
Friday, April 23, 2010

Why They Call Them Tree Squirrels

This post is so much more than just game results, but that is part of it. Today I'm sharing with you one of the strangest sights I see while I'm in the forest. The fox squirrel in my pictures today is demonstrating why they are called tree squirrels, but in the most extreme way!

I don't know what impression you get when you look at this top picture, but this squirrel is at the very top of some very tall trees, eating the new buds and leaves off of the branches. The branches around him look as if they could barely hold up a bird, but this squirrel is navigating them with the greatest of ease.

I've seen this happen before in this same exact spot, but I didn't have a camera I could zoom in so close. It may be different squirrels that I've seen doing this, but I like to imagine that it's the same squirrel every time. It's Flynn, the daredevil squirrel! Hero to all squirrels everywhere! The squirrel who valiantly poses for the pictures taken by those dangerous humans! Some squirrels even say that this audacious adventurer once rode on the back of an angry dog! They whisper his name in awe. Flynn, simply Flynn.

Okay, it's game results you wanted, and it's game results you're gonna get! Where was the squirrel hiding? I think you've all figured that one out by now, but I think it's still a good idea to point him out for you. What you see above is the original picture from yesterday's game, but with one small change. I have circled the exact place where Flynn the fantastic daredevil is located.

I have to be honest. I thought nobody would find the squirrel this time. But then to my total surprise, Ann, with the very first comment, Described exactly where it was! Tanya(allotments4you) pretended to be clueless, but I think she also got it right. Ginnymo, who I think is one of the best animal photographers ever, knew exactly what the squirrel was doing up there. And Harumi, who reminded me that I should also bring back the polls, also figured this one out. Others were close, but not quite there.

Congratulations to all of you who won. And I'll also say, "Curses, foiled again" as I shake my fist comically. If you all want a real treat, go and visit their blogs, and maybe even visit some of the other bloggers who played the game. You'll really make their day, and yours too.

Just to show you what this crazy squirrel was doing, lets zoom away just a bit. There he is right in the middle of the picture this time. The picture I used for the game was no accident. The reason I didn't center the squirrel in that picture is because I intended it for a game all along. My thoughts are of entertaining all of you even when I'm out on a hike!

Here he is in the same pose as he was in the game picture, but he's now close enough to see the hairs on his tail. The picture from the game is what I saw when I looked up into the trees. The camera really helped me out with this. The only thing that told me it was a squirrel up there was the way it was moving.

Just think of the maneuvering Flynn the fantastic fox squirrel had to do to get from the pose he is in above to the one in the first picture! Remember that when you dismiss your neighborhood squirrel as just an average everyday common squirrel. That squirrel is really a fascinating daredevil.

And we finally come to the last picture of Flynn. If you look closely, you can see him looking this way, as if he's checking to make sure he has an audience. We're watching you, Flynn. We know how great you are.

I'm glad I was finally able to share these scenes of what a squirrel can do. I don't know if we really stop and think about some of the amazing feats our animal friends are capable of. But all we have to do is take the time to watch. They'll amaze us every time.

Nature Center Magazine - There is a very special edition of our Free Wallpaper feature up today! Tanya from Allotments 4 you brings us a wonderful combination of photo and story. The story is probably even too good to be just part of the Free Wallpaper feature. They are both phenomenal! And whenever we have photo contributors, like Tanya, the photos are always excellent. You have to read this one!


  1. The closer pictures reveal the true story there, from the game picture it appeared like he was hanging from his back legs :)

  2. All of you are very much younger than me, I must agree.


  3. Squirrels are amazing, sort of like the North American monkey. I never would have found that. Thanks.

  4. Squirrels are interesting critters and fun to watch. I didn't know that they would eat buds off trees. Congrats to the Winners!

  5. Fantastic Ratty...and even better is I got it write ...even if it was a total!

  6. Well, drat. I don't think I've gotten one of your squirrel games right yet.

  7. Flynn,in addition to being a tree squirrel, is quite a ham. You are getting such incredible pictures, Ratty. It is amazing that this fellow can navigate the upper branches of that tree so effortlessly - equally so that the branches actually hold him up!

  8. @ Rain: lol I think you're way more young in heart than most of us. ^__^

    @ Ratty: Thanks. It sure was a fun game. ^__^

    Also thanks for sharing the detailed explanation and the awesome pics. I'm sure this lil squirrel knows no fear of heights.. I should learn from it. =D

    PS: Flynn is such a cute name. ^__^

  9. Congrats to Ann for guessing where the squirrel. Sorry I missed the game but I would have never guessed the right place. HOpe you have a wonderful week end.

  10. My friend has a yard full of old oak trees and one day, we watched a squirrel maneuvering about like this guy. But this one wasn't so sure footed and FELL out of the tree--like from wayyyyyy up there! I thought the darn thing was dead, but he just got up and went back into the tree. I still wonder if he died from internal injuries later. I can't imagine he was fine after that fall.

  11. HaHaHa, he is quite the entertainer, I love it. He knows he is going to be featured in your blog and takes full advantage. He's adorable.

  12. Pretty neat, Ratty! He IS a daredevil~!

  13. As many shots as I have taken of their sky high acrobatics you got me Ratty. I listened when you said well hidden. Are you sure there isn't one on the other tree? LOL!

  14. Wow, I thought for sure that thing in the upper middle part of the shot was a leaf! That is amazing. Even a small cat like me couldn't navigate tiny branches like that.

  15. Drat! I missed out on that fun game! That squirrel is a total freak of squirrel nature!!! We don't have many tree squirrels to watch. Just ground squirrels. Maybe we need to have a showdown between my ground squirrels and your tree squirrels to see which are the most brazen. . . Hmmmmm. How do we stage that one? ;)

  16. These pictures are very artistic looking, Ratty! Sorry I've missed the challenge, but as you know, I'm pretty bad at guessing.

  17. Well, I'll be darned! I honestly thought that was a bird up in them thar trees! LOL So much for my elaborate explanation of where we thought Flynn was! Talented little guy, I must say!
