
Monday, July 11, 2011

I Found A Chickadee

I was surprised when I found this black-capped chickadee flying around in front of me on the nature trail. I thought maybe they wouldn't be around this time of year. They are one of the few kinds of birds I saw here last winter, so I thought maybe they preferred the cold. I guess that was wrong.

The reason for my assumption is that I make a point of learning only what I need when I see an animal. That way I can remember more about all the animals I see as I go along. This way, even though I'm no encyclopedia on each animal, I remember at least a little bit about each one I encounter. And I know more and more as time goes on.

And now I know that these little chickadees stay around here all year. I also remember from encountering them on so many occasions what sound they make. I didn't consider myself good with bird sounds before, but I'm beginning to learn a few of them.

Anyway, I remember looking up high in a tree and seeing an odd sort of bird house. I wish I would have thought to get a picture of it. Maybe next time. It was three little fast moving birds that distracted me from it. They were not very far off the ground, and I was hoping they would slow down enough for me to get a picture.

They quickly flew across the trail in front of me, and one of them stopped on a close by branch. I quickly began taking my pictures. And before it flew away, this is what I got. Taking these pictures is so much fun!

And now to change the subject. Is anyone else geekily excited about the new beta Blogger? Just when I gave up waiting for it, it showed up when I turned on my browser. I use Firefox. I thought maybe I was on the wrong page for a second there. But now I've been happily exploring this fancy new interface. I have to say that writing a post has been much improved.

See ya soon!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Hello! Beautiful photos! Thank You very much for the Nature Center Magazine link...

  2. I moved a feeder with sunflowers close to where i sit and enjoy these birds coming in close.

    I am having a hard time posting pics on blogger.Not sure if it is the new system or what.

  3. oh, so pretty, indeed our walks teach us things from what we observe.

  4. I love these little birds. They are so cute and they have the curest sound. I am seeing the juveniles now. Their feathers are a bit messy and fuzzy sometimes. They are quick so it's hard to get pics at times.
    I haven't noticed anything new except when I add pictures five ata time they aren't in the order that they used to be.

  5. @Amin
    Thanks. The Nature Center Magazine Link will always be there.

    @Out On The Prairie
    I haven't had the same problem with pictures. But it might be something Blogger is working on.

    @Interesting Pictures
    Thank you.

    Walking through nature areas can teach us many things.

    I'd love to see some of the juveniles. Right now I only get to see things like that in your pictures.
    The new stuff is only in the beta version. I hope they fix the thing with the pictures, but I never post them in the right order anyway.

  6. i like the chickadee, but i hate the new blogger interface. there are all kinds of things that dont work right and the pale colors are difficult.

  7. @Sharkbytes
    I haven't discovered much that doesn't work right yet, but I completely agree about the pale colors.

  8. A day a walk keeps the teacher away?

  9. @Rainfield
    Yup. It makes the animals and nature the teacher.

  10. My favorite bird! It's one of just a few birds that stay here all year and I appreciate them so!

  11. I enjoyed today's episode of Bird TV, Ratty! My blog is on Wordpress, and we just went through a fairly major update that changed the look of the backend too.

  12. What a wonderful first shot...not a bird I am familiar with either so thank you. :-)

  13. Beautiful photos of this chickadee, Ratty!

    What is the Beta Blogger? No "geeky" idea for me..

  14. @montucky
    I'm beginning to like them a lot too. I like the ones that stay around.

    I should take a look at the Wordpress update. It sounds interesting. I have an account there, but I only use it for posting comments right now.

    These are very social little birds. You would love them.

    @Icy BC
    Beta Blogger is what I call Blogger in Draft. It's the beta version of our Blogger dashboard where we can test out new features before they are completely finished. They are still sometimes a little buggy, but they're mostly done. It can be used either temporarily or permanently. You can find it at

  15. Wonderful photo of chickadee! Yes chickadees are ubiquitous but they are an intricate and important part of our ecosystems. One of my personal favorites. Happy personalities and beautiful mating song.

  16. @Wild_Bill
    It's those little personalities that I noticed first about them. They don't seem to be afraid of anything. Very friendly.

  17. What a sweet little bird! I don't think I've ever seen a chickadee flying around here. I'm no bird expert, though. I can identify robins, cardinals, blue jays and hummingbirds but not much more...oh, yes, hawks, eagles, ostriches and imus!
