
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nesting Goose Update 2 - The Eggs

Canada Goose And Eggs
Well, here I am with another update of the nesting goose. I didn't intend to have another one so soon, but there has obviously been an interesting development from the nest. I only went over to see if she was safe after the thunderstorms we've been having. She kindly posed bashfully for the camera, and she let me have a good look at what was in her nest!

Before I go on, here's part one and two of my nesting goose watch for anyone who might be interested:

  1. Nesting Goose
  2. Nesting Goose Update

Now that that's done, we'll move ahead with the story. As you could tell from the title of this post, This has something to do with the eggs the goose is sitting on. That's right, I said eggs, not egg. That means there's more than one. But how many?

Well, I kept talking about only one egg before, but as some of us talked in the comments section, the possibility of maybe even two eggs came up. We were on the right track, but we hadn't pulled into the station on that one yet. Yes, there is more than one egg, but there is also more than two. This goose has laid seven eggs altogether!

Canada Goose Eggs
Here's a better look at the future geese of America. Go ahead, count 'em if you like. Like I said, there are a grand total of seven eggs altogether. That goose must have been really tired after laying all of these eggs! Of course, I don't know anything more about the typical number of eggs a Canada Goose would lay, but I guess it must be about seven.

Wait... I just now did a search on the number of eggs a Canada Goose will lay. The number is exactly seven! Remarkable! I guess this goose knows how to do it right. I learned that a goose will lay an egg every one and a half days until she gets to seven. Then she'll begin to sit on them until they hatch. Hatching time takes about twenty eight days.

So far it's been at least a week of sitting for our favorite goose, so maybe the next update will take a little longer. The reason she was up this time was because she was getting some much needed exercise, and a nice bath in the lake. She quickly went back to her eggs, and I soon decided it was time to leave her in peace. Hopefully, the next update will be as good as this one.


  1. That is so cool.The picture of the eggs is great, can't wait to see the 7 babies :D

    I like the way she seems to let you take the photos with no real concern in this last post. I'll be checking back for the next update- when should they start hatching do you reckon? Please don't miss them!!!

  2. I can't wait to follow along on this. The eggs are so pretty! Baby geese are adorable.

  3. The nest looks inviting. Good timing to find her off for a break. Looks like you're mastering that camera - the egg photo is good and sharp.

    ...and you taught me something. I didn't know that they laid a certain number of eggs. to

  4. Wonder is there any people who hunt these wild geese, or are they protected by the law?
    All the animals I read about seemed to be too free to move around without much cautious of human.

  5. Bemused - I hope I can be there to see those seven baby geese. It'll be pure luck if I get to see them.

    They should start hatching in about two or three weeks, but I'll be watching every few days until then. I really hope I get to see them.

    Kallen - I haven't seen any baby geese before, so I'm really excited about this myself. I hope I can get there before they go into hiding.

    WiseAcre - She was actually still on the nest when I got there. As I walked around for a better view she hopped into the water for a swim. I was very lucky.

    I never knew exactly how many they laid either. I found out right when I was writing the story. I also read that if you steal some of the eggs, they'll keep laying them until they have the same total of seven.

    Rainfield - All of the wild animals in this area are completely protected by the law. We're too close to the city to allow any hunting, and these animals here are inside a protected nature preserve. So they are protected in two ways.

    These animals are pretty free to move about mostly because they don't present a big threat to humans. If there are dangerous animals, like a rattlesnake, the government would be called in to remove it.

  6. yehey, i get to see the eggs of the nesting goose. can't wait for the future geese.

  7. Betchai - I never thought I would get to see the eggs. I hope we won't be disappointed when the babies hatch. I hope we get to see them.

  8. I am very interested in the egg photo. Looks like a rebirth of something good

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing the goslings. Last week I saw ducklings and baby moor hens in Norfolk, so cute.

  10. Very nice post! The best pic I've seen of a goose nest with eggs in it! Usually you can't get anywhere near enough because they are on some island in a pond or whatever. But the fence protected her yet kept the nest close. This is great!

  11. It is so cool that her nest is highly visible. I understand from your previous post that she is still protected behind a fence, but nonetheless, still very cool! The Canadian Geese in California have already hatched their young. Families are walking around parks.

  12. Roentarre - These eggs symbolize the magic of spring, the season of rebirth.

    John - I'm looking forward to seeing them too. I've never seen any goslings or ducklings before.

    Sharkbytes - The other geese are hidden nearby at the other end of the lake. Nobody goes there, but you can sometimes see them from a long distance. This goose may be more protected than any of the rest.

    Rene - I hope I get to see this family of geese walking around. I worry that I'll go back one day and they'll all be gone. I just have to think happy thoughts.

  13. I love this post!! I'll be following it!!!

  14. Wow..did you see all those downy feathers she had in the nest? Better than a Posturpedic mattress!!
    It will be so neat if you can get photos of the little ducklings when they hatch! Can't wait!

    The Retirement Chronicles

  15. Ginnymo - I hope to have at least a few more good updates about the goose for you. I'm excitedly following this too!

    The Retired One - She has some feathers stuck to her bill too. She went swimming to wash them off.

    I really hope I get to take a few pictures of the babies. I can't wait either.
