
Friday, November 6, 2009

The Answer To It All

Hmm, I didn't think I was going to have to do this, but I guess maybe I didn't make the directions for yesterday's Fun Nature Trivia game clear enough. I was trying to keep it short so we could get on with the game. Then again I was trying to be vague about everything in an effort to kick off this new series of trivia posts I'll be doing.

The point was to give you a bit of a mystery to begin with to add even more fun to this first one. I guess it just became an exercise in frustration.I do have to admit that I've had a nice evil chuckle over the whole thing though. I even gave you a clue in the comments section. Since I made this into a game there was also a chance for there to be a winner of the game. That winner is Sharkbytes! She figured out the mystery and even gave out the answer on her site, My Quality Day.

I guess I also promised to reveal the answer today. I always say that my games are always the easiest kind, and this one was really no exception to that. You really didn't figure it out? Anyway, it turns out that I am magic. I have the power of invisibility! The answers to the game are in the post, but I've made them invisible. Magic!

Oh, I keep forgetting... I think you want to know how to be able to see those answers. Me and my twitchy typing fingers. Well here are two easy ways to do just that. The first way to find the answers is to click anywhere within that post with your mouse, then hold down Ctrl-A on you keyboard. Now look again at the page. There are your answers.

The second way is to click and hold down your left mouse button on the first word in the post. Now drag it down the screen until you reveal the answers you want to see. Each answer is right below each question! See? Very simple. Once you see the answers you'll know that the game is only intended to be there for a little bit of goofy nature trivia. I made the answers invisible to make it more fun while you read the questions.

After you find the answers you can come right back here and let me know how evil I've been. If you still have trouble I'll be here to answer your specific questions today. After that I'll be back tomorrow with an all new thrilling episode of The Everyday Adventurer!

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  1. you big Rat! hahaha! you must still have that evil laugh 'til now for all of us who didn't get it!

  2. Hey Ratty. I've given you an award over on my blog

  3. Oh my, you sneaky rat! :-)
    Love the colors in your photos..

  4. This the nature of a good rat. You have hidden the answer very cleverly.

  5. :)) clever Ratty.

    Love the colours of the pics.

  6. You seem to have a lot of answers to the ultimate question of life there today, my friend. Thanks for the link! I should have thought of it sooner, but the way I found it was by searching for "dodo" because I was positive of that answer. Of course that revealed it and then it was all too easy.

  7. I did NOT like this Ratty. It was too hard. Not all of us are computer wizards you quit laughing evilly and play NICE!!!
    I will try all the mouse moves and see if I can do it to get the answers, but for me, this was frustrating.
    Don't worry, I still luv ya.

  8. Thats very evil Ratty.... I like :D

  9. lol, you are so sneaky! that was totally awesome! i seriously didn't know that you could make words invisible, how very clever of you. have a great day my friend...hugz!

  10. Ratty, you gave me a headache. I would rather see squirrels.

  11. Ratty I answered every question and I don't even get a pat on the back? Shame on you.

  12. oh very clever Ratty...I spent ages yesterday hovering over every place a mouse appeared on your blog to see if I could find the

  13. Oh Ratty, you are a clever one. Next time I will try and be more prepared for you

  14. Ratty nice trick. I freely admit I spent ages trying to figure it out. Eventually resorting to looking up the answer I didn't know!

  15. @Cher
    Yup, I'm still laughing a little bit, but I'm also hoping the solution from today helps everyone next time I do a Nature Trivia post.

    Thanks, I'll make your blog my very next stop.

    @Icy BC
    Sneaky yes, but I hope the results will be good.

    I hope I wasn't too clever. I want everyone to be able to enjoy these trivia posts in the future.

    I hope all of it was fun.

    I've given those ultimate answers before. I thought it was appropriate this time again. Those dodos always did seem to lack any tact at all. They gave too much away. :D

    @The Retired One
    I can't help it, but this makes it even more funny. I honestly didn't think it would be that hard. Now that everyone knows the answer, the next time I do this the game can be just for fun.

    Thank you! Now it can be a tool to help make a few fun posts.

    I found out how to do it from other people who use it as a tool to hide spoilers of stories.

    Squirrels will be the next ones to get this treatment.

    Actually you do deserve a pat on the back for your hard work. You did a good job of research. But I told everyone that the answers were already here. The game was to find where I hid them. My games are always supposed to be easy, with very little work. Remember that for the next one and I know you'll be a winner. I sometimes forget that not everyone was here when I was captured by the evil squirrels.

    At least you had the right idea. Now you know that you were very close to solving the puzzle.

    Now you know that I'm truly a rat. I'm absolutely sure that you'll be prepared next time. Anyone who has been here for awhile knows that I do something strange like this from time to time just to shake things up a bit. It was long overdue.

    I knew some people wouldn't get it at first, but I honestly thought it would be solved much sooner. It was a trick that had become routine to me. Next time I'll have to make sure to tell everyone how unnecessary it is to look elsewhere for the answers.

  16. Ratty, you are so evil. I wish I had read the other post before I found out the secret, but I probably wouldn't have figured it out anyway.

    Have a great weekend.
