
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Great Battle Of Carpenter Forest

I have an amazing tale to tell you today! This story is about the struggle for life and death. I was witness to one of the great battles of the forest. It happened between several different creatures. This happened to be one of the most amazing things I have ever seen!

I'll start from the very beginning, since that's where all good stories start. I was in the very center of the forest trying out my new camera equipment when I sensed a presence that didn't seem to belong. I looked to my left and I saw something about ten feet off the ground on a branch about thirty feet away. It was very dark in the forest so I had to strain to see just exactly what it was.

As I narrowed my eyes, I realized that the thing I was seeing was a hawk perched up on that branch. I couldn't believe my luck! I never expected to see this kind of bird in the middle of a forest! It was very quietly scanning the area, and when it turned and saw me it flew a short distance away.

The forest had been oddly still up 'til then. But after the hawk moved I saw a lone little squirrel go running across the forest floor. It was right then that I guessed what this hawk was looking for. I just knew that this poor little squirrel was going to be the hawk's next meal, and so did the hawk.

Just as the squirrel was halfway to his destination, the hawk made his move! The hawk quickly and smoothly swooped down towards the poor little squirrel and reached out with his talons to grab him and haul him off. As the hawk was doing this, I saw the squirrel crouch down to try to avoid the attack! It all happened so fast, but as the hawk rose back into the air it didn't have the squirrel.

The hawk landed on another nearby low branch to wait for another chance at his prey. Then I saw another squirrel appear on the floor of the forest. Then another and another, and another still! What was going on? Did they think the hawk was gone? The hawk made another attempt at the nearest squirrel, and came up empty again! As before, it went back to another nearby branch. That's when all hell broke loose!

As one unit, about a half dozen squirrels ran up the side of the branch that the hawk was on, and they attacked! These squirrels had teamed up to fight for their very lives! Just as the squirrels moved in on the hawk, it leaped into the air and flew to another branch! The squirrels quickly followed!

Some ran across tree branches and others took to the ground, but they were as one in their hunt of this hawk. The hawk saw them coming and it made another attack on the nearest squirrel. The squirrel ducked, the hawk missed, and the others were on the hawk again!

It tried to fly away but the squirrels had it trapped! The whole thing erupted into chaos! The hawk lifted off only a few feet off the branch but there were squirrels above and below. They were coming from all directions. The hawk made small jumps, in an attempt to dive bomb any squirrel that tried to stop its retreat!

Finally the hawk was able to break free of this organized mob, and it flew high into the forest. The squirrels seeing that it was fleeing, melted back into the forest. I saw a few of them before they disappeared, and I noticed that there were more than one type of squirrels in the group. I distinctly saw a couple of black squirrels in with the majority of fox squirrels. They had all banded together to save themselves.

I don't know if the battle was ended then, or if it just moved on into the forest. As it was all happening, I tried to get a few pictures of the action, but I just wasn't quick enough. I got a few shots of the hawk whenever it stopped, but since I am still learning some new camera settings, they are not the best they could be. I'm just glad I can tell this story of the great battle of the forest.

(If anyone can tell by the pictures what kind of hawk this is, I would really appreciate the information. I'm thinking it's possibly a Cooper's Hawk.)

(I also have one more post today, just below this one. Take a look at it. It's very short, and there's a surprise waiting for you there.)


  1. wow...what a site to encounter..nature is cruel at the best of times and it was nice to get to the end of the story and find out that all those involved came out unscathed...I feel kind of sorry that the hawk left hungry though!!

  2. Great story and must have been a site to see. I have never seen a hawk up close. Thanks for sharing.

  3. what an exciting adventure for you ratty! i know that it is all about survival, but i'm glad that the hawk didn't get a squirrel this time. have a great day my friend...hugz!

  4. What a great adventure to see the squirrels trying to outsmart the hawk!

  5. What an experience. I have not seen a group of animals attack a hawk either...I have only seen a hawk sweep down and capture its dinner.
    Good for you to be able to see nature in action!!

  6. Oh wow, now that was quite a show of prowess and unity from the squirrels. You're lucky to have witnessed it! The hawk looks ferocious. Yikes!

  7. What an exciting story and these pictures are fabulous. Thanks for sharing this!

  8. I am still thinking it is a Friday Fiction, but it is only Wednesday by now.

  9. Wow you got extremely lucky again!! This is a really rare shot my friend but then of course you already know that.

    I have a few shots of hawks but none this close up. I've always had my 250 on instead of my 400...I have switched lately and started working much more with the 400.

    WTG...this is awesome and I'm sorry I don;t know what kind of hawk it is. I wish Walter wer here and he would know!!

