
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Most Inspirational Blog Award

I have received an award called the Most Inspirational Blog Award from Ann of Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap. You'll recognize Ann from the many wonderful comments she leaves on this blog, so she deserves a most inspirational comments award. Here is a link to her post about the award: Sorry, Very Long Winded

I'm not sure why she thinks her post is long winded. I enjoyed reading it very much. In it she tells an interesting but short bit about her history as a blogger. Go and read it for yourself. You'll find a few things in there that you will greatly identify with. It's a good post, so check it out and tell her what you think. And make sure you tell her that Ratty sent you!

Now comes the time where I let everyone know who I'm sending this award on to. This is the part where I usually let you all know what a dastardly rebel I am because I'm about to blow your mind by breaking the rules of the award. And I am! So who am I going to pass it on to?

I indicated above that Ann is an inspiration to me because of her wonderful comments here on my blog. It's all of you wonderful people who comment here that inspire me and keep me going. So this award is for you! You all know that I read your blogs. Yours are all very inspirational to me. So this award goes to all of you. Take good care of it.


  1. I will go and take a look at the blog now...and i will leave a comment saying you sent me. :-)

  2. A well deserved award, Ratty! Congratulation..

  3. Congratulations, Ratty, as Icy said, you deserve it! Thank you for passing on the award to us!

  4. Well done Ratty. You seem to be receiving a lot of awards lately :)

  5. Aww Ratty, Thanks so much for your kind words. You do truly deserve the award. and since it's your award, if you like breaking the rules you just go for it :)

  6. Congratulations on your award Ratty, you definitely deserved it.

  7. Allotments4you - Thank you. I really appreciate it, and I think she does too.

    Icy BC - Thanks. These things humble me every time.

    Tes - Thanks, and you are very welcome. You all deserve this award.

    Sandra - Yeah, this time I've been able to keep up with them. I always like to see your name on the list of comments. :)

    Ann - I meant every word. Your story and your blog are excellent.

    SquirrelQueen - Thanks for your nice compliment. I appreciate it.

  8. congrats you deserve it. Keep it up.
