
Monday, August 16, 2010

Flynn The Conqueror

Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Flynn. But I'm sure you've already heard of me. I'm famous all over the world. Every squirrel knows who I am. I'm their hero, fantastic Flynn. I'm the daring superstar who performs feats of bravery like no one else ever before!

Maybe you human giants don't know me quite so well, yet! Just to give you an example, That guy Indiana Jones aspires to be the human version of me. He gives a good try, but he's not even close. I bet he never rode on a dog's back before! That was an amusing little stunt that I did on my off time.

And I'm sure you've seen me on your primitive television at one time or another. I sometimes like to go and run around on the playing field at your sporting events. It drives you giants crazy but it sure is funny sometimes. Just think of all of those giant sports players chasing me around and around! They never catch me though. Never!

Oh, you probably want to know exactly why I'm here today. Well, there is this strange guy you all know as Ratty. I've been seeing this weirdo in the forests for the past few years. He wanders around taking pictures of all the animals, and a few other things. Last year I thought it would be funny to run right up to him and pose for a few pictures. That got old, so to really freak him out I stole a camera from some giant's attic and decided to do it right back to him. You wanna see?

Here he is looking highly surprised at the sight of me standing there with my own camera! He was just strolling along when I popped out there and began taking pictures of him! Take a look at him! That guy is a strange one. He actually walks around out there with a mouse costume on! I know a few real mice, and he is no mouse. They would be highly insulted! I gotta admit that it's kinda funny though.

Just think of what all you other giants think when you see him! You'd run away as if you saw a squirrel with a camera or something! I know you wouldn't want to meet him in the woods! And you don't know how many of my fans were just rolling on the ground laughing when he saw me standing there waiting for him!

I thought he was going to run away. But then he looked at me for a second and yelled some gibberish at me about not taking his picture because he was too embarrassed to be seen in a rat suit. You think he was embarrassed? You should have seen the poor squirrel that fell out of the tree because he was laughing so hard! That's something to be embarrassed about!

I'd stay a little longer and tell you a few stories about my favorite subject, me, but I know that I need to keep it short. I told that kook Ratty that I wasn't going to share these pictures of him, but would you keep these to yourself? I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. This was pure gold!

I'll say goodbye with one last note. I'm sure you giants will be seeing me soon. Whenever a squirrel gets into your house, it's me. If one of us runs right at you to scare you, it's me. It's not because I'm a bad guy. It's because I'm a daring adventurer. You will soon become one of my many adoring fans, just like the squirrels and everyone else. See you soon!

Nature Center Magazine - Did you ever wonder if humans were the only creatures that could laugh? Well wonder no more! Apes giggle like humans! That's our Cool Nature Video for this week.


  1. Hey Flynn, good to see you again. Glad to see you finally got some blog time. Next time you are over this way be sure to stop by for a visit.

  2. I just cannot continue reading when see Flynn holding a camera.

    How can I continue if I laugh out so loud. You are very creative.

  3. Funny!!!

  4. Excellent post! Very enjoyable :)

  5. Now I really have something interesting to share at work today!:-D)

  6. That Ratty guy is pretty cute, Flynn...and I have a feeling he is out for revenge over this little stunt of yours~!!

  7. A lot of us have been wondering what Ratty looks like. Thanks for clearing that up, Flynn. Are you sure it's a mask?

  8. OMG I'm in stitches! So curious about the rat suit picture, yet so very very afraid too!

  9. Well hello there Flynn, so glad you got to do a post today. I was hoping you would reveal that picture you got of Ratty. Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Hi there Flynn. Good job trying to take a picture of Ratty. No one else has tried that that we know of. That is really a funny picture. Well done Flynn. Hope you and everyone else has a great day.

  11. Now that is absolutely hilarious!

    Strange sights in your woods...strange sights indeed!

  12. At least he wasn't wearing a cat suit!

  13. Hey Flynn...great what have you done with Ratty whilst you hijack his computer????

  14. Oh Flynn is cute with the camera, and so are you with the suit on..Perfect story..

  15. oh, so cute of Flynn to pose with camera on hand, really gorgeous.

  16. Flynn, you are such a handsome is no wonder you are adored. Ratty is a kind soul so don't be too hard on him...also, he's getting to be an older guy so he MUST be humored a bit.

  17. Aww.. so cute and funny and totally interesting. I thought Flynn was good at posing but you're even better at it, Ratty! lol
