
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Game - Guess The Creature

As you may have already guessed by the title of this post, it's game time again! This game was inspired by something that happened to me while I was making my way through this thick fog. There was a creature out there. That creature came at me out of that fog, and it was almost on me before I knew it was coming!

Yes, it indeed saw me and knew I was there. It made no mistake when it came after me. The only warning I had was that I saw this flash of light color in the foggy distance. Before everything was done I got a very good look at what it was. I can only say that I made it out of there unscathed. Tomorrow I'll show you that creature and tell you everything that happened.

For today though, for the purpose of this game, what I want from you is to guess the identity of this creature that was so interested in me. All I will tell you is that some very strange things happen when you're walking in thick fog like this. Why would something come after me like this? It has happened before, but I so far I've been very lucky that there has only been one incident where the creatures caught up to me.

Just as in all of my other games, this is just for fun. I promise no prizes but the fun of playing the game and making a guess. As always, leave your guess in the comments section. Even if you think somebody already guessed what you think is the correct answer, you can still guess the same thing. And you can have as many guesses or comments as you want. One guess per comment though so it doesn't get confusing.

Okay then, guess what this creature was that accosted me!


  1. Ratty I don't believe it I'm first on this one.

    Now living in a mainly Buddhist country where folk believe in ghosts and spirits I reckon its one of your squirrel friends hiding under a white sheet.

    Of course I could be wrong!!

  2. I'm gonna guess a deer - I think I see that white tail through the fog.

  3. Like DK, I'm thinking white-tailed deer.

  4. I think it is the tail of a white tailed deer that I see...but it could be an white Egret too. Final answer?=deer. ha

  5. It is suggested as a ghost in the wild. But not really.
    A squirrel? Maybe.
    A white-tailed deer? Most possible since there are three guesses.

    I think it is a deer.

  6. I also think it's a deer or buck since you did see your first buck some days back. Have a great Thanksgiving if I don't stop back this week.

  7. I downloaded and enlarged and enhanced, and it's not much use. It still looks like the north end of a deer going south for lack of a better idea.

  8. I'm going to guess a deer as well because of the shape. Though I can't be sure. Great fog shot though :)

  9. I'm going with the popular opinion here and saying a white tail deer.

  10. I'm guessing white-tailed deer.

  11. I guess it's a deer also since I see the white spec

  12. I thought it was one of those tall birds till I enlarged the photo. Now it looks to be a White-Tailed deer going back into the woods.

  13. Deer! I see his's white and shiiiinnnyyy!

  14. A lot of good guesses once again for the game. It seems as though I'm making the game too easy again. I'll have to find a good middle ground for the next one. Maybe I'll focus on humor for the next one.

  15. I enlarged the photo but I can't see a thing... :( Must get my eyes checked!

  16. Thanks VanillaSeven and Nessa for your comments. And thanks again to all the rest of you. The deer was too hard to see, but its tail seemed to shine like a beacon in the night.
