
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Another Squirrely Post

Curious SquirrelI don't know what's wrong with me these days! I was never treated like this before!A few years ago people used to avoid me. I was followed through supermarkets by security. I was hated. I was shunned. People wanted revenge for things I didn't do. Little children used to cry at the sight of me. Now they like me more than their own parents.

Even the animals feared me. I had a war with the squirrels. Well, I actually started that one. A duck literally ran across the water from me. Even a deer, you know like Bambi, wanted to attack me. Now it's all different. I don't know what changed, but it did. I think I'm just losing my touch!

What's wrong with me now? Not too long ago a deer looked to me for protection from other humans. A mother squirrel calmly stood there posing for pictures for me. And just yesterday a red-winged blackbird had a staring contest with me. Who knows? Maybe nothing has really changed. Or has it? Here comes the kicker!

Curious SquirrelWhile I was walking in the forest, thinking I wasn't going to see anything special, I finally saw one squirrel. That's right! One. All day. It wasn't very close to me. It was sitting on a fallen tree branch minding its own business, so I decided to stop and get a few pictures. The first shot is at the top of the post. You know what it did when it saw me?

That little squirrel looked up at me and quickly scampered across the tree limb right for me! Let me tell you, I'm a lot bigger than a squirrel, but I almost lost my nerve and ran. That little squirrel had a purpose, and that purpose involved me! But being the brave and strong man of nature that I am, I stood my ground and waited for this little terror to do his worst. (Oh please! I'm too young to die!)

Curious Squirrel I was really sure that this little squirrel was going to run right for me, then run up my leg and bite me right on the end of my nose! But it didn't! Just when it got to the end of the big tree branch it turned to my right and jumped over to the side of another tree. They love doing that for some strange reason.

I thought maybe it had decided to change its mind, but it was only getting started. After climbing just a little higher on the tree, it turned towards me once more. Then it stopped and just stared at me. Of course I stupidly stared right back at it. That's when it dawned on me! This squirrel didn't look angry at all. I honestly think it wanted me to take it's picture!

Curious SquirrelIf that wasn't enough, after I got a few shots from the side of the tree, it moved over to the front. That's when it did the strangest thing of all. It turned itself upside down on the front of the tree and stared at me again. What? Did it have some sort of strange bet with the other squirrels or something? I think I'm going crazy.

After I got all the pictures I wanted, it turned around and trotted off into the forest. Unfortunately, I was so shaken by this encounter that half the pictures turned out blurry. This is another incident where I could put all the pictures together to make a small movie of it. I have to figure out how to do that one of these days.

If you think this is all a joke, just take a look at the pictures. They're all the proof I need! I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy! I'm not crrraaazzzzzeeeeeeeeee!

Lesson of the day: Never take a guy named after a rodent too seriously.


  1. I have thought of something that Ginnymo has mentioned in the earlier comment. When I am not around, how long will my blog be around, will people still visit this site. Quite a strange thinking, as strange as the squirrel, as strange as the crrraaazzzzziiiiiiiiiiiinesssssss.

  2. Ha! Ha! Love this post Ratty! You are a nut!!! In a nice way of course..Ha! I think that squirrel just wanted some company so it was playing with you..:)

  3. I think they read your blog too Ratty and they know you are making them famous

  4. African Weight Loss Diva - Stick around here and you'll get to see plenty of squirrels.

    Rainfield - Hopefully all of this stuff will be around for a very long time. I hope somebody sees mine in another fifty or one hundred years and says, "That guy was a lunatic!" :)

    Ginnymo - I think it was playing too. It did honestly give me a small scare at first though.

    Kruel - That could be true. They do seem to be posing for pictures a little too much lately. I hope they don't expect me to pay them or anything.

  5. Wouldn't that be fun to see the movie of the squirrels you put together? These squirrels of yours are as famous as movie stars!

  6. Icy BC - One of these times I'll have to put together something like that. This squirrel would be very entertaining. I also have a sequence of pictures where a deer wanted to attack me.

  7. you really have a great set of interesting squirrel poses or actions, like what Icy had said, it would be fun to see a movie of your squirrel pictures put together.

  8. Betchai - I'm going to try it some time. I haven't done anything like that before so I'm worried about how much size it will take up. And I'm not sure how to do it yet.

  9. I came over from In Love with Daisies for a little visit and what do I find? A very good story and it appears no squirrels were harmed. Very good. But what do I see at the bottom of the story, another story about a Squirrel War, oh my.
    I think I shall have to follow this blog so I can read more.

    You do have a very interesting blog, I enjoyed the story.

    Have a great day,

  10. Hi Ratty, great post. As usual! I love your squirrells.
    The easiest way to make a photo movie is using Microsoft movie maker. It is on most microsoft systems as standard. It is very easy to use and there are help files on the computer to explain it. With regards to how much space it will take up, I put my video on YouTube first then just linked it on my page. If you needed any help with either, I'd be happy to assist :)
    By the way, I had a squirrell on my bird feeder yesterday, got some awesome shots, so they will be up on my site soon.

  11. SquirrelQueen - The only time any squirrels are harmed here is in fictional posts, and there's usually a question about it then. Being the Squirrel Queen, you'll find many of your loyal subjects in my stories, they seem to like it here.

    Daisy - Thanks for the link. It was very generous of you. I'll be dropping by often.

    Bemused - Thanks for the help. I'll give Movie Maker and YouTube a try. That sounds like the right combination. It may take me awhile to get it all done, but I think I'll do it.

    I'll be eagerly waiting for your squirrel pictures.

  12. Love your squirrel pictures! I am a little nutty for squirrels myself so your story was great!

  13. They are just getting used to you and your camera and now you are a friend of the forest and they all come to greet you like in Snow White. The war must be over!

  14. Squirrel - I'm glad you like them. I have a lot of squirrel pictures here, and I know there will be more.

    The Retired One - This one did seem to recognize me as a friend. I still wasn't sure how to take it. I hope they realize I don't exactly look like Snow White. :)
