
Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Tree

There is a tree that I have seen very many times in the forest. This tree has inspired several stories of mine. While I was on my flight out of the nature park after my great tumble, I still made sure I stopped to take a lok at this great tree. I think I stop and examine it every time I walk past.

The branches of the tree seem to be tendrils that are reaching out to gab any unsuspecting travelers of this place. Whenever I get close, I could swear I see a face in the trunk, but it's always shifting and changing. I don't really know what to think of this tree. Is it good, is it evil, or is it just a tree? I guess that question can only be answered by the next person that it grabs up and eats.

Can you see a face on this tree? What does it look like to you? I see strange things on this tree from every angle. I'm really not sure whether the tree is still alive or not, because whenever there are leaves on any of the trees, they surround this one as well.

This forest looks barren and devoid of life, but when spring gets here it will be a full dense place full of green leaves. I may not go back here until then because seeing it like this depresses me a great deal. Anyway, there are plenty of other places for me to have my everyday adventures... Ahh, maybe at least once more.

And finally, just to update everyone, I feel fine after my tumble down the hill, but I was in more pain than I realized at first. I'm not sure about my camera yet. It works, but I need to examine it further. I also need to give it a good cleaning, even though I've already done so once.

Talk to ya later!


  1. That looks like an amazing tree...

  2. A certain tree gives me that same feeling sometimes, as if I'm being watched..I think I saw a face of an old man with a long nose, kind of scary looking!

  3. It could be a face that i see on that tree, and if it is, it's not a very happy looking one.
    Glad to hear you're doing good after your fall

  4. Ratty, I'm glad to hear that, other than a few aches and pains, you survived your tumble, intact.

    As for the tree, it is a huge one. Maybe it is feeling a bit cramped in its surroundings, without much room to grow and spread!!

  5. The tree looks like a 3D puzzle which changes it face in every angle.

    It has a long nose of Pinocchio, but I never mean it tells lies. Hehehehe..

  6. That is a wise tree, a tree of more than one personality. Glad you are ok... hope the word for the camera turns out the same too.

  7. SO glad to hear you're OK and I hope your camera is, too!

    The tree reminds me of Tolkein--looks like an ent to me, Could it be Treebeard?

    Seriously, though... I know many trees, but only some seem to have personalities. I've never detected an ominous tree presence. Usually, they're anchors, like the leaning tree in Rose is Rose.

  8. That is a neat tree. I am happy to hear you are ok after your fall and I hope that the camera is too.

  9. i see an aged tree, showing deep character and strength, reflecting different moods.

  10. I love pictures of big trees, or little trees also. I like the one in your picture. I wish you a year full of lovely trees and many wonderful animals.

  11. Ratty, I'm glad you are feeling better. As for the tree, I love it. It at first glance to me looks like a rooster - I know, don't ask, I can't explain why but I see a rooster and NO, I haven't been drinking :) The forest may be devoid of life as it compares to Spring however it still has it's beautiful charm. Great shots Ratty.

  12. I think the tree looks sad..i am sure he will be much happier as the warmer weather arrives and the leaves and blossoms atart to emerge...then he will not be so lonely and he will once again be happy and majestic!!

  13. yes! I see the tree's face....and it has a big nose.
    I am glad you didn't injure yourself more badly...and I hope your camera is ok...
