
Monday, November 23, 2009

Thick Morning Fog

I woke up very early in the morning, before it was even daylight. I looked out my window, remembering news reports that there would be thick fog rolling in. I thought they must have been exaggerating, because while there was fog it didn't seem so bad. But as night turned into day the fog came in at full force!

I had convinced myself not to drive all the way to the nature park when I saw how thick the fog had become, but as I watched a few other cars drive by I thought I'd at least go outside to take a look. Then since I was already started I got in my truck and I was on my way.

As I drove to the nature park I had trouble seeing even a few car lengths ahead of me, so I had to take it very slow. If I was very careful and watched extra close I thought I should make it there without a problem. When I finally pulled the truck through the gate of the park I knew I was right for making the trip.

What surprised me the most when I got there was that somebody was already there! I figured I would have been the only one foolish enough to make this foggy trek out to this place so early in the morning. If that wasn't enough, as I made my way towards the trail I heard, but couldn't see, another car coming down the long driveway towards the parking lot. Now it was a crowd!

I'm sure you've noticed by now that it's very difficult to see much of anything in these pictures. Well it was even harder for me to see anything. The camera was able to cut through the fog much better than my eyes could. I was able to hear the sounds of an occasional squirrel or bird, but I never saw anything.

This picture was all the way at the back of the park in the meadow. I took this one as I was thinking of going back into the forest to go back to the front of the park. I also made a couple of stops at the lake, with many pictures from there. And there are a good amount of pictures of this meadow to show you too. But I'll be showing these to you in the next few days.

This is what I immediately saw when I entered the forest from the meadow at the back of the park. The fog had begun to lift very slightly from before, but it was still very thick. I have to say that I really love the spooky feel of the forest with all of this fog. For most people this would be scary and disturbing, but it was oddly comforting to me. It made me feel like I had been here for hundreds of years.

Another shot of the forest shows how the camera sees better than my own eyes. Still, the path ahead is obscured by the fog. Anything could jump out of that fog at me! And I have to tell you that something that was not human did at one point. I wasn't at all sure what to do when that happened! But I'll tell you that story in a few days.

For now, I hope you enjoy this first bunch of foggy pictures almost as much as I enjoyed being out there... all alone.


  1. I love the picture of the path forking in two in the foggy forest....I almost got goosebumps just looking at it. I, too, love being outside when it's almost feel like you could slide into another world at a moment's notice!
    Love your pics, as always,

  2. Great photos - I agree that the shot of the path through the trees splitting in two directions is a definite chill bumper!

  3. I love the foggy shots! It just like those eerie story :D

  4. Wonderful pictures, Ratty! You're brave to go to the park in thick fog like this..

  5. You have made it in a foggy morning. You should have felt verrrrryyyyyyy excited. You must have mannnnnnnnnnnny stories to tell.

    I too get excited.

    Those are my favourite pictures.

  6. I just love walking in fog! Driving... not so much

    Can you believe my verification word is mistakes?

  7. I Love to be out in the fog...I can freak myself out sometimes but it is such a cool atmosphere and I always things it heightens all your other sense when one is compromised.

  8. Oh how beautiful. Yes, spooky too! It makes you fell all alone in the world.

  9. Great photos - I am especially fond of the last two

  10. Great photos. the fog does give everything an eerie look. Can't wait to hear your stories

  11. Life in the San Francisco Bay area is one foggy day after the other at certain times of the year. I really do love it except when I'm driving.

    Your pictures are wonderful, Ratty.

  12. Ratty--these are fabulous photos! I'm glad you go out into the damp and dewy forest so I don't have to!

  13. The foggy forest scenes reminded me of M. Night's Shyamalan's movie: The Village... spooky!

  14. I love the fog. But it does play havoc with taking pictures of the animals though!

  15. Hi ... a great symbolism for mysterious beyond.. great scene.

  16. Very pretty and eerie foggy photos! Love the paths.

  17. That foggy fork picture is THE BEST!!! Great capture. I love the fog. I live for fog. I want fog every day. Sometimes I just have to compromise with CA sunshine though.

  18. Ratty, where I live we have fog almost everyday. I'm used to it and I love it especially when I'm walking at the gardens. It's our natural air conditioner out here.

  19. Firstly, your header image is a wonderful capture! The place in the skywatch photo looks really beautiful. Out of the world. Thanks for sharing.


  20. Thanks to you all for your comments. I see that many of you like that photo with the forked path. That's maybe my favorite as well. I take a picture of that place almost every time I'm there. I hope to catch up with answering any comments and visiting your blogs soon.
