
Sunday, October 18, 2009

The View

I want to talk about something that I'm not sure I ever have before. Oh sure, I've skirted around the edges of it. But what I have here is something that maybe gets to the heart of why The Everyday Adventurer exists in the first place. How could I have missed it before?

I'm sure it's pretty obvious by now that I collect most of my stories and pictures from my short hiking trips that I go on as often as I can. Well, why would I want to go walking in the woods or any other place like that almost every day? It's because of what you see in the two pictures I have for you today!

Places like this are what I have never presented to you before. I have talked about how I find peace and comfort from being alone in nature, but I've never really shown you an example of what I see that makes that happen. You know, somewhere off the hiking trail, and without even the animals.

In these two pictures are two different views of the same log. You've seen it before if you've been reading my stories for awhile. If you look beyond the log you might barely see the big body of water in the background. That water is Carpenter Lake. You might also be able to see that the water is much lower than the land in front of the log.

This old log is laying right on the edge of a huge drop off. It's possible to climb down there, but it's steep enough that nobody ever does it. Even though it's too difficult to get a good look at the lake from here, I still find myself drawn to this place. It's because of the log, the drop off, and the hint of the lake. This is the heart of nature.

This is one of the places I look at while I'm in the forest. This is why I go. Not for the animals. Not for the hiking. Not even so I can tell anybody about it. These other things are only an added benefit. I go so I can see places like this. I wish I had time to explain this further, but now I'm just going to look at the pictures.


  1. You are so fortunate to live in a place surrounded by this much beauty...I'm sooooo jealous

  2. You know if you never explained further, I so totally understand from the picture and this post. I guess because we are kindred spirits and I love our woods too.

  3. i totally understand the why of what you do, it is beautiful and peaceful. thank you my friend for sharing your adventures...hugz!

  4. I think everyone should have a 'special' place. I have one is very different from yours in the way it looks but it is as apart from the hustle and bustle of everyday living as yours is and it is a place where I can collect my thoughts and reflect on life. It is 'My place' and no-one can ever take that away no matter what is dealt.

  5. if i were you, i'd love to see such nature's beauty everyday too. :)

  6. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I've always found that when I need to clear my head there is nothing that works better than to take a walk in a peaceful setting like the ones you have posted. Something about it just draws the troubles and tensions right out of you. Seeing the animals and birds is just an added bonus to it all.

  7. I could quite happily sit for hours in a place just like this, doing nothing in particular. I'd even consider sleeping there in a hammock watching the stars :-)

  8. It's beautiful and i understand what you are saying. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Lovely,peaceful place, for sure...and although I just love your stories of animals & you mention at the end here...a good picture is already WORTH a thousand words. Enough said....

  10. I am glad you found comfort and peace being with nature like that. Like what Mountain Woman of Red Pine said, you have kindred spirits..

    Beautiful pictures, Ratty!

  11. Look for an answer in the forest. A wood may tell, a tree may tell, a river may tell, a lake may tell......

  12. I love the skinny trees surrounding the lake. Beautiful.

  13. Looks like a very peaceful place. Do you ever sit on that log??? I'd be so afraid looking down.....but it is a very nice spot. I can see why you like it.

  14. I know exactly what you mean...that is why I go to the many, many places in the U.P. wilderness. Just to be one with nature.

  15. I completely understand Ratty, I am the same and those photos? That's my heaven.
