
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Game - Find The Squirrel

I've been thinking for the past few days that there has been something missing here at The Everyday Adventurer. It finally occurred to me what it was. My Games! I haven't had a game here in quite awhile. It's been so long that many of you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, so I'll explain it to you.

There is a squirrel in the picture above. It's hidden very well. What you need to do is find the squirrel. If you click on the picture to make it larger, it might help a lot. When you think you have found the squirrel, do your best to describe its location in the comments section below. Even if someone else already has the same guess, go ahead and tell me where you think the squirrel is. Even a humorous wrong guess is fun. No prizes. This is just for fun.

I'll reveal the location of the squirrel in tomorrow's post. You won't want to miss it because you're not going to believe your eyes. I'm telling you this might be one of the strangest sights I've seen, but this squirrel does it routinely!

Nature Center Magazine - Copas is featuring the state of Arkansas today. His articles are some of the most interesting features of the site. Do yourself a favor and take a look.


  1. could that be the squirrel middle top of the screen dangling from the tiniest of branches?

  2. Ratty remind me to buy you a new telphoto lens for Christmas, that or you can buy me some new glasses.
    Haven't a clue but I would say the tree on the left about of a third of the way up.

  3. I surrender myself, Ratty. Your game may make my glasses grow thicker.


  4. Hmmm, I am going to guess on the ground (bottom part of the photo - just to the left of center sitting up maybe eating or holding a nut). At first I thought this was tree trunk but then I could not see tree going up.

    Am I correct???? Also, is there a bird in the sky?

  5. O.K. I give up. I will check in tomorrow to get the answer. This is a fun idea.:)

  6. At the lower right, about 1/5 of the way up the pic, and an equal distance in is a squirrel leaping in midair (unless you caught a flying squirrel in the daytime)

  7. Who am I kidding...I have no idea...I have made the photo as big as possible and looked at others comments and still I don't know!!

    But I am going to sat the thing in the sky that is probably a bird!!!

  8. This was fun! My daughter and I guess it's hiding at/in the bottom of the tree that is sort of diagonal (not the one that's broke leaning on the tree in question, lol), Just a smidgen to the left of the middle at the bottom of the pic. He's turned towards the tree w/his tail fluffy right behind his head!

    I think we all agree that's a bird in the sky, lol!

  9. Not sure but it looks like one way up high eating the buds on the tree.

  10. I think Sharkbytes and I might be seeing the same thing. On the right hand side of the photo a little above the word blogspot it looks like a squirrel coming down the tree or getting ready to jump off the tree?????

  11. Good to have the games back. Hope the polls will be back too.

    It looks like the squirrel is way on top of a tree that sits right in the middle of the pic, on a small branch hanging up side down.. with its fluffy tail up. ^__^ *hope I wasn't hallucinating* lol

  12. The squirrel obviously is the one who take the photo. With a Rat costume I believed :)

  13. Looks like he's smack dab in the middle of the screen on a really thin branch. I see these types of acrobatic squirrels all the time, and on occasion, they fall out of the trees in to a bush. he he

  14. Wow, this is a tough one! And I'm a kitty, so I'm usually pretty good at scoping out prey critters. I will say that the squirrel is in the lower right hand side of the photo, hanging upside down off a branch with his tail curled over him.

  15. Tough one, Ratty. I think the squirrel is in a tree fork about a quarter of the way down and in from the right. He looks like a round ball and I can't see what it is he's doing.

  16. Sorry - just looked again and it's actually about half way down and a quarter of the way in from the right.

  17. This one is too tough for me. He would blend right in with the terrain. I'll wait for the answer :D
