
Friday, August 21, 2009

Fawns Of The Meadow

I'm not going to give you a big story today. Instead, after checking the poll results so far, I'm going to give you extra photos this time. Each one of these photos has a fawn(baby deer) in it. They're all doing what fawns do when they're let loose to play in a meadow. I'll tell what they're doing, with a short description under each photo. Let me know what you think.

This first fawn appears to be smelling the flowers, but I suspect he is really looking for a tasty little snack.

This fawn's mouth is open because it is in the middle of chewing its breakfast. It is leasurely walking to the next place it thinks something might taste good.

The fawn in the middle of the picture is curiously watching me, trying to figure out what I'm doing. They kept checking me out every few seconds. The one on the left and behind it is having fun running and playing. They were not at all afraid of me.

Here is a good close up of one of the fawns. It is standing right at the edge of the forest. I really love looking at the spots on their backs, and the other little details that I never noticed before.

Here's a shot from a little farther away. This fawn is walking to catch up to its mother, where she is watching me to make sure I don't try anything.

Here's the first fawn again. It looked up at me from its flower. Doesn't that face just look so innocent?

And there it goes! It must have decided it was too close to me and not close enough to its mom. The fawn isn't running very fast. It's only a slow trot. This is a good view that shows why these are called white-tailed deer.

This is the most different post I have ever done for a Friday. What do you think?


  1. I hope he found a tasty delicious snack :)
    Great photos! Keep it coming!

  2. Good post and description. The last picture which shows the white tail is the pot of gold of the day.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Well, I also have a treat reading/looking at your post! Thank you..

  4. Great shots of them Ratty!! Love the end one as he's running away. I haven't seen my two again but I'm waiting.

  5. Ratty, I am really impressed by these closeups. They display every detail and show just what gorgeous animals these are. So what is he eating for breakfast?

  6. Great post! Love your description. Deer are so beautiful, I'm jealous you have been seeing so many!

  7. Beautiful photos and a great sequence! If only these lovely critters weren't so darn destructive here at WillOaks during the winter!

  8. I love the contrast of the fawn and the blackeyed Susan yellow flowers...wonderful shot, Ratty!

  9. your pictures are way cool ratty! i love how you captured the mist in them. the fawns are amazing, i can't believe you were so close to them. told you...dr. doolittle in the works...hehehe

  10. These are some really great shots, but thought you always have good pictures.

  11. beautiful pictures once again, the mist adds more drama and depth to the picture, so captivating.

  12. Now that is kicking up your heels!! I love the dreamy look with the mist in the meadow.

    Have a great weekend.

  13. Wow.. those fawns look so cute and adorable. We're learning lots about them through your excellent photos and wonderful captions. Thanks a lot!

  14. VanillaSeven - Thanks. All the deer found great snacks that day.

    Rainfield - I've been trying to show a picture of a deer like that one for awhile now. I'm glad I got it this time.

    Icy BC - Thank you. I'm glad to be able to show you some of our local wildlife.

    Ginnymo - I'm sure your deer will be back. It's too good of a place for the animals for them to stay away.

    Stacie - Thanks. I'm glad you like them.

    Poetic Suhtterbug - Thanks. I got lucky that they came so close. I think their breakfast consisted of the grass of the meadow. I have more pictures of them with it sticking out of their mouths.

    Ashley - I've developed a sense of where the deer like to go, plus they will be coming out more and more now.

    WillOaks Studio - The deer are considered destructive around here in the winter sometimes too. Sadly, they're overpopulated.

    The Retired One - That was mostly luck to get that contrast, but I did get the flowers in there on purpose.

    PJ - Maybe a little Doolittle, but if one of them talks to me, Im going to run. :D

    Sadermaxx - Thanks for the vote of confidence. I don't consider my pictures that special, but I know they're luckily good sometimes.

    Betchai - That mist added some drama while I was there too. It was a great experience.

    Julia - There was also a dreamy look and feel while I was there. It really felt like a dream.

    Harumi - I never thought I would see as many fawns as that at one time. I'm glad I was able to share the experience.

  15. I knew when we left for our trip to Nevada I was probably going to miss some really great posts, yep I was right. The deer photos are great Ratty, excellent captures on both posts. The deer in the mist is beautiful and I just love your shots of the fawn.

    I'm finally getting over the racing-lag (similar to jet lag but worse) and catching up on my blog reading.


  16. SquirrelQueen - I was lucky that these deer weren't afraid of me. Even these little ones came very close, as you can see. I hope your vacation was a good one. The race must have been fun.
