
Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Running Rabbit

There is a place on the hiking trail where I don't ever expect to see any animals. I don't know why, because I've seen birds here plenty of times before. I've also seen a few interesting bugs. I guess it's mammals that I'm thinking of then when I think I won't see any animals.

This place is at the front of the park, right at the entrance to the forest. There are big turns on the trail that hide the parking lot behind a good sized group of trees, and the little area forms a small meadow there. When I think about it, it's really a great place for smaller animals to hide.

But I was still very surprised when I had just emerged from the forest on my way out of the park. If you haven't guessed what happened yet, I guess I'm just going to have to tell you. I walked around the first bend of that twisty turny(that's right, I said twisty turny!) trail, and I came right up behind a little brown rabbit resting on the trail.

I was as quick with my camera as I could be. I really wasn't prepared to see anything, so the camera was only ready to get pictures of scenery. I had to take the time to zoom it in to get a decent shot of this little rabbit. By the time I was ready, which was only a matter of seconds, the rabbit was already running.

I was lucky enough to get three shots of the little rabbit before it disappeared into the grass on the right of the path. All three pictures came out good, which is very unusual when I have to rush like I did. I wanted to get some closeups of the rabbit, but I guess it wasn't meant to be this time. These three action shots may be better anyway.

This was the first time in a year that I saw a rabbit on a hiking trail. I've seen plenty of them, and I even have some closer and more detailed pictures of one, but never on the trails. In fact, this is only the second one I've ever seen right on the trail. The other one was because of the magic of my little friend Alice, but it seems I've been developing my own magic now.

There goes the rabbit, racing around the track! That was one of the exciting things of the day for me. I love the adrenaline rush of trying to keep up with a fleeing animal. A hunter has this same rush, but my animals are left unharmed. I have the advantage of being able to stalk these animals again and again.

This little rabbit is the last mammal I've seen so far, until my next adventure, of course. I wonder what I'll see next. Will it be as fun as this was? Will I put myself in danger, like I have on a few other occasions? Will I find a sad scene of a hurt or dying animal? Or will I find a happy family of a mother and her babies? Read and find out!


  1. You are as quick to take the picture as the rabbit to run away!!

    Both of your (you and rabbit) adrenaline rushing to the maximum.

  2. You seem to encounter all the fun adventures, what a rush for me to see the running rabbit :-)

  3. They can be pretty quick so it's great that you were able to capture him on camera even though he was running away.

  4. We saw our first rabbit on a road last month too. We used to see them all the time...but now, not in years. I tried to get good photos too, but he was too quick for me to get a good closeup. Another challenge for me. I like to see what "new" animals I can capture with my shots, too.

  5. oh wow, it is like the rabbit is also enjoying the trail running! really cute!

  6. Great shots of that rabbit running Ratty!

  7. So cute! I love bunny rabbits.

  8. That was very interesting. You were as quick as the rabbit to capture it instantly. Great work! ^__^

  9. Ann - Thanks. I just got lucky.

    Rainfield - Both the rabbit and I had an exciting encounter. I'm sure the rabbit is glad it's over.

    Icy BC - I hope I get to sneak up on another rabbit like that one day again.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I wish I had more shots of him. I'm always greedy for more.

    The Retired One - The new animals are always the most exciting. I'm lucky to see plenty of rabbits. Only a few on the hiking trails though.

    Betchai - That rabbit was indeed enjoying the trail, until the big awful human got there.

    Ginnymo - Thanks. It was fun getting them.

    Vanilla - Me too! It made me feel like a hound dog.

    Ashley - I like them too. They have the best ears of any animal.

    Harumi - The rabbit was quick. I was lucky. :)
