
Friday, March 26, 2010

Urban Deer Surprise

Today I have the first pictures of deer I've been able to get in quite some time. I found two deer out in my backyard with the geese yesterday. They seemed pretty hungry because they came up close to the house to eat some grass. Usually they only come out way in the back and off to the left where they don't get close to any of the houses.

These two really didn't seem to care at all. It was raining outside, and they were pretty wet. The geese were there too. The geese like the rain. They look up at it like they're having fun. That's also when they seem to eat the most grass. Maybe the rain makes it taste better.

I guess the grass must taste better in the rain because the deer really were enjoying it. They would look up every once in a while, but never at me. They didn't care that I was there at all. They wandered around for a very long time eating grass and enjoying themselves.

My big announcement is coming Monday!

I also have a new episode of Rat TV. That's a video for any of you who don't know yet. This is the first video of deer I've ever gotten! I'll tell you, I was very excited to have this golden opportunity. I hope it's working by the time the first of you read this post. It wasn't ready when I went to bed. It's a long video and it took a long time for YouTube to process it.

(I had to change some of the content in this post to get the video to show up. The page jump was interfering. If you want the original, just let me know, and I will post a link to it tomorrow.)

You can see the rain coming down pretty good in the video. The only reaction to the rain that the deer have is to lick it off their backs sometimes. Maybe they were just drying themselves, and maybe it's also a good way for an animal to get some quick water.
And that's it for today from The Everyday Adventurer!

My big announcement is coming Monday!


  1. The deer must be hungry to be out in the open like that! It must be fun to watch..

  2. The last one, though "weird", is really "funny" and "interesting".

  3. I'd love to be able to see deer or other wildlife from my house. I'm curious what you're going to announce on Monday!

  4. Deer are trusting souls when their forage is not as good as it might be in less populated environs. Nice that you have the opportunity to visit with them up close.

    I am also curious about the big announcement on Monday!


  5. What sweet babies...

  6. They look so young and innocent. My mom has several in her yard in Michigan right now, although they are missing three. Maybe coyotes.

  7. Oh I wish I had a backyard like yours. How wonderful that would be to sit and watch them. Can't wait to hear what your big announcement is.

  8. What gorgeous creatures and you're right, they do seem to like the rain. Can't wait for your announcement :)

  9. I wonder if grass has a "gravy" on it when it is wet--kinda like dog food?

  10. I am so happy for you Ratty!! You got some good footage of those young deer. Mine have all disappeared now since the snow left. Not sure when I'll see them again. Great video!

  11. Of course grass tastes better wet! I know this from the cat grass at home - WAY better freshly watered instead of sorta tacky and dry. Although I would not want to be like the deer and eat it while it's raining on me. I would wait 'til it had just finished raining. But I suppose deer aren't as finicky as me.

    Looking forward to your announcement Monday!

  12. Driving home yesterday I came across a herd of deer at the edge of a wooded area. No camera with me, of course!

  13. I would be totally mesmerized with my own deer viewing up close and personal - as you were, obviously! What a treat, Ratty! Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to see it as well!

  14. They are so jumpy- even in your backyard. Cute. I couldn't seem to get the video to work yesterday.

  15. Nice Ratty! We used to see so much more deer in years past...we don't see near as many up here as we used to.
