
Friday, January 1, 2010

Squirrel Eating An Acorn

Happy New Year!!! I was coming up the wooden walkway from the fishing platform a few days ago, where I had been looking at the broken ice on the lake, when I spotted a little fox squirrel sitting on a branch quietly minding its own business. Of course, I saw this as a fine opportunity to make a nuisance of myself.

Actually, what I really wanted was to take a few pictures of this rare squirrel opportunity. I don't expect to see many animals now that it's winter, and squirrels are some of the few that I do now. I only had my normal lense on the camera so you'll probably have to click on the picture above to see this squirrel.

I knew right away that I would have to switch to my zoom lense, which is a tedious process, but one which I have become rather good at. The great thing was that the squirrel didn't seem to notice me there, so I had plenty of time to go through the whole process. At first when I looked back up I didn't see the squirrel there, but then I saw that I was going to be rewarded.

When I began taking the pictures of this squirrel, with the zoom lense, the results were just as good as I expected. honestly, I was more than a little surprised that he was still there. I thought he would have noticed me long before this and taken himself out of there. I guess he was more interested in the acorn that he was eating than he was of me.

After what seemed like an eternity of taking pictures of this squirrel while he wasn't really moving very much, I finally remembered one important thing that I'm not quite used to doing yet. I remembered that my camera also does video! Since the squirrel was still there, I thought I'd bring you something a little extra.

And now, here it is, my all new Rat TV presentation of a squirrel eating an acorn! I know, I know. It doesn't seem like such an earth shattering event, but it does have one thing that is totally special. It is the animation! Video can help bring nature to life more than even a picture sometimes.

Photographs are a true art form, but so is video. They both have their own merits. And any little thing that I can do to help put you right there in the forest with me is exactly what I'm going to do for you.

Since I finally got all I could get from this squirrel while I was still on the stairs of the walkway, I decided to move on my way to find othe adventures of the squirrely and not so squirrely kind. But as I began to go I noticed that the squirrel still didn't seem to know I was there.

It wasn't that there was anything wrong. It ws just that he was much more interested in his little snack than he was in me. I thought maybe I should take this opportunity to get a few pictures from a new angle, so I turned and began shooting once again.

It was then that the squirrel finally looked over at me and decided that he'd had quite enough. After getting a good look at me, he turned back and scampered up that branch and into the tree above. It wasn't the last I saw of him, but it's the last I have room to show.

And that's another thrilling episode of The Everyday Adventurer. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Come back tomorrow for another amazing look into my sometimes interesting, and sometimes insane, look into everyday nature. And have a happy new year!


  1. Too cute - Squirrels are so funny when they eat (with those puffy cheeks and their little teeth going at 500 miles an hour :o)
    Thanks for the trip!

  2. Hi Ratty, I can't believe I am still sitting at this computer at 3:30AM...after nearly ten hours today, my more than ample gluteus is sore! After watching that cute little creature enjoy his tasty acorn ( I guess they are tasty - it sure seemed to make him happy! ), I doubt that anything else will top that so I'm off to bed.

    The pictures and video were fantastic. Nice bright and sunny day, too, but I don't know what the temperatures were for you.

    Happy New Year, again.

  3. The squirrel looks so darn cute sitting there happily munching on his feast.
    Happy New Year to you Ratty, may all your adventures be full of wonder and surprise.

  4. I like watching squirrels--they are just so cute with their tiny ears and big bushy tails! You sure got good shots of this one! Enjoyed the video too!

  5. Cute little squirrel, and the video is fantastic!

    Have a wonderful and great New Year, Ratty.

  6. Your new year is very much different from others. You are having in the squirrel way.

    The squirrel must be very proud to know that.

  7. Ratty- The video is great. They sure are cute when they are eating. Your park squirrels are very tame, and that gets us nice pictures to enjoy.

  8. Happy New Year Ratty and may 2010 be another great year for you and your animals n plants n nature. I have followed you nearly 6 seasons and seen the place you live through your eyes...

  9. Happy New Years! I am wondering if the squirrel uses his tail a little like a scarf or some kind of back warmer since he kept it fluffed up against his backside. Hmmmm...

  10. Your hand is shaky Ratty.. must be hungry and cold. Go ask the squirrel to share the acorn with you. Its New Year and a new beginning for rat and squirrel to share love :)

    Blessed New Year! :D

  11. Happy New year to you too..I hope you enjoy the rest of your winter exploits but I am truly looking forward to what adventures spring brings to you!!

  12. I think the squirrel was just too happy to worry about you snapping pictures. I am also trying to, first, remember to use the video on my camera, second, to do it well. I can't get used to it and generally fumble around alot! Happy New Year to you!

  13. Ratty, what an awesome video. I love it. He's very satisfied I'm sure with his tasty treat. Great shots of this little guy.

  14. Great job! happy new year! :O)

  15. Good job in capturing the squirrel in action. Those little guys move fast!

  16. I love that squirrel! He is so cute!! Great photos and video Ratty!!! Happy New Year! Hope you aren't too sore after your fall.

  17. The video was nice to see..he really seemed to be just hanging out, enjoying his snack, didn't he?

  18. Great video and photos Ratty, the little guys have accepted you as one of their own. No need for them to run away anymore. They are cute little fellows.
