
Monday, March 12, 2012

Exciting News On The Eagle

One of the two bald eagles came back, and it was actually sitting in a tree in my yard! I watched it fly away when I went out to let the dog out. It was only about twenty feet off the ground. Isabella thought it was a monster, and she was frightened back inside the house.

I didn't really get any pictures of it though because it was late evening and the light was fading fast. The pictures I have for you today show what I believe is the female bald eagle. It was the other bird flying around up there the first time.

This one came in closer than the male so I got these better pictures. This is why I doubted that they were bald eagles. I didn't stop to think that the females might not have that white head. This also may be a juvenile bald eagle. They also are missing the white until they get older.

I wish I could fly like that. I'd go to places I'd never been to before, like New York or somewhere. I can't do that, so I guess I'll have to check for New York flights in my area if I'm ever able to make the trip. It might be fun going on a trip like that. I'd be higher up than these eagles.

But since I'm down here looking up, I might as well enjoy the eagles, and admire them in all their glory. I'm having so much of a good time at my new home right now. Spring has come early here, and the weather is just glorious.

It's also been a busy week for me. I'm just now beginning to arrange to bring all of my things from Michigan. It looks like I've decided to stay here. It's been hard being without all of my things, but I love it here so much that I don't want to leave.


  1. That is one big bird ratty. I believe the female and male bald eagles look alike. It could be a juvenile but the tail looks like a hawk. Hard to say.

    1. I thought it might be a juvenile. I think the other is very young as well.

  2. Fantastic shots of this bird on a blue sky background Ratty! How exciting to see it so close.

  3. WOW! I can't imagine seeing one of those in MY YARD! That is so cool, Ratty!

    I'm glad that you like it where you are at. How nice that you have settled in enough to move all your belongings in. :) Looks like you found "home", eh?

    1. It was very exciting seeing it here.

      I did indeed find home.

  4. Great photos Ratty. You will have to keep a watchful eye this summer as if it is a pair hanging about then maybe they have chosen to nest near by and you might see some new babies taking flight!!

    1. I think I'll see many more eagles. There area lot of these big birds around here.

  5. If the eagle land for a prey, ride on it and you can fly.

    1. If it gets close enough I'll try to go for a ride on it.

  6. Beautiful captures of that magnificent bird!!! Perfect colors!! I'm sure you will be getting lots of photos now. I'm glad they are close by for you.

    1. Now that it's warm I plan on getting out to some of the parks near me too.

  7. A nice visitor to have. I used to have them all around my home, it kept down the roadkill also.

  8. Ratty, I'm certain that's a juvenile bald eagle. The adult male and female look the same. Eagles are big, and when in flight the head and tail appear "balanced" in silhouette. The spotty white and brown underparts on this one look right, and the tail is short and fanning into a semi circle. I've seen many adults, but only 2 juvies in my day, but yours sure looks like an eagle.

    Hey, thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments on my artwork. I'm happy to hear from you! :-)


    1. These are a little smaller so I'm guessing you're right that they're juvenile eagles.

  9. That eagle is amazing! No wonder you want to stay.

    1. There are so many good things here that I'd be foolish to leave now.

  10. wow, what a wonderful capture of the eagle in flight. It's so pretty high up there, i would not leave until probably he leaves me, always find it exciting to see one.

    1. I think I saw an eagle close by again today, but the trees blocked my view.

  11. Ahhh...I would have loved to have enjoyed this bird with you!!!

    Eagles are mesmerizing to watch while in you well know.

    Glad to learn that you are in a good place Ratty.:)

    1. I've heard there are a lot of eagles around here, so I'm excited to be able to get to see more in the future.

  12. Aw... I'm sort of sorry to hear that you are moving because it seems less likely I'll ever really meet you, but Iowa isn't really that far.

    The juvenile eagles are brown, but that doesn't have the spread feathers at the ends of the wings that I'd expect in an eagle.

    1. I think I'll still be going to Michigan at times, but this will be my main home. We may yet meet one day.

      I thought it looked like a hawk, but it was with that eagle, and other pictures I've seen seem to match.

  13. Great pictures, Ratty. I think that you have finally decided that this is home and will move your belongings permanently, you'll really feel good about your decisions. Of course, you can get back to Michigan any time. If I could just bring myself to leave the SF area, I could manage to live on my retirement. I could do that easily in India, too, where I am happiest. I am crying every day at the thought of leaving...and I am miserable...I have found I am happiest here in this country.

    1. Everyone needs a place to feel at home. That takes a long time for some of us. I've heard that a lot of the cities in California are very expensive to live in. It's cheap here in Iowa, but there aren't as many people.

  14. I saw two Bald Eagles flying around my yard today. Clarkston (Oakland county). Amazing site.
