographs, fantastic post:) Greetings

    1. Thank you. It's always good to see your comments.
