
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Two Geese

I'm sure there are more exciting things for me to write about for today, but I didn't want to forget about my two geese that live in my backyard. They have been staying back there for the past few years, but only in the warmer weather. They always leave in the fall, but they're right back there when spring arrives.

Sometimes there are more geese that come to visit and crap all over the grass, but these two are always the first to arrive and the last to leave. A big flock of geese can cause problems with anyone's lawn, but these two are just fine with me.

You can see that when I go back there they begin doing tricks for me. I'm guessing this one is the male of the two since males of any kind seem to be the ones that like to show off the most. Females do it too, but they're more subtle about it.

When he lifted his foot up, it was a very slow motion. First the foot slowly went up, and then his wing slowly came out. He did all of this as if it were a very complicated balancing act of skill that he was doing. Maybe it was. Who am I to say different?

He did all of this while his girlfriend laid back on the grass and watched out of one eye. I don't know why he performed this trick, but I've seen them do very similar tricks before. Maybe he was showing me how tough he was, and that he wasn't going to tolerate me getting too close. Maybe it was a welcome gesture. Either way, I decided to keep myself a short distance away.

After he decided that his performance had the desired effect, he walked off to my right and began searching the grass for a snack. After he got a suitable distance away the female goose got up and began to follow. They always stay together. They're not always found in that same spot, but they never stray too far from each other.

Just as it's only really a guess as to which one is a male and which is a female, it's also only a guess that these are the same geese from years past. But I think the two guesses are good ones, just as I think the two geese are good ones. It's really kind of fun having them so close to my home... As long as they don't invite their friends over for a party!

My big announcement is coming Monday!


  1. Nice post. The goose and gander look very similar. The male is generally larger, but the best way to determine which is the gander is by behavior. The gander is the protector, the one that will engage you if you get too close. Standing on one leg could be a gesture to tell you not to come any closer.


  2. It is easy, Ratty....the one showing off and dancing and spreading his feathers is the MAN goose....just like in life.

  3. The one standing up is the gander. Ganders are usually found standing guard and protecting their females. He also has a longer neck. The "gesture" he was doing is called stretching. People, cats and dogs do it, geese do it too. I hatched 2 Canadian geese last year. Someone had poached their parents right off the nest. The eggs were brought to me and I put them in my incubator. The female flew south but the male stayed over the winter. I hope he finds a girl this spring and goes off into the wild. We have tame geese too. Africans and Chinas. He hangs out with them. He is too tame to be in the wild really. He imprinted on humans.

  4. Actually I don't envy your backyard geese. They really are messy. But you've captured some fine poses. Do you have water nearby? Otherwise they must just like you. I'll have to start calling you St. Rat

  5. wow..your very own geese...the most I have is a family of sparrows in my porch roof..not nearly as acrobatic but I love them just the same!!

  6. Well it said my comment was published but I don't see it????

  7. That must be fun having the geese in your backyard. We have geese here every now and again but not often. They do make a huge mess. Those are really good pictures of them. Love their tricks.

  8. That would be fun to have those two hanging out in the back yard. I love that first picture. It looks like he's getting read to kick something. Maybe he's a soccer player

  9. The "man" is exciting to show off, not to you, to his partner, kind of attracting her.
    I talk by my experience.

  10. I would love it if geese lived in my backyard! That would be a new, fun bird to watch through the window. We indoor cats need some better eye candy sometimes.

  11. What an artistic pose. He looks like a ballerina. lol

  12. Love your feathered neighbors. How cool, though yes, messy, to have them in your backyard. Typical male showing off :)
