
Friday, November 13, 2009

Posing For The Camera

Today's squirrel week post is from when my new little friend, the fox squirrel, was up on another branch eating his second of three acorns. He decided to make it entertaining by giving me a few dramatic poses while he was enjoying his meal.

I love the way his cheeks are so puffy this time of year. I don't think he has more acorn stuffed in there. That's all him. He's a chubby one. He's demonstrating his technique of stuffing himself for the winter. He should have a nice layer of insulation the way he's scarfing down those acorns.

here he is trying his best to look into the camera while still eating his food. That looks kind of difficult. He's eating, perching on that branch, and watching the camera all at the same time. Life is hard when you're a star.

Here's my little squirrel buddy showing off his talent by doing his best Dracula impression. He tried his best to look sinister the way he was hiding there behind his hands, but it just didn't work as well without the cape.

He finally decided to take a break from his lunch and just look into the camera. That's a great pose he was doing while showing off his favorite food. He deserves a lot of credit for being able to hold still for that long for me. I know he wanted to get right back to his acorn.

SAY CHEESE! Here's my new little friend giving his best smile for the camera. He wasn't a shy one at all, was he? Actually, I think he might have been laughing at me. He probably was wondering why I was standing in the middle of the forest wearing those fake mouse ears. It was obviously so I could get him to laugh like that.

That's it for today. I'll be back tomorrow with something new for squirrel week!


  1. your squirrel photos never fail to fascinate me. ;)

  2. What a beautiful color on that squirrel, and he is cute too! Wonderful captures, Ratty!

  3. Life is hard when you're a star. I am so lucky for not being a star, and you have told the lesson. Poor squirrel.

  4. How cute! I think he is posing. How do you get the squirrels to do that for you?

  5. another great group of shots. He does seem to be enjoying his little photo session

  6. I found your blog while searching through "interests" and really enjoyed your site! So much that I decided to feature you on my blog about bloggers :D

    My site is called: I BLOG YOUR PROFILE again, Great Blog!

  7. He really is cute. Clearly, he's become very tolerant of all the visitors to "his" park. Those fox squirrels can get REALLY fat, eh?

  8. You are too funny!
    I am glad you bonded with this one so you could get all those closeup shots!

  9. well, go ahead with teh closeups. here are great images everywhere you care to look. :)

  10. clear sharp photos ratty, and it does look like he is smiling in the last pic. have a great day...hugz!

  11. great pics. We don't have nearly enough squirrels around our area any more :-(

  12. What great photos of this little guy. Were you as close as these photos look? Very entertaining.

  13. Ratty, this guy is so special. I hope you get to see him again after the winter. The color of his fur is so rich and beautiful. And, you are right, he doesn't look undernourished, in the least.

  14. Kaydie and I both enjoy your pictures of your little friend. And your writing becons me to read on and return again tomorrow for more. Kaydie always ask me if she can visit your site intrested to see what you have in store for her she says. I think you have a new fan Ratty.

  15. His color is beautiful. i believe he is enjoying the camera! Looks like a little ham to me.

  16. Ratty, he is a beautiful little guy. He obviously loves to pose for the camera too. Can't wait for more.

  17. @Cher
    Isn't it great to be first? I almost never make it. The squirrel photos were easy this time. Now I'm looking for a black squirrel that wants to be a star.

    @Icy BC
    Thanks, and the the squirrel thanks you too.

    Now all of the other squirrels will be asking him for his autograph everywhere he goes. They'll never leave him alone.

    @DK Miller
    I wish I could get all of the squirrels to pose. This one just seemed to love the camera. He does even more in my next post.

    He is one of the few squirrels that seemed to like being a star. He did every crazy thing he could to keep me there.

    Thanks for the feature! Some of the other blogs you featured are also very good. I hope others check it out.

    Yeah, this one seemed very comfortable with me. Maybe I was not too bad for him compared with all of the other people that bring dogs to chase him.

    @The Retired One
    I'm usually surprised when an animal decides not to immediately run from me. It's nice to see a friendly one.

    Closeups in the forest are hard to come by sometimes. I feature as many as I can. I'm glad you like them.

    That little guy was doing his best to get on camera. He must read my blog.

    I wish you had a few more. Squirrels are fun to watch, but they also can be little mischief makers at times.

    I was probably not quite as close as the photos make it seem, but I was very close, maybe about 15ft away. My zoom lense took care of the rest.

    I hope I get to see him again too. I'm afraid I won't know it's him though. I am now able to tell the difference between types of squirrels easily, but individuals are still hard.

    I'm glad you and Kaydie both like my site. I try to make my writing fun enough for kids and adults to like. Kids area always the ones that know what the best stuff is.

    I think he knows exactly how beautiful he looks. He might just be a big ham in a little squirrel body.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    He is one of the prettiest squirrels I've seen. I couldn't believe when he started actually performing for the camera. I was the first one to leave, which is very unusual.

  18. Oh my! The squirrel looks huge and healthy. Life must be good in the forest! :D

    Such a lovely smile for the camera.

  19. Ratty you have to seek treatment for this obsession!!

    I want to see more rat pictures pleas.

  20. Great shots Ratty, this little fellow wanted to be the star of your blog. Fox squirrels are little hams, they seem to love the attention. I like the shot where he stops eating and just looks at you, too cute.

    Maybe he will tell one of the black squirrels to give it a try. I would love to see close ups of those guys.

  21. @Nessa
    This is great forest for squirrels. Plenty of food and very little danger. This squirrel is a very happy one.

    Thanks for visiting.

    I sought treatment, but they just told me I was squirrely. :D

    This little guy would stop and look at me every few minutes. It was as if he was making sure I was still paying attention.

    I came very close to getting two black squirrels the very next day, but the lighting was bad and the pictures turned out terrible.
