
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Scary Looking Spider

I don't usually like showing creepy crawly spiders like this one, but they are just as much a part of nature as any other fuzzy little animal that I bring to you. And besides, this one was very intent on becoming the latest star here at The Everyday Adventurer. Very intent.

As far as I can tell, this is what is called a Phidippus Audax, which is a common jumping spider of North America. The common names it is called are Daring Jumping Spider and Bold Jumping Spider. This creepy little fella was indeed daring and bold.

I met this spider while I was out taking pictures of the geese and ducks from the viewing platform of Carpenter Lake. I looked down at the protective railing and saw this scary looking spider crawling along it. The spider was about 20mm long, which is slightly over 3/4 of an inch. You can see that's not all leg length either.

I was trying to catch up with this little beasty with my camera, but it began moving kind of fast. At first it tried to hide from me, but I was persistent about it. I wanted to get a few really good pictures of him because I had never seen  a spider so impressively big before. Thankfully, our cold climate keeps most cold blooded creatures small, so this was a good find for me.

The picture above is the best one I was able to get. You can actually see the shine on one of his eyes. I tried to get a few top down shots of him, but he just wasn't cooperating. It was intent on resisting my directions. If it didn't want to have its picture taken, then why did it come out so close for me to see it? I really wanted to get those pictures! I had no idea what would happen next...

The jumping spider got mad at me! He actually turned and came after me! I began to move away when he did that. I'm not afraid of much, but I don't like drawing the attention or the wrath of a creepy spider as big as this one. I have to say that I still wasn't shy about getting my pictures, but this time I did it from a little bit of a distance.

Of course, this was all before I found out that it was called a Jumping Spider! That's another name that these spiders have earned. These spiders catch their prey by pouncing on them! Just thinking about that gives me the creeps every time I think of the way it had focused those eyes on me.

Okay, if I haven't driven you away yet, I'd just like to say that this post is almost done. I got away from this monster, and everything turned out alright. I went to the very far side of the viewing platform, far away from those probing eyes. I didn't want any little surprises crawling on me. I was now happier to turn my camera to other, more pleasant things.

Have a nice day!!!


  1. That is a creepy looking spider. You got some really good pictures. That first one it seems to almost blend in with the color of the railing. I've tried to get pictures of a certain spider that can be found out on my deck. He's a fast one though and always escapes me.

  2. Ratty am I seeing it has blue fangs? Funnily enough you rarely see spider here although there are some big ones.

    Compared to snakes I would take a spider any time!

  3. That's a scary looking spider, indeed..I would stay far away also.

  4. Am I weird in that I actually like spiders?

  5. If you think that spider's scary, try going to Australia. You'll never look at them the same way again.

  6. Nice expose on this wonderful creature. Spiders are an effective predator in the world of insects, much like tigers are an effective predator in the world of mammals. What I like about this spider is that apparently it does not use a web to catch its prey. Correct?

  7. Sure glad you got away from that scary spider. I do NOT like spiders. And that one looks really scary. What a brave person to take pictures of it.
    Hope you have a great Sunday.

  8. A naturalist from MO, blog is MObugs, tells me that only a few bite humans.As I itch one bite from one that did, I know in the prairie there can be 30,000/acre.These are powerful little guys.

  9. Now I see your spider, I'll see spider webs later.

    I love spider webs, they are a kind of art.

  10. well he really is a striking creature...I think the stripes should have warned you to keep a safe distance from him. I'm not scared of spiders but having said that I am a UK resident and don't have venomous ones that are going to jump at me and cause me great pain. So I think he is adorable and always will be whilst not in my country!!

  11. EEeek! I hate spiders, Ratty. Please don't post anymore of these, okay. They give me the creeps because I don't want them jumping on me. Ick.

  12. What great shots and cool spider. As a former tarantula owner - I think this guy is way cool. :-) I would not like it though if a spider jumped at me. LOL.

  13. YIKES!!!! Ratty, now you have me itching and looking over my shoulder! You deserve a bravery award for getting close enough to capture that spider with your lens....amazing photos though!

  14. Yikes! He is a scary looking thing. I thought he was one of those jumping spiders before I read all your post. You are lucky he didn't jump on you...OMG!!

  15. Ratty, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing this spider. I have had cellulitis on both of my legs from spider bites ( I didn't see them bite me so it could actually have been some other insect but my doctor thought it was a spider ). I've been on antibiotics four different times
    ( just finished another series, this time Septra ) because, for some reason, the infection never seems to clear completely because of the edema I have in my lower legs ( old age and hypertension! ). These aren't even poisonous spiders! I've never liked them anyway...too creepy, crawly for anyone but a mommy spider to love.

    You were very brave to get these photos, though.

  16. I don't mind spiders, but I'd probably change my mind if they started jumping at me! :-(

  17. Oh, you humans are so silly about spiders! I say they make yummy, protein-filled snacks! That jumping spider would have to be pretty bold and daring to be able to jump AWAY from my paws!

  18. This one looks hairy and huge.. I might skip this one for pet :)

  19. Cool looking spider Ratty, you got some great macros of him. I don't mind spiders but I have to admit I would rather not have one jump towards me.

  20. eeeww...aside from rodents & reptiles, i also REALLY DO NOT like insects. and so spiders are part of my "hate list". i think it's not so much that i dont like them...i think it's perhaps i'm SCARED of them. anyhow, this creature seems really scary. and the fact that it jumps makes it even threatening. it looks like it's made from steel from afar, huh? eeeewww...!

  21. Oh my gosh! I have a serious phobia of spiders! I really can't explain it but I can't breathe properly or even think properly when they are near me. I have to say though, that for me having been exposed to seriously HUGE house spiders over here, that 2cm is not that big. But, it is still bloody scary! Our jumping spiders are tiny over here in the UK, sometimes it's hard to spot them. The house spiders on the other hand are pretty massive. I think you are so very brave to get so close to that spider though as he looks fairly mean with those horrible fangs...! Great macros by the way :)

  22. Great shots of the scary spider. I am amazed by these creatures. Once sat and watched a Black Widow capture, bite, and spin a web around a Japanese Beetle.

  23. Okay, I've seen many spiders but this one is the creepiest. I would have a heart attack if I saw that near me. I don't know how you got that close to take a photo. You are brave.

  24. This is the scariest post you've ever given us Ratty! lol I'm quite afraid of these lil critters but I do admire their web artworks to no end. I'd definitely steer clear if I saw this guy, especially its fur coat and unusual color patterns only give me the warning.. 'danger ahead!' =D Glad it didn't pounce on you. =D
