
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Shadowy Watcher

I have a shadowy tale to tell you today. Well, it's not exactly a tale, or tail. It's more like a shadowy face that I found staring down at me from a tree. It appeared to be an alien from another planet or maybe another plane of existence. It had big black eyes, long pointy ears, and what looked to be a shadowy aura that surrounded it.

There was not so much as a sound from this sinister watcher from elsewhere. It just silently stood there examining me as if I was the one who looked strange. I don't look strange at all! I mean, it's not as if little kids run away at the sight of me! Well, there was that one time...

I don't know what this mysterious creature wanted from me. Maybe it just wanted me to go away. Of course, I wasn't going anywhere yet. I had to take pictures of this strange little invader from elsewhere. If it was going to zap me into oblivion with its super advanced ray gun all of a sudden, then I wanted a record of this so somebody might know what happened.

It was about the time I took my last picture that the mysterious alien finally lost interest in me. It simply turned and began scanning another part of the forest. That's when it dawned on me! I knew exactly what this strange creature was!

Have you figured it out yet? Well if you don't know then I'm not going to tell you! Just kidding.

The creature was a simple little squirrel all along. What was once unidentified was now found out. Sometimes the mysterious becomes known if we simply take the time to observe and pay attention. Sometimes it takes some investigation, but most mysterious things become typical and well known after awhile.

Speaking of squirrels, over at Nature Center Magazine I have a new Cool Nature Video up today featuring a squirrel. This is not just any squirrel though. This is a drunk squirrel. Watch the video to find out how a squirrel could get drunk.


  1. Most of the time while rambling through the forest I am aware of eyes watching me. Frequently I never identify those that watch. Perhaps on more than one occasion it was a squirrel.

  2. Cute squirrel, they are watchful aren't they? :-)

  3. Cute pictures. The angles make all the difference!

  4. cool story ratty...though I thought it was a squirrel in the first pic the more I read the less convinced i

  5. In that first picture he does seem to be curious about your intentions for being there. I can't wait to go see how a squirrel got drunk.

  6. It was a shadowy tail indeed :D The furry tail looks different than usual though, different species perhaps?

  7. He would've made a cute alien with the white underbelly and bushy tail.

  8. My human says she doesn't have to leave the house to be watched silently by alien creatures. I have no idea what she means. Do you?

  9. that is so cool, the shadowy shots make it more interesting, and he looks so curious up there, so intent with you. I have never been lucky to shoot a squirrel up a tree.

  10. What a great capture. The little guy has spikes! He didn't look like he was a bit disturbed by your presence either. :-)

  11. Stunning silhouettes! It seems you're meeting more and more squirrel models for your blog as of late. ^__^