    Yet another fantastic adventure Ratty...TY so much!
    Happy day:-)))

  10. What an amazing event, thanks for sharing, how wonderful to see it.

  11. We have those big creepy black birds around here which I can't stand. I've never been that close to a hawk, but we saw a nice eagle flying last week at the Buck. I keep meaning to go to the little sanctuary up there and take some photos maybe next weekend. I love reading about your adventures.

  12. Wow, what an amazing story. It must have been awesome to have witnessed that first hand. I see a ton of hawks every day on my daily ride, I just wish I had time to stop and try and get some pictures but I never do.

  13. OOOh, cool story, Ratty! I'm kinda glad you just watched rather than try to see it all behind the camera. Some things are just better experienced than trying to capture it on film.

    Go, Squirrels!!! I love how they ganged up on it. :)

  14. you're a great story teller. I felt like I was right there witnessing it with you. It must have been amazing...

    Squirrels 1 Hawk (love)

  15. Golly, that story was even better than fiction!! I never dreamed squirrels were social enough to cooperate and must admit, I've never heard of them banding together for anything. OTOH, the way my local squirrels outwit every means I come up with to keep them out of my bird feeders...well, I NEVER said they were stupid!

  16. Awesome post Ratty!! Love that story. I saw a hawk carry off a squirrel one time and he sat on a branch for a long time as the crows were attacking it. It kept hoisting the squirrel and getting a better grip on it. The squirrel must have been heavy. But eventually it flew off with the squirrel dangling from it's claws. The crows chasing it all the way. Your hawk could be a Sharp-Shinned. They are good flying through the trees. But are smaller than a Cooper's.

  17. Why does that one photo look like half the bird is missing?? Or is it just me?? Ha! here is a web page for you so you will know the difference between a Sharp-Shinned and Cooper's Hawk.

  18. Wow, I could see the hawk on the tree.

  19. This just goes to show you how crafty squirrels can be. They seem to hunt in a herd like fashion which actually resembles meerkats, which is just funny to watch.

  20. Sometimes one is privileged to witness nature in the raw, Ratty, you were so lucky. I have seen snakes eating frogs, I have heard a rabbit crying like a baby. But it is the way of the world. The meek shall inherit.


  21. Wow! I almost wish that you have them on video instead of the photos. I can imagine the intense fight between them. Great job Ratty!

  22. Those hawks can be dangerous. What an adventure taking place right before your eyes. Yes, they are all too quick to be able to capture them on film. You could write a book Ratty with all of your adventures. I'd be the first one to buy it.

  23. Ratty, what a great adventure for you and a rare one at that. I see our hawks hunting all the time but usually over the fields so it's difficult to see their prey. Squirrels are more social than most folks realize. Great capture on the hawk, the ones I see usually perch in 100ft trees.

  24. Wow! So many comments this time! I'll try to answer some of your questions here after reading the comments. Sorry I can't answer each comment this time, but I want to make the time to visit all of your blogs too. :)

    Mike - I hope they sort out the problem with the comments system on your blog. I miss being able to comment there too. :)

    JStantonChandler - Your vote for the mean squirrels was very intelligent and informed.

    Rainfield - This was indeed very real. I hope to bring Fiction Friday back soon, but I want to do something very special when I do.

    Lin - I actually did get a little of the battle on the camera, but the pictures turned out to be mostly blur.

    Ginnymo - Thank you so much for helping me identify this hawk! I think you're right, and it is a sharp-shinned hawk. Your link helped greatly. The site I originally looked at said they were two very similar hawks, with similar habits. They also kept saying the sharp-shinned was the size of a dove, but mine is much bigger. After looking at their measurements though it is most likely a large sharp-shinned.

    And the one picture looks like only half a hawk mostly because the pictures just aren't very good. :)

  25. Ratty! I have never seen anything except crows or red-winged blackbirds gang up on a hawk. I did not know that squirrels would do that. I bet that hawk is young, and just learned why hawks don't go deep into the tree canopy! I am taking a day off tomorrow and will look in my bird book.

  26. Sharkbytes - I have to say that the whole thing surprised me too. I read that this is typical behavior for Cooper's hawks and sharp-shinned hawks. They like small forests with very close open meadows to use as an escape route. That's exactly the kind of place this battle took place in. The battle ended less than twenty feet away from the edge of the forest beside the meadow. The hawk flew the wrong way though.

  27. What a wonderful encounter this must have been. I love your adventure stories!

  28. Squirrel - Thanks. This one was one of the most exciting things I've seen yet.
