
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wild Turkey Head

This one had me excited when I got it! It's a terrible picture, but it's the very first one of its kind that I have ever had! It's a picture of a Wild Turkey!!!

This may not seem like such a great thing to many of you because wild turkeys are common here in the US. But I have only ever seen one other wild turkey before. No kidding! I actually saw three of these as I was driving past.

I threw my truck into reverse to go back to get the pictures I wanted. It was the day of the thunderstorm I showed you before and I was on my way home, but this was important. They looked like squat dark shadows from my truck, but I recognized them immediately. But then when I was able to get the pictures they went over this little hill and disappeared.

That's okay though! If you take a close look at the center of the picture you can still see the head of one of the turkeys as it's walking away. I may have only gotten that much, but I did it! A new animal is always an exciting event for me, even if it's only a wild turkey.

And now since the picture above wasn't that good I'll leave you with this splash of orange color. The plant is called orange milkweed or butterfly weed. No closeup this time, but I'll get you something fun with a milkweed plant one of these times. I just liked the color.

That's it for now. I thought a shorter post for today might be fun. See ya!

Nature Center Magazine - Copas is exploring the nature of the great state of Iowa this week. Iowa is one of my favorite states because that's where my family comes from. I like living in Michigan, but I miss Iowa every day.


  1. at the first look I thought it was a tiger...

  2. Not one but three...pretty good, Ratty! Now, if it was closer to Thanksgiving....

  3. just getting a shot at a turkey is doing pretty good. They don't stick around waiting for you to focus your camera.

  4. I have only gotten one picture of a turkey and it was cooked so it didn't run away. I hear them more than see them in the wild.
    The Milkweed is such a pretty wildflower.

  5. Love that butterfly weed! It's less common than the others, so I really enjoy seeing it. A turkey or 10 is common here, but they don't like to stick around for the camera, so... good job.

  6. Wild turkeys are a common sight in my neighborhood. They are very shy. As Sylvia and I were driving west from Luther, MI we stopped to watch four hens and about 50 chicks cross the road ahead of us. Never saw so many little ones. And, yes, I counted them.

  7. I have not seen a real Turkey before, so its head is good enough to show me some fun.

  8. saw that wild turkey, still great capture, it tells so much a story, in my mind it seems like you and the turkey are playing hide and seek :)

  9. My brother gets lots of wild turkey's roaming through his back yard. It's a pretty common sight for him but when I've been there and seen them it was rather exciting.

  10. Was glad your wild turkey head wasn't the result of the libation. They are fast to catch, often I see them at great distance.Ben Franklin wanted this to be our National Bird.You will see them as groups a lot so possibly you only saw a part.I know of one town where they tamed out and pestured the bank customers too much.

  11. I don't blame you for being excited - I would have been too! What a super-great episode of bird TV!

    My human? The only Wild Turkey she knows about is on the front of a bottle.

  12. You have a very sharp eyes Ratty. I believe their nest are nearby. Bright orange flowers :)

  13. Congrats on the wild turkey sighting Ratty, they can be very elusive. We had one roaming our neighborhood a couple of months ago. He would fly on the rooftops to escape the paparazzi.

  14. Love that orange color on the Butterfly weed. And I hope you get to see lots of turkeys soon! They are fun to watch. Maybe even see the young ones!

  15. This post is part of my scavenger hunt, so you should be getting some additional comments.

  16. Gobble, gobble, gobble. I am playing a blog scavenger hunt, created by sharkbytes at and I came to visit. Great post.
