
Friday, July 16, 2010

Alien Fire Flowers

You come across the strangest things when your out hiking. I found these alien fire flowers blazing in the sun near a lonely path I was on. I don't know how they got here to the planet earth, but their strange beauty is very welcome.

Ughhhgh!!! Wait a minute!

Did I say "Alien Fire Flowers"? Well yes, as a matter of fact I did. Is that their real name and identity? Um, no. But I don't know the identity of these plants, or if in fact these blossoms are considered to be flowers at all. So since I don't have a name already I decided to make one up.

Speaking of not knowing names of things, I talked about a bird the other day that kept trying to attack me. Go and find it for yourself, it should be pretty easy. I'd like to thank Sharkbytes for being the first one to help me out by identifying it as a Tree Swallow.

I thought it was some kind of swallow, but try as I might I couldn't find it. Then when Sharkbytes said the name I knew instantly that she was right. It also became so easy to find further information that I wondered how I could have missed it before.

Here's one last look at these alien fire flowers. Do any of you know what they really are? Think of it as a bit of a game, but I don't have the answer. If I find it I will share it.

Okay, on to some big news here at The Everyday Adventurer. Many of you know that I haven't been commenting in other blogs as much lately. It has simply been because I run out of time every day. It's usually just before midnight when I even write my own posts for each day. So I haven't been able to do all of the things I love. I have also been neglecting my Rat Tales blog for this same reason. So I have come to a conclusion.

I am not going to write posts on Saturdays or Sundays here anymore. So there will be no posts here until Monday. This has been something I have been trying to decide for a long time. This has been a very hard decision for me and I haven't wanted to have to do this, but I think it's the only way to give myself more time for everything else I want to do. Tomorrow will be the first time I will not have at least one post every day since I started this blog. I hope to see all of you back here Monday.

Nature Center Magazine - The Free Wallpaper for this week is more dandelions. I hope you like this one.


  1. You had me convinced that was an alien fire flower. Since I have no idea what it is, I'll just go with your name. As for no posts on the weekends, you gotta do what you gotta do. :)

  2. Whatever it's real name, I prefer alien fire flower! Have a great weekend off Ratty :-)

  3. What spectacular flowers, Ratty. I've never seen anything like them....I know they are not alien star flowers, though, but I do like to humor one of my favorite men so please, call them anything you like.

    So, you want a life??? No blogging on Saturday and Sundays? What is this all about? You mean you might even sleep in one morning and not be obsessed with leaping out of bed, eyes glazed, camera in hand, in search of yet another story to entertain your fans? Please, Ratty. Catch up on the myriad tasks that you've neglected, have some fun, pay bills, whatever, we all truly understand. And come Monday, we'll all be here. You are not going to lose us.

  4. magnificent blooms - they look straight from a garden in Alice in Wonderland

  5. What gorgeous alien fire flowers they are! I love the first picture with the different colors on them. These are great photos, Ratty..and have a wonderful weekend!

  6. It's difficult to tell without a clear view of the leaf and the entire plant, but this flower appears to be in the St. Johnswort family. Look up Common St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) and see if it rings a bell.

    We will all miss you on weekends, but understand that you have a life other than blogging. Relax, take a breath, and enjoy life. You will be much better off in the long run.

  7. I haven't a clue what the flower is but it sure is a beauty!
    So...I'm not the only one that has "time" issues.:)

  8. I finally see a rat that needs a break. That's a right decision.

    I like all the stories, and will be back on Monday.

  9. What would we do without our friend the Shark? Those are pretty flowers. If you discover what the larger world calls them, don't tell us. Your friends prefer your own creative and inventive name for them.

  10. It does look like a Hypericum, but certainly not perforatum. Need to see the leaves. Was it shrubby or herbaceaous? Maybe punctatum (although there should be black dots on the petals), or possibly kalmianum, which grows along Great Lakes Shores, particularly Lake Erie. I've never personally seen that one. I need a post for tonight. Maybe I'll do perforatum just as a contrast. It's in bloom.

  11. looks like very similar to my succulents here at home, they have these bunch of yellow flowers, but sadly, I do not know fully the name :(

    I hope you get a good break, we all do need time for ourselves. have a good weekend.

  12. I'd prefer to believe that the flower is an entirely new species of flora, and that you discovered it. "Alien Fire Flower" should rock the scientific world in no time! Beautiful photos, enjoy your quiet time, looking forward to your Monday post!

  13. I think alien fire flower is a fine name for those flowers. In fact, I like the name so much I wonder if, instead of Somali, I could convince the Cat Fanciers Association to rename my breed Alien Fire Cat.

    I totally understand your need to pare back on your posts. It needs to stay fun, otherwise what is the point? Sometimes when my human gets too annoying with making me pose for photos, I let her know it's time to pare back on the picture taking.

  14. OK... it's a Sedum, probably acre. Problem of scale. This was very low and small, right? The flowers look very much like Hypericum, but not quite right. And when I looked carefully at the blowup I knew that the leaves were succulent.

  15. Nope... it's Sedum kamtschaticum, a garden escape probably. The coppery color looks like the variety 'Weihenstephaner Gold'

  16. I'm gonna grab some pieces of your photos for the detective game over on my blog, ok?

  17. Ratty; you will be so glad you did this...I began to feel too pressured to write everyday in my blog I went to every other day...and it made me feel SO much better.
    Your readers are loyal and we will read you even if you only post once a don't worry!!!

  18. Ratty a nice little flower the name of which I sadly don't know.
    Sometimes a blogging break is good for you, I usually find it inspires me more.

  19. they are a very pretty flower and I an going to blame my ignorance on their identity at being british!!!

  20. pretty shot on the flowers. nice post.

  21. you named it well. it does look like alien fire flower. nice shots. btw, you might want to join our Summer giveaway – you can win $50 - just grab our badge:

  22. Ratty, I've been having the same problem! There just isn't time to get things done, write your post, and visit all the blogs that you want. Ugh. I use "Blog Off" (my term for taking the weekends off) when I'm frazzled and I'm instituting the same thing come next weekend. I need to visit my lawn chair just a wee bit this summer.

    Enjoy your free time and remember to breathe a bit in your day too.

    Oh--I don't know what that flower is! Sorry.

  23. It does look like a sedum- but that doesn't mean it can't be an alien fire flower too!

  24. While I will miss you on the weekends, I certainly understand your needing a life outside of blogging :)

    That second photo of your alien flower resembles a Hypericum kouytchense which hails from China. There are many species that look similar. Have a great weekend Ratty.

  25. Yet another lovely post and photo's. Thank you, Ratty! And, this is to let you know you've been award the pretty pink Lovely Blog Award. I hope you will accept it. Details here: Happy Blogging! Jamie

  26. I like flowers especially orchids. Well, I was so intrigued by the name and so I've searched it but can't find its real and/or scientific it you who baptized it? Ha-ha-ha! sorry!

  27. If I'd name it, I'd call it the 'Crowned Prince' cause those filaments look like a crown and a one with studded jewels no less. =D

    Beautiful flowers indeed.
