
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Swans

The first time I've featured swans here and I hit the jackpot! Not only do I have adult swans for you, but they had babies with them! I went to this place with the intention of seeing swans, but I had no idea that I would get to see little ones too! Can you tell that I'm excited about it?

I didn't want to disappoint anyone with only the babies so this first picture has the whole family in it. Let's rundown a few things about a family of swans. An adult male swan is called a cob. An adult female swan is called a pen. And the little baby swans are called cygnets. And that's your swan lesson for the day.

I have to tell you something that might sound unbelievable. This is the very first time I have ever seen baby swans. That's right, I've never seen any before these. But now that I have, there is something I remember from childhood that just doesn't seem right.

It was the story about the ugly duckling. Many of you know it, but let me give you a refresher. There was an ugly duckling that was big and awkward compared to all of its brothers and sisters. It always felt bad because of this. But there was a secret about this ugly duckling. It seems that it had been somehow switched at birth. And it grew up to find out that it wasn't really an ugly duckling at all. It was really a beautiful swan.

Now tell me something. Do any of these little cygnet swans look ugly to you? They look like beautiful little fluff balls to me. I'm not sure there is anything more beautiful than a baby. I don't think these could possibly be considered ugly, even if they were ducklings.

What more delightful sight can be seen than baby animals with their parents in the wild? This is the kind of thing that just makes me smile. New life, with new hopes and dreams, and the innocence to know no limits. That's why we all smile when we see babies. We see that fresh new hope too.


  1. The pictures are wonderful. I remember the story of the ugly duckling and you're right, not an ugly on in the bunch.

  2. You hit the jackpot, Ratty! Beautiful family of swans! A very successful year for this family..

  3. I had no idea what the male or female swans were called. I did know that the young are referred to as cygnets.

    My interpretation of the ugly duckling was different. I always thought the ducks thought the baby swan was ugly because it was different (think racism), but as an adult it was so gorgeous its beauty could not be denied. Funny how people can look at things differently. Maybe someone explained it to me that way when I was a child.

  4. You are lucky to have seen a family of swan. They are white beauty.

    I can relate them to ugly duckling, and Swan Lake and the dance.

  5. How awesome!! To see baby swans like that! I don't think I've even seen pictures of baby ones. They are so cute!! I hope they all stay safe and grow to be big swans. Great photos Ratty!!

  6. That is so great. I have never seen baby swans. In fact it is seldom that we see swans at all. So those are terrific pictures. I know I enjoyed them.

  7. Nice photos, this is also my first time to baby swans..LOL.. in the story of the ugly duckling, it was different from the others, that's why it was considered ugly, oh well, isn't that happen in real life too? :)

  8. Wonderful Photos! Those babes are very cute. I so agree with your last statements.

  9. oh, the family picture is very lovely, i have never seen a baby swan too, it's always heartwarming to see baby animals with their parents and how their parents feed and take care of them.

  10. I thought of the song sung by Danny Kaye right when I started to read this and wondered where he got his info. Those aren't ugly "ducklings" to me! Sweet photos, Ratty!

  11. In the ugly duckling story, his mother loved him because she only saw his inner beauty. Mothers are like that, yeah they are.

  12. Oh, what a precious and beautiful family. These photos, Ratty could be blow up and matted they are so beautiful. what a wonderful capture

  13. Oh Ratty, these are AWESOME! I am sooo jealous..we have seen many swans but they are shy and stay at the far side of the ponds I can get to...and I can't get closeups like the wonderful ones you got...last fall they had babies with them and it was KILLING me that I couldn't get closeups of them...good for you..these are WONDERFUL. I would frame these if I were you!!! They are gorgeous!

  14. Aaaw! They are so tiny and cute!!! Awesome catch Ratty.

  15. I know, dear Ratty, you and the squirrels are big buddies and they are cute. In my opinion, however, these swans are the tops. I adore them. The parents are most elegant, of course, but the little cygnets ( okay, before your class today, they were just baby swans to me ) just captivated my heart. They are already so sweet with the curve of their necks and I'm sure, with a little swan education, they will be just as elegant as mama and papa.

  16. I don't think there could be a more majestic looking group of animals. Swans, I think, are the most elegant of birds.

  17. thanks for the swan lesson. :) i love that pic of the mom and her baby swans, such a graceful mother swan there... and cute swan kids! :)

  18. My human was puzzled by that story too. Baby swans are very cute!

  19. Aww.. those babies are just too cute and cuddly. ^__^ And yep, the first thing that hit my mind when I saw them was also the story of ugly duckling. But ya, who on earth said the cygnets looked ugly, such a meanie. =D oh and thanks a lot for the lil lesson. I never knew those names.
