
Monday, October 19, 2009

Poll Results - What We Met In The Forest

The results of the latest poll are here! For some odd reason this poll seemed to last kind of long this time. I guess maybe it was because I gave it an extra week. I did it because there were so many choices this time. I provided 8 choices, which was the most in any of my polls so far. After two weeks I guess we have the definite answer to this one. Let's see what it happened.

I asked the question, "Which would you like to meet in the forest?" Let's look at the answers a little differently this time by giving a sort of countdown. I'll start with a look at last place, and then move down the list to first place. Maybe it will build a little suspense this time, even though you can see the results on the sidebar.

#8 Ghost - 0 Votes (0%) - Wow, I guess nobody at all likes a little spooky surprise when they're out all alone in a dark and quiet forest. Just think of one of these floating up behind you when you think you're all alone. I guess that's exactly what you didn't want to think about.

#7 Bigfoot - 1 Vote (2%) - There are many names for this creature. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Skunk Ape, and many others. There are many theories about this creature. Some people believe it's real while others aren't so sure. What exactly is it? Is it an undiscovered kind of ape? A space alien? Nobody really knows. The only thing everyone agrees on is that it's big and hairy. I guess only one of you likes big and hairy things.

#6 - #4 This one was a three way tie. These three had equal results, so I guess they're equally desirable. By the looks of them, they're also pretty much the same all the way around. Let's see what they are.

#4 - Witch - 2 Votes (5%) - This might be my last choice to meet in the forest, but it wasn't yours. Maybe a couple of you had different thoughts on the kind of witch I'm thinking of. Hansel and Gretel found that gingerbread house with a witch that lived in it while they were lost in the forest. She tried to eat them. Not fun.

#4 - Space Alien - 2 Votes (5%) - The first thing I thought of here when I gave you this choice was an episode of the Simpsons. It's a cartoon, for any of you who don't know. The mean old boss, Mr. Burns, (The boss again!) was all drugged up from a visit to the doctor, and he wandered out into the forest. He glowed green and talked in a high pitched eerie voice saying, "I bring you peace..." He was then mistaken for an alien. Any other alien I can think of would capture you and stick things in places you would definitely not like!

#4 - Your Boss - 2 Votes (5%) -  Two of you actually wanted to meet your boss in the forest. I'm not going to ask you why, but why? I hope you didn't have something evil in mind. I guess it's understandable that your boss would compare so favorably with a witch and a space alien.

#3 - Elf - 5 Votes (12%) - Now we're getting close to the reasonable choices. I understand why you would want to meet an elf in the forest. These may be the closest to humans than any of the others. The only problem is that they have a reputation for being untrustworthy. They might welcome you or they might just try to kill you and use you for tree fertilizer. They still are probably a better choice than the others choices so far.

#2 - Fairy - 13 Votes (33%) - Fairies may be the nicest creature on the list. They actually come in many different shapes and sizes, but I would guess that most of you thought of just one kind. That would be the kind of fairy that's only about the size of a butterfly, with wings that are even prettier. These are some of the most popular mythical creatures on earth, so I completely understand why they got so many votes.

#1 - Tree Spirit - 14 Votes (35%) - I was honestly a little surprised when tree spirit got the most votes. But then as I began to do a little bit of research on them I started to understand. I should have known this answer all along. Unlike all the rest of these choices, tree spirits exist in some form in just about every culture all around the world.

Most of these stories say that a tree spirit either appears as a wise old man or as a beautiful woman. There have been whole religions that have had tree spirits as main figures. Some cultures believe that the spirits of their ancestors either reside in trees or are the trees themselves. Therefore it would be a very bad idea to harm a tree. You wouldn't want to insult or harm your ancestors, would you?

The Green Man is one of the most well known tree spirits. There are stories of the Green Man all over the world. He is usually depicted as a bearded face of a man with greenery all around. A lot of times this would be a tree with the face of a man. The Green Man is usually even more than a normal spirit. He is considered a deity in very many cultures.

And lastly we have dryads or nymphs. These are female tree spirits that represent nature in its purest form. These spirits are often thought of as seductive but possibly dangerous. There are stories of them luring men to either doing very foolish things, or even to their deaths. As long as you respect them and their trees you should be okay.

I know I've only given you a taste of the stories of all of these creatures, but you can find out much more just by doing a search on the web. The research I did this time took me a very long time. I hoped to bring you even more information, but you would be reading this for days if I were to do that. I hope you enjoyed the poll results this time. Now I need to come up with another one.


  1. Fairies seem to be an obvious choice for many but I was bewildered by the number of votes tree spirit had got. You are explanation helped me in understanding nature of the votes.

  2. I voted for fairies but I didn't really know all that much about tree spirits until I read this post. The boss one has me puzzled, why would anyone want to meet their boss in the forest or anywhere else for that

  3. I wouldn't really want to meet a fairy in the woods- if you research a bit into fairies, they are supposed to be quite mean!

  4. I voted for fairies, since I like fairies..That was fun to find out that tree spirits won..

  5. I voted for fairies. But if I have to vote for tree spirits, it is similar as voting for the boss.

  6. I actually can't remember what I voted for...and as I read your results, I found each choice to be possibly very interesting...except the boss. But yes, trees are such powerful find their spirits would be very special (and I wonder if it's in the form of the elusive black squirrel in your last photo??)

  7. great information on the choices ratty. my choice was fairy, but not the kind that keep hiding the socks in the house. they are just mischievous! have a great day...hugz!

  8. Great post. I was out in the Hocking Hills taking pictures of "tree spirits" this past weekend.I did hear a few strange sounds and wasn't able to figure out what caused it

  9. I do believe in tree spirits. They are more likely to exist compared with say, bigfoot or aliens! : )

  10. I'm surprised elf didn't get more votes. It took me a while to decide between elf, fairy and tree spirit. In the end I chose tree spirit :-)

  11. Very interesting results...but how come you didn't put "Ratty" as a choice??

  12. The results of your poll were interesting. Although I have never met sasquatch or a fairy I might have run into tree spirit once or twice. Nice chap, beyond description, great sense of humor.


  13. Tree spirits got my vote... who could choose anything else who is a fan of Narnia and Middle Earth!?

  14. Tree Spirit rules!! Yeah! :D
    Looking forward for Tree Spirit stories, which you going to tell us, right Ratty? Right (wink)? ;)

  15. Tree spirits got my vote as well. Trees have a connection to three of the elements of water, earth and air. Plus they would be the wisest of the choices IMHO.

    That was a fun poll Ratty.

  16. Of course I voted tree spirits with my tree hugger existence I aspire to be one myself :)
