
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wayward Babies

I found quite a surprise when I got close to home recently. There were two baby deer out there in the grass having a good time playing and eating. They had obviously gotten away from their mother because she was nowhere in sight.

These little fawns must have been only a few months old because they were very small. In fact, they were not even old enough to have time to develop a healthy fear of humans. They had come right up close to the small road that runs along this place. Luckily the speed limit is little more than jogging speed.

I was able to watch them having fun right from my truck. They didn't mind at all that I was there. They did keep watch, but it wasn't really enough. I think they watched out more for their mother, knowing they had disobeyed orders and gone off by themselves to the human area. Hopefully she gave them a good lesson when she caught up with those little rascals.

Since they were out there for so long I had a good chance to get as much footage as I wanted. I was even able to get some video of these very small fawns. So my newest episode of Rat TV features these two fawns looking very hungry, getting their fill of grass. This one can be viewed in HD.

This is actually one of the first pictures of them. They were still running around enjoying their freedom in this wide open area. I'm glad they at least knew enough not to come out into the area that is full of human structures and vehicles. They seemed content to stay on the grass running and playing.

After their good romp they began to get hungry. They soon started eating grass as if it was going out of style. Every few seconds one of them would look up towards the forest as if they expected something. I assume that was their mother they were watching for. I went back a little while later and they were gone.

I'm assuming the mother came and found them. Hopefully she gave them a good talking to. This was not a wise thing for the babies to do, but they did get a good sized audience of humans who all thought they were adorable.

It's good to be so young and carefree. Isn't that what we all want? I hope these two wayward babies have a long and happy life, wherever they are.

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  1. But I think the mother is watching at you. She will dash to you if you do something more than photo shooting.

    She would like her kids to be a star in Rat TV.

  2. That's terrific Ratty! They are absolutely beautiful, aren't they? I agree, though, that they were definitely used to mom being the vigilant one :o)

  3. Babies are always the cutest. I wonder if mom was watching from the edge somewhere.

  4. We recently watched mom and a tiny guy cross the yard. She easily jumped the tall weeds between the yard and corn field. Baby had a tougher time, but finally won through. They are fun to watch.

  5. Excellent pictures Ratty- they are soooo cute! Such beautiful animals. I don't see deer half as much as I'd like to living in a city and all that but when I do it's so exciting!
    Your pictures are absolutely brilliant :)

  6. Great shots, I guarantee mom is not far away.They are getting older and she may give them more rein.

  7. Very special time with the camera. You were lucky to get so many quality shots. No doubt Mom was watching you watching them. She sensed no danger.

  8. Aw they're so cute. i bet they had poor mom scared half to death wondering where they had run off to.

  9. To be so free and unfettered is a rare thing in our world. I appreciate your glimpse into the delicate and simple life of those fawns. Thanks.

  10. indeed, it is so good to be young and carefree, wish :) what adorable set of photos of the little fawns.

  11. These little fawns are so sweet, you just want to run up and grab them. That might have gotten mama deer charging at you. Amazing that you got such a great video with no trouble at all. A real accomplishment and such a treat for us!

  12. I am so happy that you have fawns there too Ratty. They are so adorable!! I haven't seen mine again yet. They are the cutest things!! Great photos and video!!!

  13. Those fawns are too cute. I was interested in the white marks on their legs that are much bigger than the white spots. Wonder if they are born with white bellies and white markings on their hind legs.
    Great video.

  14. you got close to them. weren't they scared. maybe there were still too innocent to be scared. nice shots there. if you want you could join our summer giveaway, for a chance to win $50 just grab our badge:

  15. Awwww, they sure are cute. But that worries me too that they went off on their own. Kids--you can't tell them nuthin'!

    We saw a fawn and his mother last week. I love those little dotty guys!
