
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Swallowtail Butterfly

From violent storms to gentle butterflies, I cover it all. I have for you today what appears to be an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly. This one seemed to be begging for me to take its picture. And who was I to turn him down?

I was walking a new nature trail when I saw this big butterfly flit across the path in front of me. It landed on a high branch next to the trail. I knew this was a golden opportunity that I shouldn't pass up, so I got as close as I could, even though the shrubs there were very thick.

There were several problems though. First of all, the butterfly landed in a spot where the leaves concealed it too much. I just couldn't get a very good view. Then a swarm of flies decided that they liked the taste of my face. I don't have infinite patience, so I called it quits and moved on down the trail in a huff.

You may have already guessed because of the pictures that I got what I wanted. On my way back I saw the very same butterfly. It was sitting in the very same spot! I decided to try one more time. But then it got up and flew away across the path! I thought it was gone, but it quickly landed on a branch not far away.

This time I had an excellent view, the one you see at the top. I took several identical pictures of this beautiful creature before it flew again. It's next destination was another branch only a few feet away from the last. It thought it was hidden this time, but I was able to get a few more good shots of it behind the leaves.

Nature always presents a new surprise for an everyday adventurer. That's sometimes easy to forget. I'm glad for these little surprises. These are what keep me going. I will always love this.

Nature Center Magazine - Have you ever wanted to learn how to get close to a deer? Come over and find out how.


  1. The best time to take pictures of butterfly is during it is sleeping.

    So, the question is: How can you know it is sleeping?

    I'll tell you in my next post.


  2. Nothing quite like a butterfly to brighten everyone's day! One of nature's purest treasures.

  3. I am seeing twice the number of butterflies this summer. Great shots, Ratty!

  4. Chased one yesterday, but when it landed it moved its wings fast like it was using this to pump the necter.Got home and had 9 blurs and one off center.Ha! Next time swallowtail!

  5. Wonderful! I think these are some of my favorites of the flutterbys. Well, maybe I like the pipestem swallowtail better for it's iridescent blue, but this one is great too.

  6. Beautiful butterfly. I've yet to get lucky enough to get a picture of one.

  7. Ratty, I've yet to capture a butterfly despite the numerous times I've seen them. They just don't sit still long enough. This is a fantastic capture.

  8. beautiful, the first one is very clear and very vivid.

  9. There is a great song with the same title (Swallowtail Butterfly)sung by a Japanese singer, Chara. beautiful pattern.

  10. I love gentle and's a shame that their life as such a beautiful creature is so short lived!!

  11. This is so lovely, Ratty. I've not been too successful at photographing butterflies except years ago at a butterfly garden where there were so many species in great numbers. I wish I knew what happened to those pictures. One of these days, also, I'll have to go to Monterey when all the monarchs are there. They even have a festival dedicated to those butterflies!

  12. How beautiful! Ratty, you have a real gift for capturing nature at its finest. Have you ever considered putting it all together as a book?

  13. Great shot Ratty, he is a beauty. I have swallowtails all over my yard right now but so far they won't stop fluttering around and pose for a photo.

  14. That looks more colorful than our WESTERN tiger swallowtail. Too bad for us.

  15. Almost like a painting.. so beautiful! You seem to be attracting nature's beauties a lot Ratty. lol
