
Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Blue Nemesis

I am getting closer to defeating a major nemesis of mine. I'm getting closer all the time. The one I speak of is a blue jay! You see, one of my first photography goals was to get a picture of a bird. Any bird. It took me a very long time to get to that point.

Since then I've done that, and with each goal met with my bird photography there have been greater goals that become a next step. I took pictures of birds in flight. I found new types of birds, and took photos of them all. It was amazing to find out the many varieties and colors of birds as I went on. But one well known bird eluded me.

It was the blue jay that did it! Oh, I saw the blue jays, of course. It wasn't that there weren't any around. There were plenty of them, and they always eluded me. If I was able to get a shot of one out in the open, the picture would turn out blurry. If the picture wasn't blurry, the blue jay would be only caught hiding behind a tree branch. Again, no good pictures!

Now you see my latest efforts. I am getting closer every day. The first picture almost had him, this terrible little beauty of a beast. He was lost in shadow that day. If I had been looking away from the sun he would have been mine. But the blue jay knew that, and in his devious little mind he stopped to torment me once again!

In this second picture, just above, I saw a flash of white in the trees across a good sized pond. I zoomed the camera in all the way towards him. I gave it my best, but it just wasn't quite good enough. I just wasn't close enough, and he still hid behind a tree branch. He once again knew I was there!

I think they are laughing at me, those monstrous little blue jays. But I know that I'll have the last laugh. I'll get you, my pretty!

Then I almost had the blue jay again. He would only stop for a few seconds at a time, leaving me no time to quite get my shot off. Still teasing. Still tormenting. But I know I'm getting closer. I know that it is only a matter of time before I will have my prize!

You cannot get away from me! Do you hear! I'm coming for you, little blue jay, with your little pointed head and glorious bluer feathers! I'll never stop til you are mine! I'll capture you on camera, and then you'll be mine forever!!!

Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering blue jay; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.

This post was brought to you by The Mr. Nutz Facility for the Mentally Demented.


  1. Those blue jays sure are tricky little ones. Around here it's not just the blue jays but all the birds that I have trouble getting good shots of.

  2. Oh...How I relate! Hey...nice butt shot.:)

  3. I know how you feel about blue jays..They don't stay out in the open long enough for us to take pictures.

  4. It's only a matter of time Ratty. The trick is to let the blue jay come to you, perhaps over some tasty morsel you have put out for the jay, while you hide and wait.

    You might be surprised what else you see and photograph.

  5. You are certainly getting there and you might be able to bring him out in editing a bit more.

  6. They really are big blue devils. I don't have a single picture of one either. But I'm working harder at chasing a kingfisher. They are bigger, (not really blu-er, but blue), and much harder. They stay WELL away from cameras.

  7. They are all difficult for me to capture though I'm getting much better. I know you'll do it Ratty, I'm cheering for ya.

  8. That was very entertaining, Ratty!! You know, we had blue jays around here for awhile, but I think they died from that bird bug that got the crows and BJ and I'm hoping to see one again some day because it seems that the crows did come back.

  9. We have lots of Blue Jays in our back yard. They love to take a bath in the cat water dish, darn them anyway. You did a good job getting a picture of them Ratty. I sure couldn't get any pictures of birds. I can't even get my cats to be still long enough for a picture.
    Have a great day.

  10. i am always happy to read your experiences, your simple desires make happiness so contagious. hope you get your wonderful blue jay picture soon.

  11. This made me laugh, Ratty, because I feel the same way about our ONE elusive Cardinal that visits us only about 3 times a year. ha

  12. Oh, those blue jays are tricky! They drive us window-watching kitties as mad as they do nature photographers!

  13. Even they are your nemesis, but they still looks good! :)
