
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Now, Then, And Tomorrow

No nature park stuff today from me. I always wanted to take a picture of the place in this picture above. It's just a place I pass by on my way to one of the nature parks. I see this place as I pass by, and I just think this scene looks like it comes from out of a fantasy land.

The lamppost, the bench, and the pine trees behind them. There's just something beautiful about it all to me. If you want some nature today though, look at the left side of the picture. There's a robin sitting there at the edge of the grass. The sign in front of everything almost seems to take away from it all, but it also adds something special. Here's what it says:

   This Federalist Revival House was designed by talented architect Marcus Burroughs for Kirby White, an executive of Ferry Morse Seed Company. In the 1930's Ferry Morse was the largest seed company in the free world. This house is considered the work of a master.
  Originally located on a five acre estate on Farmington and Eleven Mile Roads, it was completed in 1928. Kirby White, his wife Alice and five children moved in.
   Following the passing of Kirby White in 1933, a series of owners enjoyed the property. Eventually, sold to the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, the land was needed for religious purposes by 1956.
   To preserve the integrity of this home for others to enjoy, it was relocated by Wayne and Cynthia Elliott. The house was moved one mile south on May 19, 1993. Here it was restored to its unique historic style.
MARCH 1998

How's that for a different kind of post from me? Actually, showing historical places near me was one of the kinds of things I had originally planned for this blog, until my love of nature took hold and pulled me along on the greatest adventure I've ever known. This is almost a look into the past for me. Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to expand nature beyond the limits of The Everyday Adventurer. Get ready for my big announcement!


  1. I've always thought moving a house must be a remendous undertaking, especially when they did it with draft animals.

    Can't wait to find out what the big announcement is! You've really got me curious!


  2. I love hearing about old historical buildings that have been restored rather than demolished. I like your photo, too bad you didn't have a picture of the house to go with it. (hint hint)
    Can't wait till tomorrow to see what your big announcement is.

  3. It is always good to hear about historical places and reading about them. And it would be fun to see a picture of the house. We are all sitting on the edge of our seats about your announcement tomorrow. Have a great Sunday.

  4. That picture makes me think of the Narnia series. I can almost see a little satyr sitting on that bench.

  5. But where is the house??? I want to see the house, Ratty!

  6. Love learning about historical spots. The trees are beautiful and that little robin is adorable. I can't wait for your announcement tomorrow.

  7. We just came back from a few days spent in Texas and I read all your past posts. You have some beautiful nature photographs, as usual, with the bit of informative and witty commentaries you do so well. I also like historical places. In San Antonio we passed the better part of a day in the historical German section of town where there are beautiful houses from the 1880s. The sun was warm there (82 degrees last Friday) and leaves were out on the trees and flowers abounded. Back in Georgia the woods in front of my window still look quite bare, spring is coming slowly here.

  8. Dear Ratty,
    That is a beautiful discovery to find upon your passing, and in a way it still brings nature in existence through it's historically context, and charm in how it looks in here and now.
    Thank you so much for the share.

  9. Everyone you post is of great interest to me, Ratty, whether it be of nature or a historical ( or hysterical ) tidbit such as this. I wait, with much anticipation, for tomorrow's post!

  10. Historical sites are one of the things on my page. Great stuff.

  11. A very neat place, Ratty! You have me very curious as to your big announcement...quit teasing us!! Out with it!!

  12. That kind of civilized photo compared to your usual post Ratty. Very neat! :)
