
Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Little Squirrely

I'm back again with another series of pictures of my friend the performing fox squirrel. All of those poses seems to have tired him out, not to mention eating all of those acorns he ate while he was doing it. He got so exhausted that he just had to take a rest right there in the middle of the photo shoot. Well actually he just kind of dropped.

I guess it really isn't easy being a performing squirrel. I've heard rumors that this little guy does more than pose for pictures. He's a regular adventurer among squirrels. I guess he'll do just about anything to get attention. All the other squirrels really seem to love him because of what a big star he is.

Here he is trying to do an odd pose. He told me he was trying to put his hind leg up over his neck, but I suspect he just had an itch. He actually rubbed up against that branch a few times, but I was too polite to say anything. I guess being an adventurer that's also a rodent could probably give you a bad case of fleas. I wouldn't know anything about that though since I'm not a squirrel.

Here he is after a long day of posing from the camera taking his final bow. He was very proud of himself for this great event. After all, he was the center of attention once again. He figured that since he was already a star among the squirrels, he was going to expand his horizons by going world wide. No autographs please.

Here's something I noticed that seems odd to me. Whenever he began to move he would close his eyes like this. For instance, when he would turn to run. I saw him do this three times. I also have the pictures, just like this, and he would squint likethat every time he was ready to make a big move.

He did this several times, moving off of a branch to go back down to look for acorns. Then he would come back up with his acorn and begin doing more poses and looking at me. I really wish I could show them all to you, but there's only so many days I can feature him here. Just this post today was very difficult for me to choose five photos.

Here he is right after the squint! This was one of the last photos I took of him. Before he came back I decided it was time to wrap it up. In my post from a few days ago I showed you a picture of him leaping up onto the branch; now here he is leaping back down. We're all lucky he was polite with his tail.

As I began to walk away I turned and asked him his name. He said, "Flynn, simply Flynn." Yup, in case you haven't already guessed, I can speak squirrel language. The translation always comes out sounding odd though. Picture it in your mind; a human disguised as a rat that talks to squirrels. Perfectly normal.

Tomorrow I'll wrap up this encounter with Flynn by giving you a little prequel. I'm going to tell you the story of how I first met him that day. See you then!


  1. I just adore this guy...especially the first photo where he is draped across the branch as though he is soooooooo weary from all his acorn searching efforts. He really is a ham, isn't he, loving the limelight. Were there no others around?

    You have gotten the most incredible clear, up close and personal photos of this handsome creature.

  2. After today, the squirrel will come back and beg you to erase those few lines and picture on his bad habit.

    His girl friend does not like this, squinting is no good.

  3. Flynn is an excellent name. It suits him. I have to say that in the first photo of Flynn I initially thought that he looked a bit intoxicated :)

  4. Hi there Flynn :) Hope this big rodent didn't exhausted you from a long photo session. Oh, and please tell him that he did a great job! :)

  5. i knew you were dr. doolittle in disguise, i knew it! flynn was a marvelous star for this series. have a great day...hugz!

  6. Maybe his is nearsighted and has to squint to see where he is going. That would also explain why he thought a rat was a squirrel.

  7. Has he worn himself out? Looks like he is taking a well deserved rest on the tree!

  8. Such a cutie, that Flynn! Be sure to bring us more adventures and stories about him, soon--he's really quite the performer!

  9. He is a spendid and colourful little fellow. He looks remarkably well fed too. Could that be that there are lots of nuts in your area or are you just giving him plenty to eat?

  10. these really are some great shots..I really feel like I am getting to know little Flynn

  11. Your photos of this squirrel is wonderful! He's too adorable! Flynn is also a great name for him..

  12. You truly are the squirrel whisperer my dear Ratty. Well you Kaydies' got broncitus and this story and the pictures of Flynn cheered her up.Thanks. Other than cartoons all she requested was to see your blog. Bravo. Mr.R. I love your pictures. It's like you have them under your spell or something. I say with a smile.

  13. Flighty Flynn. I like it.
    Maybe he squints because he is like Mr. Magoo and can't see very far to judge the distance of his next leap?
    You are just too funny with the squirrel sagas!

  14. Oh I love these photos. I don't have much luck taking pictures of the little guys in my backyard except a few ones that are not too impressive enought to brag about. Perhaps I was not too sneaky or my camera is not that high tech to capture them in their candid moments. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Ha! Ha! Great photos of "Flynn" . I think he overate the acorns. He even looks a bit drunk..LOL I love this squirrel!!

  16. @RNSane
    There were plenty of other squirrels around, but as hard as they tried they just couldn't match Flynn. He's a star among squirrels.

    I wonder of they make glasses for squirrels. He probably wouldn't wear them anyway.

    Flynn might very well have been intoxicated. Maybe it was the combination of acorns and adulation that did it.

    Flynn would thank you very much for your concern if he stayed in one place. He's such a big star now that he has moved on to his next daring adventure.

    Maybe it's Flynn that's the DR. Doolittle of squirrels. Besides, speaking squirrel is easy if you're already kind of nutty.

    That could very well be. I saw him squint several times before making a quick move. I captured it on camera at least twice.

    His rest didn't last long. He was soon up and performing again. He was ready to go again, but I finally had to move on.

    Flynn will be featured one more time tomorrow. Then one day maybe I'll tell a few of his stories that only the squirrels know about.

    The forest Flynn lives in is a squirrel paradise filled with acorns. He'll never be hungry there.

    One of these days I'll give an even better look at Flynn.

    @Icy BC
    Flynn loves being the center of attention. He'll do any crazy thing to get it.

    I hope Kaydie gets well soon. I'm glad Flynn could help. Maybe the squirrels have me under their spell.

    @The Retired One
    Maybe his eyesight is his big weakness. All great heroes of the stories have a weakness.

    My camera isn't high tech either. The way to get good pictures of animals like squirrels is to take very many and to study them and find how to get them to come closer. You'll get them if you keep trying.

    He was definitely gorging himself on acorns. Who was I to stop him though?

  17. @Erik
    This little squirrel was entertaining for quite some time.
