
Friday, November 12, 2010

Small Bridges

It's been awhile since my last update. As I wrote that last one I had intended to increase my presence here in the blogging world and the world of nature. It was a good plan, but many plans don't seem to work out very well at first.

It was the day I had gone to the neurologist. I told myself at the time that I would begin by visiting all of my favorite blogs and leaving a few comments. And I was able to do a few. But I was given a prescription for some pills to try to get rid of the headaches I've had since the accident.

Ever since all of that, things have been nothing but a blur. Oh, the headaches never went away, but everything else did. The one thing I have had has been a whole lot of sleep... And some crrraaazzy dreams. But those aren't fun for me to share. What I'm more interested in is nature.

The pictures in this post are from the second time I have been out since my car accident. I believe this was from the day after my last post, but my memory is still not very good. These pictures show some of the small bridges I routinely cross in this small nature park.

I think I've taken pictures of that first one from every angle and at every season now. I never get tired of it, but I only share it rarely because nobody wants to see the same thing over and over all the time. I actually see something different every time I approach that bridge. It's a thing you have to be there to experience properly.

The second picture just above is the walkway that leads to the fishing platform on the lake. This walkway was among the first pictures I ever showed from this park. The difference is that I took those from the opposite direction, from that hill in the distance of the picture.

This last little bridge is really the first. This one is at the front of the park. When you cross this bridge you are officially on the trail into the park. It feels like crossing over into another world when you are walking over this small bridge. On this side is the parking lot. On the other is the entrance to the forest. When you get to that side, the parking lot is no longer visible. Only nature.

And I think we'll end it there for now. I'm not sure when my next post will be right now. It could be tomorrow or it could take another week or two. I might pop up in your comments section before that. I just can't be sure. But I've decided that's okay for now. I can only do what I can do. I'm just glad that I can still do it at all.

Nature Center Magazine - We're still rolling along at Nature Center Magazine. There are so many things to see, and we are getting better all the time. Come over and see for yourself.


  1. I understand your loneliness without visiting the nature, but you still have a pair of sharp eyes once being there.

  2. I try not to make too many plans since things usually don't go the way I intended. Love the photos.

  3. I like the comment when you cross that bridge it places you in another world.I would call that , HAPPINESS.Enjoy your outdoors.

  4. Oh boy my plans never work our either, especially where nature is concerned. But, as always, you did get some great shots!! I am sorry to hear you are dealing with the headaches. I hate how some medicine makes you feel.

    Right now I am on some for insomnia and I feel hung over all day. It's all I can do to muster up the energy to take any pictures out all and I certainly don't feel like going hunting around for them.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Because e all love your adventures!

  5. Hope you are soon feeling better! Lovely shots!

  6. Haven't visited u for quite some times. I miss what happened to you. Hope you recover soon

  7. Thanks, everyone, for your comments. They are always much appreciated.

    @Kruel74 and anyone else who is wondering -
    I was in a car accident at the beginning of September, and I've been trying to recover from it. I'm still having a lot of problems from that, so my nature hikes and my blogging have slowed down considerably for now. Some of my blog posts fropm the last two months explain in further detail if you're wondering. Thanks.

  8. Ratty- It's so good to see you whenever you can share your experiences. I sure hope your headaches and grogginess begin to improve soon.

  9. Hi Ratty,
    I am glad to see you well enough to do a little post here. I hope you start feeling better more quickly. You must be so frustrated and uncomfortable. Dizzy and headaches are the worst. Be well!!! Get well!!! Bye for now, Julia

  10. Ratty, I am glad you are accepting your current pace, and not trying to push yourself too hard or getting frustrated with yourself. All that would be easy to do. You are actually taking the harder path: accepting where you are and going from there. But it is also the path that will get you where you need to go the quickest. So don't ever worry about the blog, or about us. We will be here when you are ready to post.

  11. Nature soothes the soul . . . look forward to more of your awesome photos :-)

    Hope the pills start to work better for you . . . Gina

  12. There is a certain irony in this post. "Bridges" . We are all hopeful that you are able to successfully cross the next bridge to perfect health. Hang in there and keep thinking positive.

  13. I agree with Bill's reply. You are in the process of crossing a bridge into a state of well being. Hoping you will reach the other side soon!

  14. Thinking of you R$atty and hoping that you can get back out there again soon. I love the second shot of the bridge...however I noticed that the trails are almost 'paved' throughout the forest..this seems a shame...natural trails are much nicer!

  15. I'm so glad you're feeling semi better. Nature is a wonderful cure, as I'm having some health issues of my own. You're last picture is breathtaking. There's something about it I love.

  16. I'm so glad you're feeling semi better. Nature is a wonderful cure, as I'm having some health issues of my own. You're last picture is breathtaking. There's something about it I love.

  17. I'm so glad you are still at it, too, Ratty. I know what it is to be incapacitated. I was really down and out for awhile, too. It started on Sunday night, the 30th...felt like I'd been trekking in the Himalayas and run into bad water. For days, I lived in the bathroom, went to my doc on Wed, again on Fri and she sent me straight from there to the ER and I was admitted to the hospital for four days! No fun at all.

  18. Wow Ratty...I didn't see where you had been in a car accident. Oh my goodness. I hope it wasn't too bad. Now, I understand the last 2 posts and why you are having headaches!!

    Sending great big wishes to you to get well soon!! I love to visit your blog and see and yes read about your adventures!! You're one of my favorite blogs...get well are loved!!

  19. It sounds like you've been having a real hard time lately. I hope you start to feel better soon.

    Wishing you and yours peace, harmony and happiness x

  20. Hi, Ratty! I think you are on that little bridge in your life right now. You just have to get over it to get back to your life as it was before. Some bridges are harder to cross than others--be patient and kind to yourself. It will come. You WILL cross that bridge, my friend. Don't worry about visiting--we'll all be here for you regardless. :) Hugs, pally.

  21. This place is worth all the photos, what a great spot. thoughts and prayers are with you

  22. I really like little bridges like these, the activity around, and under, them seems to constantly change.

    Listen to your body and your doctor, you will be back out in nature before you know it.

  23. I've been away from blogging for a while too, sorry to hear about your car accident.

    The bridge photos are great and I know exactly what your'e talking about - the feeling you get when you cross the bridges.

  24. Just checking in on you and wanted to say hello!! You are probably out on some grand adventure and will blow us all away with your pictures!!

    Hope you are!

  25. great adventure . so u still busy with u adventure?

  26. Were you all alone in this adventure of yours? I admire your courage. How I wish I could be as adventurous as you.

  27. okay you Ratty are you anyway? I miss you!! I hope you didn't get lost somewhere!! If you are sick I do so hope you get better soon!! Now you are loved and cared about!!
