
Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Back

I did it! I'm back!!! After almost exactly two months, I'm back! Well, at least partially. The photos you see on today's post are brand new! This is because I was able to go on a very short hike the other day! Can you see how excited I am by all the exclamation points?

I'm going to attempt to take you through my little adventure, but my mind is still mostly in fiction writing mode. Writing fiction is actually quite a bit different than what I write here. It takes a different mindset, and it is much more difficult. Both methods are satisfying in their own way though. Anyway, here's what happened on my walk.

Driving to this place is a short trip for me, so I can do that, but not as often as I'd like yet. I had already decided to be careful and take things slow. I knew I had to turn around as soon as I began to feel anything odd. And with those thoughts I got out of my new Jeep and entered the trail.

The first thing I noticed was that everything looked much different than the last time I was out here. Back then it was late summer, and the leaves on the trees were full and green. Now they are a dull brown and they're falling to the ground. This wasn't too surprising, but it was still a bit of a shock.

Unlike many people, I'm not the biggest fan of the fall season. In the depths of my mind it represents a form of death, or at least a deep slumber. I think of it as the end of nature for the year. Logically I know that's not true. But as much as I try, I still can't change that feeling.

But I have to tell you, seeing those fall leaves and being able to walk into that red and brown forest was one of the most beautiful and wonderful experiences I've had in a very long time. I felt free once again! I haven't been able to have this old familiar feeling in far too long. If anything can change my deep down opinion of fall, it must be this.

As I got deeper into the forest I realized that below my neck everything seems to feel as good as ever now. But my head was throbbing just a bit, which I was very conscious of. I knew I was going to have to be careful.

At right about the halfway mark to the back of the park I was greeted by a familiar face. It was a happy little fox squirrel! He stopped on the side of a tree and just clung there and stared at me. A squirrel was the last animal I had seen before the car accident. And now a squirrel was the first animal I had seen on my first hike back. As much as I talk about them it seems so very appropriate.

Shortly after my meeting with my little friend I began to feel something familiar in my head. The pain was coming back, along with a fogginess of consciousness that all told me it was time to turn back. This was the first time I've been out with these feelings, and it wasn't pleasant at all. It was like being in a bad dream.

I had to slow my pace quite a bit, but I knew I was fine enough to make my way back to my Jeep. The farther along I went, the more I stumbled as if I were drunk. I had to be very careful, but I also learned exactly what I was capable of for now.

I made it back to the Jeep okay. And don't worry. I never took a big risk. I had a cellphone with me, and I also had someone waiting for me at the front of the park. For something like this I made sure I had a big safety net to work with. I'll only go back alone when I absolutely know I can do it.

This very short hike was a huge step in my return. I know I still can't hike or blog every day yet. I still have to rest more than anything else, and even be careful not to think too much. But this was a beginning. I now am pretty sure that my head injury is the only thing still holding me back. And maybe more hikes like this one will help with that.

All I kept thinking throughout this short hike was that I'm back. I'm back!

Nature Center Magazine - Today I have for you another in the great collection of some of the best nature videos on the internet.


  1. Congratulations and many more successful hikes!

  2. It sounds like a big achievement, both to you and to us.

    Welcome back!!!!!!

  3. welcome back, hope to see more great post!

  4. Hurray!!! This is the first big step after many small steps in your route to full recovery. Our prayers and positive thoughts are being answered. Still, one day at a time Ratty. I'm really happy you were able to enjoy the hike and the beauty around you, and a big thumbs up to the fox squirrel for giving you a welcome home greeting!

  5. I'm (almost) back on the web too...
    And although I'm not writing many blogreactions yet, I have to say that your pictures make me feel 'at home' always.
    I always have the impression that nature in the US is to different from nature in Belgium, but I could have taken similar pictures during my morning walks just outside my house...

  6. Saw a quote in one blog that fall is the last smile of the year.I enjoy having the deep woods open a bit, it gives one more areas to look at easier.

  7. That's wonderful news. i can only imagine how great it must have felt to be back out there again. WAY TO GO!!!

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling well enough for such an adventure Ratty. Great photos of your fall season, the colors are gorgeous. Take it easy!

  9. What good news! I like the sun coming through the trees. It's like a message of the sun coming back into your life.

  10. I'm glad to know you're back in nature, at least one step at a time for now. Gorgeous photos of the woods.

  11. I am so happy for you day at a time, one victory at a time...I see your squirrel friend stopped by to say hello and that he missed you!

  12. its amazing post of springs images. good pictures

  13. Yay, Ratty! I'm so glad you made it back, and that the squirrel was there to welcome you. You did it all the right way too - taking it easy and being very well prepared. Good for you!

  14. the pictures are great, and while reading your post i can feel the excitement you have to go back into hiking. but you have to take it easy with things. don't force yourself too much. health is wealth.

  15. It is great that you are able to go on short hikes. One good thing about the trees losing their leaves is that it is easier to see and photograph the bird/wildlife sitting in them.
    Hope you continue to recover!

  16. I am so glad you got out again Ratty. Do be very careful though. And what a nice greeting to have your squirrel friend there. Love that photo of him. Take good care of yourself so you can make many more short trips out there.

  17. Welcome back Ratty! Happy to see that you back on the usual activities again! :)

  18. Ratty, I'm so glad you managed to get back out there on your own again...I know your safety net was back at the jeep but at least for a while you manged to gain back the solitude of nature...each small step is a huge one to full recovery!!

  19. Love the picture of the squirrel. Glad you are back.

  20. Love your blog . . . and the squirrel is precious :-)

  21. So happy to see that you are back your picures...and take it easy my friend. You are well on your way to recovery. :)

  22. Ratty, so happy to see you back and I'm glad you are taking precautions. Just take it slow.

  23. Welcome back D: Just refreshing your page to read what you are(Not really a mouse).I think your post are genuinely an daily adventure for us

  24. Thanks for sharing these lovely scenes!

  25. So glad to hear that you've started hiking once again. Wonderful pics too, those colors are truly mesmerizing.

  26. I guess I invite adventure in by not saying no. To look at what is before me and thinking "well, why not?!"

    Life is far richer and a whole lot less boring that way, but more importantly (to me), it broadens my horizons, challenges my thinking and presents me with opportunities to grow.

  27. thanks That's wonderful news. i can only imagine how great it must have felt to be back out there again. WAY TO GO!!!
