
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Isabella's Argument With A Squirrel

I have something fun for you today. I got my best pictures yet since being here in my new home, and I also have the return of Rat TV! "So what's fun about that," you say. Well, Rat TV features the tail end of an argument between my dog Isabella and the squirrel you see in these pictures.

Isabella was outside happily playing when this squirrel high up in a tree started angrily chattering down at her. It had some kind of nut in its mouth and decided it had to protect its new-found meal from all comers, and Isabella happened to end up right in the squirrel's line of fire.

The squirrel vented its anger on this poor big half Great Dane, and she had no choice but to retaliate. The squirrel chattered at her and she barked back at the squirrel. And Ratty ran to get his camera!

I got back out just in time to catch the tail end of this battle of wills. I don't think there was really a winner. The fight just kind of died out after they realized there would be no actual violence involved.

This all happened a few days ago. And the very next day after that I had Isabella out in the front of the house on her chain when she saw this same angry little squirrel crossing the street. She tore off after him as if that squirrel's life depended on it, and it did!

Lucky for the squirrel, he made it up that same tree and out of sight. Isabella was not through though. She sat under that tree and waited. Ever since then she goes over to that tree and waits for the squirrel now. She is now obsessed with catching her little aggressor. He better hope she never does.

That little squirrel better stay pretty far away to keep Isabella from getting him. If you'd like to travel somewhere far away and maybe exotic, you might want to consider flights to New Zealand. I don't know if they have squirrels there, but hopefully their animals are smart enough not to start an argument with a dingo. 

Isabella is kind of a big one for a squirrel to take on, and I think she's a little too good at catching little critters. I'd hate to go out one day and find her playing with the squirrel. I'll have to keep an eye on her for awhile I guess.

And now we come to the end. See, I told you it would be fun. You got an argument, some great pictures, Rat TV, and even a little ad. Fun, fun, fun! Humor me! I'll be back next time with something I hope you'll really like! No moose and squirrel though.They were in this post.


  1. Yes, there will not be a winner in this battle, but it was fun to watch your little clip of them.

  2. The squirrel looks very hot in the color of golden sunlight.

  3. A lasting saga I expect. You really caught some nice light to accent your shots.

  4. so cute! nice contents here, keep it up!

  5. it sounds like the game is not over for Isabella just yet. She must be a very determined dog :)

    1. Isabella still watches that squirrel. She almost got him yesterday.

  6. Great post Ratty! I sure hope Isabella never catches the squirrel. As long as she's tied up the squirrel will be safe. Squirrels are smart.

    1. She almost got the squirrel. He's getting a little too close.

  7. Ah... squirrel vs dog- must be one of the longest-running wars in the universe

    1. Isabella is definitely playing her role to the hilt.

  8. love the short movie of isabella and the squirrel, so fun to watch, and the image of the squirrel there in the golden light is really captivating.

    1. I think I caught it all at just the right moment.

  9. That squirrel had better watch his back! My human got some squirrel shots and put them on her new photo blog - you should check them out: (Yes, the first three are all different shots.)

    1. I'll definitely take a look. I'm late by a few days because it's been so busy around here.

  10. Such a great tale you are able to tell here Ratty...and it was lovely to see Isabella in action, I had never noticed the white tips on her tail and paws before...she is very beautiful!!

    1. I think that white tipped tail gives her a slightly comical look that she needs.

  11. Wonderful post, and lively too. What a beautiful friend you have there. You are a lucky man, and Isabelle is lucky too. I'll bet you make quite the pair.

    1. I agree, we are bo0th very lucky. We needed each other a lot.

  12. And the war is on! Isabelle will be waiting and I'm sure the squirrel will do it's best to tease her whenever possible. That was a fun video Ratty.

    1. The squirrel has already started on her, and she almost caught him.

  13. Hello! What a beautiful TV! Welll done! I agree with You that the photos are beautiful!

    1. They'll be the first good pictures of many here now.
