
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Little Fat Buddy

My forest is full of fatties! I showed you a little chubby squirrel a few posts ago, but I guessed that fat was just a trick of the way the little squirrel was sitting. Well, this one today is no trick at all! This squirrel is indeed fat fat fat.

I heard this little guy making a bit of noise in this tree and I quickly found him up there. He didn't seem to see me there because I kept my distance. That's one thing good about my camera; I can stay back a bit and still get decent pictures.

I've said before though that this comfort takes away a bit of the adventure that I got while needing to sneak up on the animals with my old camera. I got pretty good at it, and I'm sure I've lost some f that skill. but my pictures are better now, and I wouldn't want to go back.

I was able to enjoy watching this little guy in all his best poses. Yup, I identify him as a he because I am a he. You can call him she if you'd like. He. She. Both equally good. Anyway, I was having such a good time watching the little squirrel in such interesting poses.

Look at the way it is holding its paw up to its chest like that. The last little chubby squirrel did the same thing. Interesting. I wonder why they do that. I've seen the same pose from the first picture several times too. My little fat buddy here did both.

Oh no! He spotted me! He doesn't look any too happy that I've been eavesdropping on him, does he? These squirrels sure are a touchy bunch. I can't understand why they hate being stalked. Maybe they're all nuts.

I mean, you wouldn't mind finding some weirdo peeping in your living room window at you, would you? As an added fright, he begins taking pictures of you! Think about that one for awhile.

But then the squirrel got a bit of an itch. Everything was back to normal and I wouldn't have the squirrel cops sent after me. This was mostly because the squirrel finally realized I wasn't just a big dumb squirrel. I was just one of those snoopy giants that can't climb trees like squirrels can. So he ignored me after that.

And there he sat, ignoring me for all he was worth! I was now a nothing to this little fatty. That's okay. I watched this little squirrel for a few minutes longer before it scampered through the trees and out of sight. I then thanked him for the pictures and moved on to my next little adventure.

You know, I intended to post this one a couple days ago, but health still won't let me move forward as quickly as I'd like. The animals are all waking up for spring, so I am now getting plenty of good stuff to share. Hopefully the next post will come sooner. Talk to you then!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. He is very well fed, maybe the one at my feeders all the time.

  2. wow that is one fat squirrel. He obviously has found a good place to eat.

  3. Hopefully it still can jump and climb swiftly. It needs diet control.

  4. The light angle sure made his orange parts stand out. I think those Fox Squirrels are more susceptible to overeating. I used to see fat ones in A2 a lot. Never see a fat gray.

  5. He is so cute! We love watching the squirrels eat the birdseed we put out . They are so fun!

  6. He's really cute! He's so chubby that at first glance I thought he was a ground squirrel.

  7. That squirrel needs an exercise regimen!

  8. @Out on the prairie
    I'll bet he doesn't get too far from his little area. :)

    The forest here seems to be a paradise for the animals in it.

    It was jumping and climbing very well the last time I saw it.

    I wonder if they're maybe supposed to be that fat. I've seen a lot of these little fatties. Every kind of squirrel in this little forest seems to be well fed, even the grays.

    I agree completely. Squirrels are some of the funnest creatures to watch.

    I thought that exact same thing with the last little chubby I saw.

    He seemed to be getting through the trees easy enough. Maybe he was starting his exercise up.

  9. He sure is a fatty! Beautiful photos Ratty!!

  10. @Ginnymo
    Thanks. My forest here seems to like the little fatties.

  11. Hi Ratty! We've squirrels here in Palawan also but not as big as your Little Fat Buddy!

  12. I love the pictures you have of this squirrel...I think in the fourth one he is having a little chuckle to himself when he realises how safe he is up in that tree far away from you before he turns his back on you to scamper off with you having no way to follow!!
