
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why Did The Egret Cross The Road?

After leaving the scene with the egret that I showed you in my last post, I decided to finally get to what I had intended. The nature trails! I was just a bit surprised by the small amount of geese this time. One of you asked about that. Geese like to move on as much as they can, and this lake covers many areas outside this park, so their absence wasn't a total surprise.

Anyway, when I rounded the first corner I found another egret! It seems that it's time for the egrets at this park now. I actually got pretty close to this one because it needed to walk somewhere, and they apparently don't walk very fast. I still stayed politely back though.

So, why did the egret cross the road? That's simple. To get to the lake on the other side. This lake seems to be separated in several places by these trails, and a few bridges. I honestly thought when I first saw this place from the freeway that it was an old garbage dump, but I'm glad I found out I was wrong. Maybe they fixed a human wrong. That's a good sign.

So the egret got to the edge of the water, but I could still see it. I'm sure this bird didn't really like me being there, but I had to get my pictures. I assumed he was going to fly away, but there was some reason that he hesitated.

I tried to get a little bit of video of his exit, but he just didn't seem to want to go just yet. He didn't even move. So my video will have to remain for my eyes only because it would bore you to tears. And who's fault is that?

This mother swan and her cygnets were responsible for the caution of the egret. They were swimming right for him. It was a chance meeting, and the egret was being polite, even while he thought he was in danger. Eventually though, the egret finally decided that it was time to fly away. My video was turned off by then.

I decided that maybe it was also time for me to move on. There were more animals to see, and even I know better than to mess with a mother swan.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You are having some pretty interesting bird encounters! And getting some good pictures!

  2. Why an egret have to walk, not fly?

    And we who can only walk are eager to fly.

  3. It is beautiful walking with You in this place!
    Beautiful photos!
    (I had problem in my computer and with my internet)

  4. These photos are good Ratty! You really captured the essence of the Egret in its hunting pose. Nice to tag along with you!

  5. it was the day for white bird encounters

  6. Thank you all for your comments. I treasure each one.

  7. but of course, why else would the Egret cross the road :)

  8. Thank You very much for these beautiful photos!

  9. Wow they are so interesting birds. Look at that neck really long. Hi there I've added your link to my blog can you do the same for me if you don't mind? thanks so much. Have a great weekend.

  10. As a nature lover , you blog is a breath of fresh air to me. Absolutely astonishing pictures and that hint of humor you use, makes your writings a delightful reading. Kisses.

  11. Love these pics. Especially the one walking across the road.

  12. oh, very catchy title, and love the answer :) beautiful pictures to add to the beautiful story that brings smiles.

  13. Such a lovely's nice when the wildlife can co-exist peacefully.

  14. It looks a bit crowded there in Ratty's bird sanctuary!
