
Monday, June 7, 2010

Chubby Little Nut

Sometimes I think squirrels will do anything to get on camera. This fox squirrel in the picture began chattering at me as it crawled down this tree. My attention was focused elsewhere at the moment, but it just wasn't to be ignored. The squirrel just wouldn't quiet down for even a second.

I finally looked over and took a few pictures. Now that it got what it wanted, the squirrel happily continued its journey to the forest floor. The only problem was that my pictures of it were blurry, even though I didn't know that at the time. But anticipating such a problem, the squirrel stopped again at about the same place on his climb up the tree, and posed for one more picture.

I'm glad he did, because this one shot was the only one that came out okay. This chubby little nut had a prize this time. It seems that humans aren't the only ones who enjoy fast food. The acorn in his mouth was what he had gone down out of his tree for.

Down his tree. Stop for a few quick pictures. Grab the acorn. Back up the tree.One more picture. And up the tree to enjoy his food. Fast and delicious.

And it tastes better than a jumping spider.

Nature Center Magazine - This week's Cool Nature Video takes us inside a honey bee hive.


  1. Word must be out amongst the forest creatures that they can be famous blog stars if they pose for your camera. This may be the only good picture you got but it's a very good one.

  2. Could it be that you have become the paparazzi of Michigan parks?

  3. Did the fox squirrel offer you with some of its acorns?

  4. Maybe it wasn't chubby, but pregnant????

  5. I'm telling you Ratty, these little guys are divas. They love the camera. He's a little chunky one.

  6. Had to shoot quick to get a grey today.Don't think there is lacking of acorns.

  7. Great shot you got there!! I agree, they love the camera and hope for their photo to be shown here on your blog.

  8. Hmph. I beg to disagree. I would take a spider over an acorn any day.

    P.S. Nice photo! My human looked at the big version and saw lots of fine detail. One of these days I hope she gets a photo of me with a big, juicy spider or cricket in MY mouth.

  9. You are so lucky to get a close up shot of the squirrel.


  10. So amazed to see how such a chubby squirrel can move around with so much agility :)

  11. lol What a funny squirrel. =D It's really cool that the critters of the wild are seeking your photography service Ratty, it seems you no longer have to look for them but they'd come to you anytime. You've become their official photographer! ^__^
