
Friday, February 19, 2010

Look To The Sky

American Robin
Well, would you look what I found! I came across a small flock of robins yesterday, and this one just happened to stop for a short rest at the top of a very tall tree not too far from me. Since I've been on sort of a bird theme this week, I decided to show this one to you today. You might want to click the picture for the full effect.

I couldn't actually see this robin as clearly as the picture shows it, but I saw a flash of white under three flock members' tails as they were flying above me. They were moving fast, but the unusually sunny winter day gave me a very good look at them. I knew by that white color under the tails, combined with their black feathered bodies, that they were robins.

After yesterday's post with the blue skies, today coincidentally cleared right up and the sky turned a brilliant bright blue too. It enabled me to get some spectacular pictures while I was on my little hike. I'll bring you more of that tomorrow. I have some more surprises as well, but I always get a lot of good surprises when I'm out with nature.

I have a little bit of extra business to get to today as well. I have a short list of blogs here. They are all excellent blogs. I visit them routinely. They have each recently given me awards because they like my blog, The Everyday Adventurer. I think I like each of these at least as much. Despite a little extra time lately, I'm still having not much time to work with, so I haven't been very good at passing along their awards. But I still want to acknowledge each of them. Please visit each of their blogs. I know you'll like them as much as I do.

Allotments 4 you
Equine Epiphanies
My Quality Day
Penniless Parenting
Life is Just like that... 

I'll be back tomorrow with some very beautiful scenes from yesterday. You don't want to miss it.


  1. I like Robins. I hope they start flying around here soon.

  2. Life is just like that: You do not know you will see tomorrow.

    It maybe a big hawk instead of the robin you have seen today, or some other round.

    You may call it a surprise or a disappointment.

  3. I saw my first Robin of the year this week. Maybe spring is really on the way

  4. Beautiful robin perched on the tree..Love the picture, ratty!

  5. I like how white the branches look. The robin is a good contrast.

  6. You sure do have lots of Robins! I never see any in the winter here. Beautiful photo with the blue sky Ratty.

  7. Good sign for Spring to come indeed :)

  8. Always love seeing more bird photos...especially robins this time of year!

  9. I love this time of year. It's february, it still snows, and it's cold. But the sun is feeling warmer everyday, and I'm hearing birds chirping here in the city. Spring is coming, you just have to see the signs. Like robins!

  10. That looks like it was a brilliant, gorgeous winter day! Love the robin (and as you might guess, I am a professional bird watcher). Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!

  11. It's wonderful to see robins this time of year. What a great reward for spending time outside!

  12. That's a great shot of the robin Ratty, he seems to be enjoying the bright sunny day. Our robins started returning about two weeks ago so spring can't be far behind.
