
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Come Back To Me

Geese In Flight
The scene above is three geese flying into the evening sky, from the very end of last summer. Don't worry, I haven't run out of current adventures to bring to you, but I said back then that I was saving some of my best pictures for you. I want to make sure you get them before the winter is done. Maybe I have a few winter gems I'm saving for you when summer is at its hottest.

I've been thinking about my friends, the long lost geese, for quite some time now. In years past my geese would stay around here all winter long. This year as soon as it got cold they all disappeared. I'm sure they're not far away, but they just aren't here where I am, and I've missed them ever since they went away.

It's hard for me not to miss some of them because I watched them since they were just eggs. I watched them as their mother and father watched over them so diligently. I watched as these little goslings grew into adult geese over the summer. I watched as they took some of their first flights. And I even remember seeing them for the last time.

I miss my little gaggle of geese that I watched for the beginning of their lives. I miss them now that they've gone away. I wonder if I'll ever see them again. Will they recognize me as they did so long ago? Come back to me, my little lost geese...


  1. Ratty, off topic, I have an award for you over on Life; Sorry it took a couple of days to notify you, yesterday was a no-go day.


  2. What a spectacular photo Ratty! I think that's my favorite of yours to date. I'm sure the geese down this way are extremely confused this year; Florida's not quite the warmer clime it usually is.

  3. That's a gorgeous picture of the geese. They will be back in time, ratty!

  4. I love that picture- I love the geese of course, but I like the way the sunlight is shining through from the clouds. It looks great! I'm sure you will see your geese soon once it starts warming up a bit!

  5. I start to worry a lot.

    I see a hand reaching out to grab these greese.

    Ratty, they need your help.

  6. Geese are such wonderful creatures..I love to see a skken in formation....what a wonderful backdrop the sky made that day just for your photo.

  7. You have an award on my don't have to post about it or anything I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy what you write. xx

  8. Great photo there Ratty. Not only do the clouds look spectacular but the silhouette of the geese is a perfect touch. Even the composition of the photo is great. I hope they return soon and you can be reunited with them for more wonderful shots.

  9. Awesome picture man! I wish I lived in a place where I am surrounded my nature. :)

  10. That is a very nice photo! I like it a lot.

  11. The photo is very poetic. It seems like heaven is on there side.

  12. Ratty, sensational shot, one of your best. Bravo!

  13. That is a gorgeous shot of them, Ratty, against that spectacular sky!

  14. Don't worry about your geese, Ratty. They moved down here to WillOaks Farm and joined with a bunch of their friends for winter! I'll send them back to visit you soon! Meanwhile, beautiful photo!

  15. Breathtaking photo! Your geese have to come back - who else could possibly capture their spirits so well?

  16. I love the light that comes between the clouds, such a calming and nice photo :)

  17. Beautiful photo Ratty, a very dramatic shot.

    Don't worry about the geese, they are soaking up the rays in a sunnier climate. They probably sit around the lake in the evenings telling stories about their friend Ratty and planning their return north.

  18. I am lucky enough to live near the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge on the Oregon/Calif border. In winter, it is crawling with bald eagles, tundra swans and snow geese, not to mention Canada geese, buffleheads and pintail ducks. I go there two or three times a year, usually along about now.

    And BTW, I have a little eye care blog that talks about the outdoors and vision care.

  19. Very gorgeous photo Ratty. I believe it was much better view when you stand there and took that photo

  20. Hi Ratty! :)

    That is one spectacular photo... took my breath away! oh wow.
