
Monday, March 29, 2010

Nature Center Magazine

It's time for my big announcement! I have started a brand new website called Nature Center Magazine! This website is a project that I have been planning for a very long time. The official debut for it is today, right now!

As you might have guessed, it's a website about nature. It's also something that will be different and much bigger than I can do here at The Everyday Adventurer. Nature Center Magazine focuses on nature from all around the world, not just my little corner of it. It will also focus on nature websites from all over the web.

Before I go on I want to say that this will not have an effect on The Everyday Adventurer at all. I will still be doing my normal posting here. Nature Center Magazine is a team effort. I already have a few members of the writing team, and I'm looking for many more.

The point of this new website is to help give other nature websites or the websites of any nature lovers get a little bit of recognition. I feel we don't get nearly enough, and I want to try and change that. For any contributors, this recognition will come as links to their own sites. We also have a person that does a focus on her favorite nature websites of the week. There will be more as time goes on and as new ideas are made.

Right now you are the first ones to know of Nature Center Magazine, but soon I will be going step by step in marketing this website to the entire world. This is what I hope will be the biggest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I'm going to do everything I can to make this the greatest nature website in existence. I have literally dozens of plans to do this, but I'm always looking for help.

As of right now, I'm sharing administration of the website with one other person. I'm also writing one article a week there, among all of the others. It's not quite like anything I do here. We already have several articles up, mostly mine, but most will be debuting this week. I hope to have some contributions or maybe even just helpful suggestions from people on the web I already know.

Whether you own a nature site or are just a fan of nature, you will be interested in Nature Center Magazine. Maybe you want to write something there that you either feel might not fit on your own site, or you just want to show off a sample of your blogging style and get a link to your site every once in a while. Or maybe you have just been looking for a good place to go to find the best of nature from around the internet. Nature Center Magazine will be the place to go. Take a look at it now:


  1. Congratulations, Ratty, this is a perfect venture for you. I don't usually write about nature but, perhaps, if my finances don't prohibit me from traveling as I used to do, I might have something for your magazine one of these days. You must feel quite proud of this new accomplishment. I know it will be very special, as you are!

  2. @RNSANE
    A little bit of nature poetry might be a nice creative idea every once in a while. I don't want you or anyone else to feel obligated, but anything from the imagination about nature is very welcome on this new site, and we always give credit to the author. The site is there to show off the work of anyone who wants to contribute, even if it's only once.

  3. This is an achievement Ratty. From a long distance, I congratulate you and will support your effort by visiting the site. My wife will travel to a place called Taman Negara Malaysia which is translated into Malaysia National Park and hope she will bring back pictures and stories which I can share. As for me, whenever I see an interesting animal or plant, believe me or not, you are always in my mind :)

  4. @Kruel
    Thanks Kruel, any time you would like to contribute to the site, you are very welcome to do so. It might be the perfect place to show off your writing skills to others who don't know how much of a very skilled writer you really are. It could also give you a good outlet for a subject that you don't normally feature on your blogs. Hopefully the readers would then follow the link we give you back to your site. Then they will see how wonderful your blogs are. :)

  5. This looks a fantastic project Ratty. I'm at work at the moment, but couldn't resist checking it out. Will be back again later :-)

  6. Congratulations Ratty! What a large undertaking. Avery nice start to your online magazine as well. I will visit it regularly, is this a once a week publication?

    Best of luck and very nice job.


  7. This sounds very exciting Ratty and I think I may even want to write something for you at some point if you think what I produce may be of any use. Is it on all nature or just animal nature?? I will go and check it out now...keep me posted on whats going on!!

  8. Great start on your new blog Ratty! Can't wait to see what other contributors have in store! My site has been running by contributor basis since the beginning, and we still looking for more fresh ideas too. All the best for you and your team!

  9. I saw this site this morning, and I have a familiar feeling that I have here..Congratulation Ratty! It looks beautiful, and very nice!

  10. Awesome Ratty! Looking forward to reading it!

  11. Congratulations Ratty. How exciting. I'm glad you won't be giving this up though, I would miss it. I'm off to go check out your new site now.

  12. Ratty, fantastic website. Very inviting and interesting. Congrats! on your new project. I would love to contribute in some way so I'll be going through my files. I am so excited for you and I know you will do well.

  13. @John
    Thanks John, I've had the idea for a long time.

    Thanks Bill, There will be new articles up every weekday. I kind of consider it a weekly magazine, but I think it will quickly change from that perception. I'm hoping that newer and older articles stay relevant. So the newest article may not necessarily be the one a particular person might want to look at first.

    I'm sure you would be a great contributor to the site. The site will focus on every aspect of nature there is. I'm looking for anyone's unique view on nature that I can get. I want it all to be seen so that our love of nature might spread out to everyone else.

    I made sure I answered your email the very first thing. A power outage delayed me right in the middle though.

    Thanks. I have always admired you for the way you do your site. I think yours was the first one I ever saw that was done like this.

    @Icy BC
    Thank you. I hope to make it even better as time goes on. I want everyone to enjoy this new site very much. Check back in a few days and you will see even more changes there.

    I hope you like it. It is very different than what I do here, except it is all nature.

    I'll never give up The Everyday Adventurer. This is the site that keeps me going out to look at nature. Without this site, the other one could never exist.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    Thanks, I know anything you contribute will be fantastic. Anything that has to do with nature is good. And it would make me so happy to be able to publish something with a link back to your site.

    Just to let everyone know, so far Nature Center Magazine has been an overwhelming first day success! Last time I checked, there were already over 100 visitors!

  14. Ratty, that's fantastic! Congratulations on such an impressive accomplishment. I'll be sure to check it out!

  15. Way to go, Ratty! How ambitious of you and how exciting...I would LOVE to post some pictures on there someday, if you would be interested! I will stop by there right now.
    Congratulations, my friend!

  16. @Nicky
    Thanks. I hope you enjoy the site. There will be some all new stuff coming this week.

    @The Retired One
    Thanks. I would love to have some of your pictures on there, and maybe even some of your witty writing too. I actually have a special place for pictures there.

  17. I just went over to look at your new site and I love it!

    I would offer to contribute something, but being an indoor-only kitty, I only get to see nature through a window. :-(

  18. Good looking site Ratty, I look forward to reading more.

  19. Headed over to check it out. All the best to you and this great idea!
