
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Making More Dragonflies

What's this all about? Dragonflies again today? This place must be going buggy! ...Well, my little friend Alice once told me a long time ago that there were dragons in this nature park. This must be them. Obviously, real fire breathing behemoths like in the stories don't really exist, so nature had to sort this out somehow. So in all of her wisdom she turned the fantasy dragons into real life dragonflies.

And what does this have to do with the story today? Well, today we are going to find out just how and why there are so many dragons(dragonflies) here. I told you yesterday that there was a male and a female dragonfly buzzing above this log in the water. In the picture above you can also see at least a hint of both of them.

The female dragonfly is hovering in the same place she was that I showed you yesterday. And where is the male? He's not technically in the picture, but look on the middle of the log. There is his shadow! He was hovering just above everything. He's still there keeping all others away from the female. But why?

This is why! Do you see how she has lowered her tail in the water? Guess what she's doing. That's right! She's laying eggs in the water. She's adding new dragons to this place. She stayed like that for quite a long time before she was done. This is typical behavior for dragonflies, and maybe even dragons. (We don't really know about that last part, do we?)

When the female was done laying her eggs she flew off to her next adventure, possibly daydreaming of what it might be like to be a full sized dragon like in the stories. We all have our dreams, so who's to say an insect doesn't have hopes and dreams too. Anything is possible. Just remember that the next time you see a dragon fly by.


  1. More dragonflies means less biting insects. That has to good!

  2. While reading this the song Puff the magic dragon came to mind. Maybe that female dragonfly is dreaming of raising her own magic dragons.

  3. If you go further into the jungle, you may find dragons.

    Just afraid they are too huge for you camera.

  4. oh, lucky you are able to see and capture more dragonflies....i always love to read about your encounters of these wonderful creatures, always a great story behind.

  5. lovely story Ratty...never really thought about an insects deams...I guess it is possible for them to have them!!

  6. I never see Dragonflies because I'm not near any water. I like your photos and now I'll know what they are doing when I see their tails in the water..Ha!

  7. I wonder how long it will be before the baby dragonflies start showing up?

  8. Very impressive, I only wish my attempts to take photos of hovering insects had turned out so well. Any tips?

  9. Wow, Ratty..this is great. I didn't know dragonflies lay their eggs in the water. I must get to the water, any water soon.

  10. Very interesting Ratty! I LOVE dragonflies...!
    They say if one lands on you, you will have good luck and that you have a magical personality!

  11. I like to see dragonfly fly in summer when I was young.


    Happy June!
