
Friday, April 1, 2011

Where I've Never Been Before

Look past that fallen tree, down to the water of the lake in the background. That closer water is a creek that feeds the lake. It is down a steep drop off, and I have never been down there, until now!

I searched and searched until I found a good path to get down there. I have never seen another living persone down there at that place. Only ducks and geese. That only made me want to go down there even more.

So there I was, down the side. I was standing by the side of this creek, looking out at the lake and everything surrounding it. There were no ducks or geese here this time, but I was here. I found no human footprints anywhere.

Do you know what it feels like to set foot on a place where you know nobody ever goes. Even if you're not the first, you know you won't be bothered, and this is a real adventure. To go off the path can be a very good thing in the right conditions.

This picture is from the same spot. I'm just looking in the other direction. The creek goes up until I can't see it anymore. I thought about finding the source, but I decided that just being in this place was enough for today.

There will be another day when I travel up this creek to find where it comes from, and then there will be another great adventure. I can only imagine what wonders await me there. Maybe I'll find gold and treasure. Maybe I'll only find more trees and plants. Either is good.

After my daydreaming it was time to go back to civilization. I went back up the hill to deal with the people who come through here walking their dogs. What a mundane thought. But at least I was down there where no one had gone before. It was thrilling!

Yup, I'm an adventurer. I adventured. It may not change the world, but it certainly changed me just a little bit.

Nature Center Magazine - It's Nature Center Magazine's birthday! We are officially one year old today!


  1. How wonderful to find a place where there is nobody around! Well, you're a great adventurer, and that's what adventurer!

  2. You are a good adventurer. You have to name the place under your name!!

  3. I hope you have some good mud boots to explore farther. A nice area to explore when nobody else goes there.

  4. @Icy BC
    It still wasn't perfect. I'll need to see where that river comes from next.

    I'll name it Rattopia!

    @Out on the prairie
    I have very good boots for this kind of adventure. I used them yesterday for a very muddy hike.

  5. Horray! I'm feeling so much that way, too... that I just have to get out and explore places that are new to me.

  6. always good to find new places to explore and to find one where no one else goes is a plus.

  7. I'm glad you are exploring more again Ratty. Just be careful wandering around all alone like that. If something happened no one would find you. it does look peaceful there. I love looking through those woods.

  8. It is a special feeling indeed to go where no one else does!

  9. This is a very inspirational post. Venturing out in the wild does change one.:)

  10. @Sharkbytes
    New places are so often the best. I'm glad there's always a place that's new.

    That no one else goes here is the key. I just have to make sure they don't see me on the secret path to get there.

    I'm usually pretty safe. I keep a cell phone with me and my general location is always known by someone.

    Being out there all alone is one of the best feelings I've ever had.

    Thank you. I know being out there always changes my moodfor the better.

  11. I keep telling my human it would be so good for my soul to get out and explore... she isn't buying it.

  12. What an adventure Ratty, to be somewhere so unspoiled by humans is a very magical and uncommon thing these days. I can't wait to share you adventures of this place even further.

  13. There is a reason you are called the everyday adventurer. Even in the civilized world you find nooks and crannies that others don't go to. And the reward, I suspect, is the excitement and memories that you have. And the wonderful photos!
