
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Arrogant Goose

I started out very early today so I could test out my new settings for the camera before it began to rain. This was a dark day. and the clouds were thick in the sky. It had been already raining off and on, so I thought this trip might be cut short.

By the time I got down to the lake I hadn't seen any animals at all yet. I thought maybe I'd just take some scenery pictures, but after a few minutes two of the adult geese came swimming towards me from the other end of the lake.

They passed right by me and swam towards the dam. I quickly climbed up the little wall so I could see what they were up to. Just as they got to the edge of the dam, the first goose, with his wings spread wide, jumped up on to the top of the dam!

He stood there looking around for a few seconds. I guess he thought he was surveying his domain. There was a duck sitting a little further off to the side from him. That duck seems to like it up there. It's been going and laying there for a few days now.

The whole time this was happening the other duck stood down at the edge of the dam looking on. Every few seconds she would take a drink of water, and she was content to stay where she was. The water around her might seem shallow. She's actually standing on the edge of the dam. It's very deep a few feet behind her.

While the female goose looked on, the male spread his wings once again to shake off any excess water. I'm guessing that he also wanted to show off a little bit. He looks like a proud rooster that's ready to crow. He then turned towards the duck and decided he wanted the dam all to himself.

The duck slowly got up and waddled a few feet away from him just in case he had to make a quick exit. The goose wasn't quite satisfied with this, so he walked towards the duck with his head down as if to nudge him further away. The duck grudgingly obliged.

Now I've been calling this obnoxious goose a he in this story, but I can't be sure. I'm only guessing that a male would behave in this arrogant and aggressive manner. A female creature usually needs a better reason than just space to stand there. What do you think? Am I right, or do you think I'm wrong about it? Let me know your thoughts on this.

After a few minutes the duck quietly got up and eased himself away from the cocky goose. This seemed to please the goose greatly, because he turned towards the duck and gave a great big honk.


  1. That arrogant goose! Great pictures as always, Ratty!

  2. Goose is as arrogant as human, but we call ourself gentlemen.

  3. Boy, it is hard to tell if it was a male or female...sometimes the females get more territorial because of having babies in the they get more vocal and assertive...or maybe it is PMS? ha
    Again, it could have been male and showing off for the female...
    Or, maybe two males or two females...I don't know!
    Great story to go with the photos.
    Hope you had a great weekend! It was finally warmer here.

  4. Isn't it funny the stories the animals tell us if we are just still enough to watch them for a bit??

  5. Great photos Ratty! I love the story to go along with them too. Ha! great, as usual!!

  6. Arrogant and showing off? hmmm has to be a male. Great story Ratty.

  7. hmmm, am not so sure, but maybe have to agree it is a male? bit then, sometimes a female can be mean too :) heeeheehe. love the story and the pictures that goes along with it.

  8. Icy BC - Thanks. He sure is arrogant.

    Kruel - He's proud and not afraid to show it.

    Rainfield - Maybe he thinks he is a gentleman too.

    The Retired One - I usually assume a female wouldn't be as showy with the anger towards the duck. You're right though, it could have been either.

    Lin - Yes. I love watching the animals act out their little stories.

    Ginnymo - Thanks. I always hope my stories are entertaining.

    Poetic Shutterbug - That's exactly what I was thinking. Females just don't seem to do things that way.

    Betchai - I think when females are mean they are not so showy, and they are much more vicious, not to be messes with then. Thanks.

  9. I like that you can captured the moments especially for 1st and 3rd photos. Male will trying to show off to attracts the female attentions. That is what almost all male animals do.

  10. Rose - I almost didn't climb up to watch the geese. I was glad I did. Most males I've ever see, do exactly that, even humans.

  11. Good observations of course. I think it could have been either M or F. Geese sure can be that way. I like how you explained what was happening.

  12. Sharkbytes - Yeah, I could still be wrong about which is which. I'm pretty sure that the female often takes the lead when the goslings are present. The male takes up a position at the rear of the line then.
