
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Teasing The Geese: Conclusion

When I left you yesterday there was a conflict between good and evil forming in my mind. I had been teasing some friendly little Canada Geese by pretending I was tossing food to them, but it was only pebbles that I was using to lure them closer with. Then I began to feel a creeping shame come over me, and that is where I will begin today.

I was looking at the geese as they began to leave once again, and then I looked down at the ground where I got the pebbles. I looked back at the geese, wanting them to come back, but feeling ashamed at what I had done. They thought I was their friend, but I had betrayed them! Then I looked back down at the ground. I felt bad, but I knew what I had to do.

Once again I reached down to the place where I got the pebbles, and I pulled up a handful of weeds that I thought the geese might like. I didn't know if this would make amends but I had to try. I had to become the friend of these geese again and repair the damage I had done to their feelings. So I tossed the weeds onto the lake, right in front of them.

The geese then turned back, still trusting me all the way, and quickly swam towards the weeds. One of the geese was so eager that it nipped at one of the others to chase it away from potentially the tasty treat in front of them. What a greedy goose! There was plenty for all of them! They began to nibble at the weeds I had thrown to them, and I happily realized they liked them!

I quickly grabbed more and tossed them into the water. They just as quickly gobbled up this second handful. I wasn't done there! I grabbed a third handful of these weeds for the geese, and raised my hand to toss them out to them, and the geese, in unison, followed my hand with their heads as it went up to release their treat. That's when the evil voice triumphantly returned!

Evil is sly and swift in the way it can convince somebody to do what it wants, and I seemed to be a very willing victim. So instead of releasing the treat I lowered my hand slowly and watched the geese follow me. Now I was in command! I was the evil ruler of these gullible geese! I waved the food around to show them my power, and they followed my every move. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

When I got bored with that, I finally threw the weeds to my new minions. I let them have the weeds and I turned and walked away to find another adventure. That's all. The evil voice won and the good voice lost. What? Did you expect good to win? Let this be a lesson to you. No matter how much you want it, good doesn't always win! (Cue evil laughter, and fade to black.)


  1. Though the evil voice won, but at least you're feeding them something that they could eat! I like the close-up pictures of the goose..Have a great weekend, Ratty!

  2. the first photo is amazing the intensity of the goose gaze is penetrating. oh i am glad you made them come back, i can see you playing with them like a kid :) it's great we can keep a kid in us.

  3. I totally agree with Icy. And, that closeup is amazing. Freat story Ratty.

  4. The evil might have won, but it won't be forever.
    The good will strike back.

  5. The photos are beautiful, I really like that close up of the goose.
    I agree with rainfield61, the Evil Ratty won out today but we know Good Ratty will be back very soon.

    Have a great day,

  6. lol, ratty, you are naughty! hehehe

  7. Good DID threw the last handful of weeds to them when you left rather than throwing them back on the they did get your last treat after all....
    so there.
    You can't be evil after all.

  8. Good or bad, you got some great photos Ratty!! You little devil!

  9. What beautiful geese pics! I especially love that close-up...amazing capture!

  10. Oh Ratty! That post was fun. Loved the photos of your geese and your wonderful writing as well.

  11. At least this time you feed them with something edible. Actually it's the good side of you that quietly won the battle. Evil has lost.

  12. Icy - I like that closeup picture too. I regretted everything later on.

    Betchai - I caught it as it was watching the food in my hand. It was kind of like a kid. I just couldn't help myself.

    Poetic Shutterbug - Thanks. I think I wanted to be more evil than I actually was.

    Rainfield - By now you know you have told the truth. A great storm was brought down to punish me.

    SquirrelQueen - The storm of the next day brought back good Ratty in a hurry, so you are very correct.

    PJ - I'm glad you like it. I just couldn't hold the naughty in any longer. It overpowered me.

    The Retired One - Oh no! You've figured out my secret. I'm trying to look cool to everyone by being evil, but it just didn't work. :)

    Ginnymo - That was my real purpose here all along. Neither good nor evil really mattered in the big picture.

    EarthToHolly - The closeups were very fun for me to get.

    Mountain Woman - I hope I can begin to write fun posts like this more often again now.

    VanillaSeven - That's the way good works. It wins without anyone noticing. Evil always has to be loud because it knows it can never win in the end.
