
Friday, August 7, 2009

Teasing The Geese

I'm going to tell you a little story about a jerk named Ratty and some poor innocent hungry geese. I would first like to warn you not to do the things that I'm about to tell you about. In any interaction with a wild animal there's always a risk that you could could be attacked. Don't worry though, that will not happen here. The animals in this story are purely innocent victims!

While I was at the viewing platform of the lake at the back of my most frequently visited nature park, I noticed four geese swimming very close by. How could I not notice a thing like that? Well, if you've been reading my stuff for awhile you know how much I love taking pictures of the geese, so you can guess what I did next.

Okay then, I'll tell you anyway. I ran like a madman to the edge of the platform and leaned over the railing so I could get some good pictures before they swam away! The funny thing is that they didn't swim away at all. In fact, they swam closer to the platform! This was a very foolish thing for them to do, because for some odd reason Ratty's nature loving mind turned instantly EVIL.

I tried to fight these evil thoughts that were running through my brain. I really did! But it was no use at all. The dark side had taken over. I even continued to take my pictures while this conflict was going on in my head. All the while these poor innocent geese suspected nothing, so after a few minutes they became bored with me and began to swim away. But the evil voices in my head told me how I could lure them back...

I quickly looked to the right, and then to the left. I found exactly what I needed. I scooped up a few pebbles from the pavement beneath me and then proceeded to toss them into the lake just in front of me. They made a nice series of tiny plops and splashes that the geese heard immediately.

The geese, of course, thought I was throwing food to them. They all spun around at the same time and swam swiftly back towards me. They searched the water near where the pebbles fell, and after finding nothing, looked up at me in anticipation. Little did they know that there was an evil monster staring back at them, and he had no food for them at all.

I used this purely as a tool to get more pictures of these geese while they were so close to me. Now, even though geese aren't necessarily the smartest creatures in the world they began to realize that I had no food for them. So they began to turn away from me again. Nooooo!!! I quickly scooped up more delicious pebbles for them and did what I had to do. Got 'em again! Ha!

When they turned back and looked expectantly at me, a new voice in my head began to speak. It was very quiet at first but began to grow in volume. It kept telling me to remember how much I loved these poor trusting little geese. It reminded me that one of them was probably the lovely mother goose that I watched for so long. A conflict was beginning to form in my brain.

Since this post is running quite a bit longer than I thought it would, I'm going to have to bring up an ugly word. Cliffhanger. Honestly now, would you really want to read this story if it was so long that it took you the rest of the day? I didn't think so. So come back tomorrow to see if this evil Rat picked up one of these innocent geese and devoured it, or if Ratty the Good showered them all with gifts.


  1. I shall see crazy Ratty falling into the lake and to be rescued by the geese one day.

  2. Well, I think you've made it up to them by featuring them on the internet! They are now super star of the Everyday Adventurer..

  3. Too bad one didn't sneak up behind you while you were leaning over and give ya a good goose :)

  4. you are too funny. you mean ole ratty, why you gotta tease those lovely careful they will bite you...hehehe. love this little suspenseful adventure.

  5. Ah remind me that they will be coming my way heading south as a reminder to all of us to enjoy such scenes that you show us in your photographs, as all to soon the lake will be frozen, once again.

  6. So you were teasing the poor geese? That’s very naughty. My husband and I saw many geese on a small lake close by. They were quite far away. We went to the pet store and bought some duck food then went back. When they realized we were throwing food they all came around us, about 25 or more and came on shore and were eating out of our hands. I took some photos, and I’ll have to post them some time.

  7. Beautiful geese being photographed by Good Ratty. Poor geese being teased by Evil Ratty. A great story, I eagerly await the rest of the tale.

  8. I love Rainfield's comment. Seriously though, thanks for the tips - I never would have thought of the pebble throwing :)

  9. can't wait to see if good over came If evil wins out ratty may have to be looking over his shoulder in the presence of geese for awhile :)

  10. Geese always freak me out. Their so angry. lol

  11. The Ratty I know will end this story happily.....

  12. Someday they will get even Ratty..Ha!
    You meanie. I bet you went and found some food after you did that. The guilt was getting to you..ha! You sure got some great photos though!!

  13. We will do anything to get those shots won't we?

    We have a couple that stop over every Spring and then again in late Autumn during migration.

    I love them! We had six pair at the start of early spring and now down to one...Grrrrrrr......bobcats and mountain lions!!

    Well, I had to go to the DR. I still don't have my top drop widget up!!

    Wow and the medicine has me really woozy!! it seems I have a lovely little pinched sciatic nerve!!

    I knew I was hurting...but, I hung in for the last 4 weeks or so...but, the last 2 days got me!!

    Now it's play catch up time!!:-)

  14. I have pictures of wildlife I want to share with you with a post dedicated especially for you. Will tell you when it is up...

  15. Ratty, I believe the sky will opened up soon with the ray of light above you and said " FEED MY GEESE" You really owed them one.

    Btw, the geese looks lovely :)

  16. What a fun post! I love the first picture, what a great close-up! Cant wait to see how the story ends..

  17. I can NOT believe you have crossed the line and that little devil on your shoulder won out!!!! Naughty Ratty!

    Shame shame.

    Psst...Ratty...come over here behind this tree... Here's a bag of hen scratch for you. The geese love it. ;)

  18. I see Ratty has gotten rid of his writer's block! Great post.

  19. Rainfield - I hope the geese rescue me. I'll try to be good to them now.

    Icy - Even though I teased them, I consider them my favorite pets.

    WiseAcre - One of these days they'll get me. I think I'll watch my backside from now on.

    PJ - The devil made me do it. I try to be good. Really I do.

    A.J. - I hope when they get to you, you tell them Ratty says hi, and to please come back as soon as they can.

    Vagabonde - I'll have to find out exactly what they eat, but I'm still supposed to sneak it to them in the park.

    Joe Todd - I know you will, friend.

    SquirrelQueen - I hope it didn't disappoint too much, but that is just how it happened. I acted shamefully. ;)

    Poetic Shutterbug - I'm glad you remembered that part. The pebbles worked like a charm. They don't keep them long though.

    Ann - I'm used to animals being angry with me. I've made many squirrel enemies, and a few deer as well.

    Dr. Lauren - They're okay as long as you keep a respectful distance. They can be quite friendly at times though.

    The Retired One - Be careful. The Ratty you know also stole your dragon and commanded it to eat a crowd of squirrels. :D

    Ginnymo - The guilt was getting to me, but that evil voice came right back and took control. It will stop at nothing sometimes.

    Jackie - I completely understand that doctor stuff. It can mess everything up for awhile. Take the time you need with your widget, and if you need any help, you know where to find me.

    Kruel - Thank you very much. You don't know what an honor this is for me. I look forward to it.

    VanillaSeven - The sky did open up, but maybe not the way we might think.

    Ashley - I loved getting those closeups. I have some more closeup creatures coming soon.

    Julia - I've been known to do this before in times of weakness. I have a whole army of squirrels after me as a result. At least those are fictional.

    I'll try some hen scratch. Maybe that will make amends.

    Glynis - I'm glad you noticed. It's coming along nicely now. I just hope I can keep that block gone for awhile.
